
jiàn zhù yè
  • construction business;construction industry;building
  1. 听说你过去从事建筑业。

    I understand you used to be in the construction business .

  2. 建筑业发展战略初探

    Primary investigation on the development strategic of construction business

  3. 对建筑业的工人来说形势看来很不乐观。

    Things are looking grim for workers in the building industry .

  4. 这些政策使得建筑业的形势急转直下。

    These policies have sent the construction industry into an abrupt nosedive .

  5. 许多孟加拉国人都从事建筑业或渔业。

    Many Bangladeshis were employed in the construction or fishing industries .

  6. 建筑业的同行们都非常敬重他。

    He is held in high esteem by colleagues in the construction industry

  7. 建筑业不再像以往那样萧条了。

    The construction industry is no longer as depressed as it was .

  8. 接着出现了经济繁荣,尤其是在房地产业和建筑业。

    An economic boom followed , especially in housing and construction

  9. 建筑业受到经济衰退的严重影响。

    The construction industry was clobbered by recession

  10. 建筑业相对来说依然是劳动密集型的行业。

    Construction remains a relatively labour-intensive industry .

  11. 今年建筑业生意兴隆。

    Business in building is brisk this year .

  12. 建筑业应对WTO的若干问题研究

    Study on Some Problems of Construction Industry Confronted with WTO

  13. 加入WTO后中国建筑业的人才培养

    Research on Chinese Talent Cultivation in Architecture After Joining WTO

  14. 加入WTO后中国建筑业的竞争环境分析及对策研究

    A Research on the Competitive Environment of the Chinese Construction Industry and Its Countermeasures after China 's Accession into WTO

  15. 介绍了中国加入WTO后的有关规定对建筑业及铁路工程经济专业的影响。

    This paper makes an introduction to the impacts of related regulations of WTO on the building industry and engineering economics specialty .

  16. 利用web实现建筑业信息集成是建筑业信息化的发展方向,而平台的不统一性和数据的异构性是信息集成化发展的瓶颈。

    While the web-based information integration is the key direction of architectural information integration , the different software platform and data type become the bottleneck of the development .

  17. DEA模型方法在排位评估中的应用&广东省在全国建筑业生产效率的排位研究

    Application of DEA method in evaluating ranking & Research on the productive efficiency ranking of Guangdong 's construction industry in China

  18. 价值管理(VM)是应付当今建筑业诸多挑战的一个有用的管理工具。

    Value management ( VM ) is a useful method to use when dealing with challenges arising in the construction industry .

  19. 在电力体制变化的过程中,中国加入了WTO,对中国的建筑业实行了5年的减让期,2006年将是最后的保护期限。

    During the power system reform , 5 years of concession period was given to the construction industry with China 's access to WTO , and 2006 would be the last year of protection .

  20. IFC标准是建筑业事实上的数据交换与共享标准。

    IFC standard is a de facto standard for the exchanging and sharing of the information of construction .

  21. 加入WTO之后,我国的建筑业也面临许多新的挑战,国内的建筑企业如何有效的参与到国际项目的招投标当中,取决于其是否精通国际通行的招投标模式和工程计价模式。

    After joining the WTO , China architecture industry also faces many new challenges . That the domestic construction enterprise enters international items bidding effectively is decided whether he is skilled in the international general bid pattern .

  22. 混凝土搅拌站的选址问题(theallocationproblemoftheconcretemixingplants,以下简称APCMP)属于组合优化问题,随着我国建筑业的迅速发展,近年来越来越表现出其重要的实际意义。

    The allocation problem of the concrete mixing plants ( APCMP ) belongs to the combinatorial optimization problem , it shows the more important practical significance with the rapid development of the construction industry .

  23. 基于统计资料对中国东西部地区建筑业GDP、建筑业总产值、基本建设投资、城市基础设施建设等宏观经济数据进行实证比较分析。

    Based on the statistics , this paper gives comparative and positive analysis of the construction GDP , total output value of construction , infrastructure investment , cities infrastructure construction in both the east and west regions of China .

  24. 房地产投资直接占中国GDP大约13%,因此该行业若发生崩盘,将会产生冲击波,不仅影响中国,还将殃及大宗商品出口国&这些国家依赖中国建筑业实现自身增长。

    Real estate investment directly accounts for about 13 per cent of GDP so a collapse in the sector would have repercussions , not just in China but for commodity-exporting countries that rely on Chinese construction for their own growth .

  25. 在我国加入WTO、建筑业与世界接轨及工程量清单计价模式在全国正式推广的背景下,规范化的招投标对于陕西省建筑市场的健康、良好的运行非常必要。

    Under the background of our country entering into WTO , the construction industry joining with world market and Bills of Quantities formally being carried out in domestic construction market , it is necessary for construction markets of shaanxi province to have a standard bidding .

  26. 随着我国改革开放脚步的不断前行,市场经济的不断发展,特别是加入WTO以后,建筑业在国民经济中发挥着越来越重要的作用,正慢慢成为我国国民经济的支柱产业。

    With the further movement of reform opening and the development of the market economy , especially our nation entering the WTO , construction plays a very important role in the national economy . It is also become slowly the pillar industry in our national industry .

  27. 建筑业是我国经济的重要支柱产业,不仅在GDP中占有重要比重,更解决了大量农民工的务工就业问题,对于国家经济发展和社会和谐具有重大意义。

    Construction is an important economic pillar industry in our country , not only in GDP occupies the important proportion , the more solves the employment problem of rural labors , for the national economy development and social harmony meaning is of great significance .

  28. 分析了我国农村住宅的现状及加入WTO后农村建筑业面临的问题,提出了我国农村住宅建设需要着力考虑的几个问题及相应的对策,以期探寻农村住宅建设的出路。

    The paper analyses the problems of China 's rural architecture industry after accession to the WTO and present condition of the rural housing , and points out some prob-lems need to be considered seriously in rural housing construction and relevant countermeasures in order to search the way .

  29. 利用Feder模型定量分析了安全管理活动对建筑业经济增长的作用。

    The Feder-Model was introduced in this article to analyses the relationship between safety management and economic growth of construction industry .

  30. 随着建筑业市场竞争的加剧,国家对建筑市场监管力度的进一步加强,以及加入WTO后国内对建筑市场放开所带来的影响,国内诸多建筑设计院面临着巨大的竞争生存压力。

    A large majority of domestic Institutes of Architecture Designing are inevitably facing a great competition for survival as the increasing competition , greater efforts of supervising , and subsequent effects of the opening policy on the market of architecture after joining the World Trade Organization ( WTO ) .