
  • 网络basic industry;fundamental industry
  1. 我国基础产业经济性规制与产业政策初探

    Research on basic industries ' economical regulations & policies in China

  2. 投资继续向基础产业和基础设施领域倾斜。

    Investment continues to incline to basic industries and infrastructure field .

  3. 钢铁产业是一国国民经济的重要基础产业。

    Steel industry is the important basic industry of national economy .

  4. 论我国基础产业发展的问题与出路

    On Development Problem of China 's Infrastructure and the Way Out

  5. 电力工业是国民经济和社会发展的基础产业。

    Power is the basal industry of national economy and society development .

  6. 基础产业集团企业在投资决策中的博弈分析

    The Game Analysis of Invest Decision in Public Utility Group

  7. 林业是一项重要的基础产业,也是社会公益事业。

    The forestry is an important basic industry and social public service .

  8. 结构重建与中国基础产业的规制改革

    Structure Reconstruction and Regulatory Reform of China 's Infrastructure Industry

  9. 农业是南雄经济发展的基础产业。

    Agriculture is the economic development of basic industries Nanxiong .

  10. 园林旅游是马鞍山市的基础产业,因此其园林绿化规划指导思想确定为:以长江为依托,以市区内4条水系为主体构筑井字形生态绿化系统;

    Garden tourism is a basic industry in Ma'anshan City .

  11. 能源是国民经济的基础产业。

    Energy is a base industry for the national economy .

  12. 中国基础产业市场投资的影响因素分析

    The Analysis of the Factors Affecting the Market Investment of Infrastructure Industry

  13. 资金是决定基础产业发展的重要经济要素。

    And fund isa key factor to the development of basic industries .

  14. 林业既是基础产业又是公益事业。

    Forestry is fundamental industry and public welfare undertakings .

  15. 在基础产业中打破垄断与培育竞争&我国民航重组效应分析

    On Breaking Monopoly and Cultivating Competition in Basic Industry

  16. 种子产业是农业最重要的基础产业,掌握着农业竞争的主动权。

    Seed industry is the most important basis for the modern agricultural industry .

  17. 第二章详细阐述了公路货运在国家经济发展中的基础产业地位,以及公路货运对于实现我国全面小康社会目标、加快城镇化进程等社会目标的作用。

    The 2nd chapter explicated the position and meaning of highway-express to national development .

  18. 对水利是基础产业的认识

    Opinions on water industry as a basic industry

  19. 电力产业是我国国民经济中最重要的基础产业之一。

    Power industry is one of the most important basic industries in our country .

  20. 采取投融资倾斜政策,解决基础产业投融资不足的问题;

    The inclining policy is adopted ; inadequate investment of basic industry is resolved ;

  21. 煤炭产业是我国的基础产业。

    Coal enterprise is based industry in China .

  22. 林业既是我国的一项极为重要的基础产业又是一项意义深远的生态公益性事业。

    Forestry is both an important basic industry and far-reaching ecological public welfare undertaking .

  23. 基础产业项目融资研究

    Research on Project Finance of Basic Industries

  24. 加强基础产业建设,进一步扩大内需

    Strengthen Base Construction and Expand Internal Demand

  25. 网络型基础产业的边际报酬递增特性与互联互通&以电信业为例

    Attribute of Increasing Returns in Network-Infrastructure Industry

  26. 尽管工业的收益很大,农业仍是国民的基础产业。

    Despite the great gains in industry , agriculture remained the nation 's basic occupations .

  27. 在投资结构方面,基础产业投资力度明显加大。

    With regard to the structure of investment , investment in basic industries has significantly increased .

  28. 本文以中国为背景,研究影响基础产业市场投资的因素。

    The article studies the factors which affect the market investment of infrastructure industry in China .

  29. 矿业同农业一样,既是重要的基础产业,又是弱势产业;

    Mining industry , just like agriculture , is both important basic industry and weak industry .

  30. 农业是国家最重要的基础产业,又是国家最大的环保产业,是国家环保事业的重中之重。

    Agriculture is the most important department of Environmental protection and is the most basic department .