
  • 网络Construction land use rights;land use right for construction
  1. 首先,是有关建设用地使用权的问题;

    The first one is about the land use right for construction .

  2. 农村建设用地使用权属于用益物权。

    The rural collective construction land tenure is the usufructuary rights .

  3. 空间建设用地使用权的理论解析&以普通建设用地使用权人的同意权为中心

    An Analysis of the Right to Use of the Space of Land

  4. 对建立我国农民集体所有建设用地使用权流转制度的法律探讨

    Juristic Discussion on Transition of Usufruct of Peasant Collective Owned Construction Land

  5. 经批准取得集体所有的非农业建设用地使用权;

    The collectively-owned , non-agricultural-construction-use land use right is acquired through approval ;

  6. 创新集体建设用地使用权流转制度的思考

    Innovation on the Transferring System of the Usufruct of Collective Construction Land

  7. 论农村集体建设用地使用权流转的立法问题

    Explication of Legislation on Use Right Circulation of Rural Collective Construction Land

  8. 拍卖出让建设用地使用权法律问题研究

    The Legal Issues Research on Construction of Land-Use Rights to Remise by Auction

  9. 集体土地的使用人或所有权人皆可对集体建设用地使用权设立抵押。

    All collective land users or owners are able to mortgage the land .

  10. 浅析农村建设用地使用权流转的必然性

    Analysis on the Necessity of the Use Right 's Circulation of Country Construction Field

  11. 中国农村集体建设用地使用权流转政策的梳理与展望

    Analysis and Outlook of Circulation Policies on Rural Collective Construction Land Tenure in China

  12. 集体建设用地使用权若干问题研讨

    A Study on the Issues of the Use Right to the Collective-Owned Construction Land

  13. 集体建设用地使用权流转研究&一个博弈模型的构建

    A Study of Collective Construction Land-Use Right Transfer & Construction of a Game Model

  14. 我国建设用地使用权的划拨与出让利弊分析

    Analysis of the systems of allocated land-use right and granted land-use right in China

  15. 第三章的内容是集体土地使用权出资。具体分为集体建设用地使用权出资和农地使用权出资。

    Chapter three discusses the investment of the right to the use of collective land .

  16. 由出让人有偿收回建设用地使用权;

    A.The Assignor shall withdraw the construction land use right with compensation to the Assignee ;

  17. 严格限制以划拨方式设立建设用地使用权。

    It is severely restrained to create the right to use construction land through allotment .

  18. 集体建设用地使用权合法流转的政策与法律空间研究

    Policy and Legal Feasibility Analysis of Circulation of the Right to Use the Collective-owned Construction Land

  19. 第一部分阐述了集体建设用地使用权流转的基本概念。

    The first section sets out the basic concept of the collective construction land use right transfer .

  20. 建设用地使用权作为一种物权,其法律效力的内容十分宽泛。

    Construction land use rights as a property , its legal effect , which is very broad .

  21. 第二部分,拍卖出让建设用地使用权的历史沿革。

    The second part is the history of the construction of land-use rights to remise by auction .

  22. 同时,还要使农村集体建设用地使用权市场化流转。

    At the same time , but also the rural collective construction land use right transfer market .

  23. 我国国有建设用地使用权收回制度的完善

    The Improvement of the Legal System on Retracting the Right to the Use of State-owned Construction Land

  24. 被物权法遗忘的权利&集体建设用地使用权流转的合法性与合理性分析托克维尔如何区分集权政府与行政集权?

    The Right Forgetting by Property Law ; How does Tocqueville distinguish between governmental and administrative centralization ?

  25. 农民权益保护视角下农村集体建设用地使用权流转

    Use Right Transfer of Rural Collective Construction Land from the Perspective of Peasants ' Rights and Interests Protection

  26. 禁止集体建设用地使用权进入房地产市场的正当性质疑

    Question about the Legitimacy of Forbidding the Usufruct of Collective Land for Construction Entering the Real Estate Market

  27. 在大陆法系国家,存在着与我国建设用地使用权类似的地上权制度,规定有地上权保护的系统性规则。

    In civil law countries , systematic rules of the right on the ground provide the systematic protection .

  28. 还重点分析了房屋灭失后对住宅建设用地使用权的影响问题。

    Also focuses on analysis of the housing loss impact of the right to the use of housing land .

  29. 2007年我国颁布的《物权法》,明确了建设用地使用权可以分层设立的法律制度。

    The Property Law defined that the rights of the land use for construction could be established in gradation .

  30. 农村建设用地使用权流转的市场化及法律保障

    Rural reconstruction land right of use circulation On the Marketability and Legal Safeguard of Transfer of Rural Construction Land