
  • 网络Basic risks;Fundamental risk;Basis Risk
  1. 然而,把基本风险局限于自然危险是不准确的。

    However it would not be accurate to limit fundamental risk to naturally occurring perils .

  2. 如果具体的回答不能在基础架构设计开始时(或更糟糕,在实现时)给出,这各问题应该被作为项目成功的基本风险。

    If concrete answers are not available by the time the infrastructure design begins ( or , worse , implementation ), this should be raised as a fundamental risk to project success .

  3. 而且很多人都能感受到基本风险的影响。

    In addition , the effect of fundamental risks is felt by large numbers of people .

  4. 信用风险和价格风险是企业债券品种设计所需规避的基本风险。

    Credit risk and pricing risk are the two key factors to be considered to design corporate bonds .

  5. 植物病原菌对杀菌剂的抗性风险由基本风险和治理风险组成。

    Risk of resistance in plant pathogenous fungi to fungicides is composed of inherent risk and management risk .

  6. 该思想的关键在与人们并没有看到,其中本质的基本风险管理问题,而是站在完全不同的角度去看问题。

    The idea is that people don 't see this basic risk management problem and they see things in entirely different terms .

  7. 基本风险是指那些由超出个人甚至是群体的原因引起的风险。

    Fundamental risks are those which arise from causes outside tile control of any one individual or even a group of individuals .

  8. 通过风险识别方法的运用和对农业上市公司投资风险的辨识,结果发现:其一,基本风险和突出风险是农业上市公司投资活动中普遍存在且必须高度重视的两大类风险。

    Identification results show that : firstly , the basic risks and prominent risk are two major categories existed in agricultural investment activities of listed companies .

  9. 此外,该模型使用了非参数的基本风险,其并没有对出行时间强加任何形式的先验的参数分布。

    In addition , the model uses a non-parametric baseline hazard distribution which does not impose any a priori parametric form on the departure time distribution .

  10. 利率风险是商业银行的基本风险之一,利率风险的存在将对商业银行的利润和市场价值等产生综合的影响。

    Risk of interest rates is one of the basic risks faced by commercial banks . It has a comprehensive impact on the return and market value .

  11. 另一种是使基本风险扩散的风险,即使基本风险在合作双方甚至整个经济社会扩散的可能。

    The second kind of risks will diffuse the basic risks , which means the basic risks will be diffused to other companies and even the whole society .

  12. 外汇衍生工具作为规避汇率风险进行投机保值的工具,具有高风险性,其基本风险有市场风险、信用风险、流动性风险、营运风险和法律风险。

    As a valuable tool of avoiding exchange-rate risk and guaranteeing price congenially , the FX Derivatives have market risk , credibility risk , liquidity risk , management risk and legal risk .

  13. 调查了某省建筑工程承包商的基本风险,并采用因子分析法,分类分析认为10个基本风险变量可分为4个综合风险因子和3类影响因子。

    The contractor risks of construction projects in certain province are investigated . By means of factor analysis approach , ten essential risk variables are divided into four critical components and three types of influential factors .

  14. 运用施工阶段逐层分解法对各个分部分项工程进行分解,找出基本风险源;通过专家函询的方式咨询专家意见,对风险进行估测;(5)对重大风险源进行专项施工风险评估。

    It uses layer decomposition method to identify the basic sources of risk and use the letter inquiry to consult experts to estimate the risk ;( 5 ) The major risk source had conduct to the special construction risk assessment .

  15. 目前,证券公司风险一般可分为证券自营风险和证券经纪业务风险,证券自营风险分为基本风险和经营管理风险,包括:利率风险、购买力风险、政治风险及企业经营风险和违约风险;

    Security company risk can be divided into self-operational risk and broker risk . Self-operational risk includes basic risk and management risk , which are interest risk , purchase power risk , political risk , operational risk , and credit risk ;

  16. 从业务技术角度分析网络金融的基本风险有两类,即基于信息技术投资导致的系统风险和基于虚拟金融服务品种形成的业务风险。

    From the angle of technology , the fundamental network financial risks are divided into two kinds , one is the system risk caused by IT investment , and the other is the service risk caused by the virtual financial service items .

