
  1. 浅论军队基本建设财务管理信息系统的建立

    On establishing the information system of troops financial management of capital construction

  2. 基本建设财务集中管理和统一核算的思考

    Consideration of centralized management and unified accounting for basic construction

  3. 水利基本建设财务管理问题与对策

    Financial management of water basic construction and countermeasures

  4. 浅谈如何实施基本建设财务审计

    On implementation of capital construction financial auditing

  5. 如何把新校区基本建设财务管理工作做好,就成为我们的重要职责和义务,也是我们需要进一步研究的重大课题。

    How the new campus of basic construction of financial management work well , is our important duty and obligation , but also our topic .

  6. 2002年财政部印发了《基本建设财务管理规定》,对基本建设财务管理作了全面规范。

    In2002 , the Ministry of Finance issued the Regulations for Financial Management of Basic Construction , which provides comprehensive standard for financial management of basic construction .

  7. 水利基本建设单位财务管理

    Financial Management of Capital Construction Unit of Water Conservancy Sector

  8. 加强高等院校基本建设项目财务管理的探讨

    Discussion of Strengthening the Institutions of Higher Learning Items of Basic Construction Financial Control

  9. 对交通基本建设单位财务监督与内部审计进行了探讨。

    The paper makes an approach to financial supervision in unit of traffic capital construction and internal audits .

  10. 交通基本建设单位财务管理问题探讨拒不交纳的,由裁决机关通知其所在单位从本人工资中扣除,或者扣押财物折抵。

    In cases the offender denies responsibility , the organs making the ruling shall notify his work unit to deduct the reparations from his salary or retain his property to be converted into payment .

  11. 文中总结了水利基本建设单位财务管理工作的特点,重点阐述了保障基本建设单位财务管理的具体措施。

    The author summarizes the characteristic of the financial management in the capital construction unit of water conservancy sector , and as the focal point , the concrete measures to fulfill the financial management task are narrated .

  12. 文中概述了水利基本建设单位财务风险的潜在性,并对风险可能存在的环节进行了分析,提出了风险控制的重要性及风险控制的具体措施。

    In this paper , the latent financial risk of water construction unit is introduced briefly , and the links in which the rish may exist are analyzed . The importance and the concrete measures to control the financial risk are put forward .

  13. 基本建设计划财务管理的规范化与制度化是保证管理质量、提高工作效率的关键,设计和前期管理中的计财管理依然是基建投资控制的关键。

    It is the key for capital construction financial affairs management constituting criterion and system to guarantee management quality and raise work efficiency , in design and prophase management prophase , capital construction financial affairs management is also the key to control capital construction investment .

  14. 我先后从事财会工作和审计咨询工作,较熟悉会计师事务所行业的业务工作,尤其善长基本建设工程的财务会计业务。

    I have engaged in financial work and audit consultation work for many years . I know the financial business work very well , especially capital construction project .

  15. 从微观角度,依据我国现行财税制度和价格体系的要求,阐述了高校基本建设投资项目财务评价的职能、原则、内容、重要意义,以及评价指标的确定和计算方法。

    Based on the current finance , tax and price system , this paper discusses the finance evaluation of project investment of capital construction in colleges and universities , introduces its function , principle , content , significance , evaluation indicators and calculating methods .

  16. 目前各高校基本建设面临巨大的财务压力。

    Currently universities face huge financial pressure in their fundamental construction .

  17. 对企业的基本建设实施有效的财务控制,对于节约基本建设工程成本、提高资金使用效率和工程建设效率、积极应对市场疲软、节能降耗等方面都具有积极的作用。

    The basic construction of the enterprise is to implement effective financial control , capital projects for the conservation costs and to improve capital efficiency or the construction efficiency and to respond to market weakness , energy saving , so it will have a positive effect in all the aspects .