
  1. 第三部分从国际国内因素和建构主义国际关系理论三个方面分析了梅内姆政府时期阿根廷外交政策转变的原因。

    Part three analyzes the reason for the change of Argentine foreign policies in Menemgovernment from three aspects , world and domestic environment and constructionism ofinternational relation theory .

  2. 目前,国内对建构主义国际关系理论的研究多是集中在对理论本身的介绍和评价上,较少涉及运用该理论对国际关系现实问题进行研究;

    Nowadays , in China , the Constructivism research is mainly concerned about the introduction and evaluation of the theory itself , however , the Constructivism research on international issues is rare .

  3. 通过对中日能源全球争夺的现实态势分析与运用新现实主义和建构主义等国际关系理论分析的分析方法相结合的方式,以达到理论联系实际的研究方法。

    In order to put the theory into practice we use a combination of analytical methods of international relations theory of neo-realism and constructivism to analysis oil competition between China and Japan .

  4. 建构主义作为西方国际关系理论中新兴的主流学派之一,具有自己独特的理论视角,它将社会学的研究方法引入国际关系领域。

    Constructivism is one of mainstream theories in west international relations ( IR ); it has particular sight that it introduces social studying methods into IR .

  5. 经过了10余年的发展,建构主义已成为推动国际关系理论向纵深发展的强劲学派。

    With its 10 odd years development , Constructivism has formed a complete knowledge system . And it has also become the motivation for the development of theories on international relationships .