  17. 利率风险、预期寿命风险以及住房价值风险构成了住房反向抵押贷款业务三大基本风险,本章首先详细分析了三大基本风险对住房反向抵押贷款业务的影响,分别提出了较为可行的解决方案。

    The interest rate risk , the longevity risk as well as the housing value risk constitute three fundamental risks . The three fundamental risks have great influence on the housing reverse mortgage pricing , so it is necessary to control the three fundamental risks .

  18. 商业银行流动性风险是一种综合性风险,商业银行的各种基本风险(如信用风险、市场风险、操作风险等)经过货币市场或金融市场的传递,最终都会形成流动性风险。

    The liquidity risk of commercial banks is a comprehensive risk . A lot of basal risks ( such as credit risk , market risk , and operation risk ) of commercial banks will lead to liquidity risk by transmitting in monetary market or financial market .

  19. 分析了IT招标项目的基本风险特征,并针对因IT招标项目中风险因素多、不确定性大而导致复杂的复合决策问题,在传统决策支持系统的基础上设计了综合推理方式的。

    This paper analyzed the basic characters of IT bidding project risk . Considering the imprecision and uncertainty of risk factors during the decision making of the project risk , we designed the IT project risk decision support system based on cooperate reasoning in Web environment by .

  20. 系统地考虑中国建筑业安全事故发生的时间、空间和影响因素,构建了以工程建设活动状态、安全基本风险因素和安全风险后果作为3个维度的建筑安全风险三维空间模型。

    By systematically considering the time , space and influential factors of accidents in construction safety of China , a three dimensional risk model of construction safety is established taking status of construction activity , basic risk factors of safety and the consequence of safety risk as three dimensions .

  21. 长江口水体中PAHs的基本生态风险特征

    Base Ecological Risk of PAHs in Water of Yangtze River Estuary

  22. 按揭贷款面临的风险是商业银行面临最基本的风险之一。

    Mortgage risk is the risk of commercial banks face the most basic one .

  23. 对于常规工程项目风险,现有的风险处理技术和手段基本满足风险处理需要。

    For the normal risk , the existing risk technique and method is fundamental satisfied risk disposal requirement .

  24. 在这五个风险中,我们又把它们分为两大类:基本合作风险和核心合作风险。

    The five risks may be classified in two sorts and they are basic and core cooperation risk .

  25. 二是可以减少分析的工作量,节约时间,还可以基本杜绝风险因素的遗漏,能使风险因素识别更全面。

    The other is to reduce analysis work and save time as well as to make complete identification of risk factors .

  26. 这些措施包括三方面的内容:其一,对并购风险的财务估测,在此提供了两个基本的风险估计模型。

    These measures above are the basic measures to ensure an acquiring firm to avoid the financial risks in M & A.

  27. 这样的情况在未来也许会出现,但是我认为,我们现在遇到的问题和中国上市公司的一个更为基本的风险有关。

    This may come out in time , but I think the problem here relates to a more fundamental risk with Chinese listings .

  28. 他们依赖评级机构进行基本的风险分析工作,而不是自己进行分析。

    Rather than undertake their own analysis , they relied on the rating agencies to do the essential work of risk analysis for them .

  29. 信用风险计量为金融机构提供了一种全方位的信用风险控制机制;为银行和监管部门提供了一个基本的风险标准;

    The credit risk measure way supplies a total sides risk control mechanism for financial institutions and also a basic risk standard for bank and supervision .

  30. 商业银行所面临着四种主要的利率风险:重新定价风险、基本点风险、选择权风险、收益曲线风险。

    The commercial banks face four kinds of main interest : Fix the price risk , basic point risk , option risk , yield curve risk .