
  1. 野村证券的分析师表示,有了沪港通(Shanghai-HKConnect)和中港基金互认,境内外的个人和机构如今在进行跨境金融市场投资时,有了更多的渠道和更大的配额。

    With the Shanghai-HK Connect , and this Mutual Fund Connect , onshore and offshore individuals and institutions now have more channels and greater quotas to make cross-border financial market investments , said analysts at the Japanese bank .

  2. 香港和澳大利亚在2008年7月签署的共同基金互认协议就是一个很好的例子。

    A mutual fund recognition agreement signed between Hong Kong and Australia in July 2008 is a case in point .

  3. 在基金互认安排下,符合条件的、在香港注册的基金将能以更简化流程出售给中国内地散户投资者。

    The MRF will allow eligible Hong Kong-domiciled funds to be sold to retail investors in China under a streamlined procedure .

  4. 他说,同时,这家监管机构还将与业界合作,组织一系列的通风会,以帮助他们为基金互认项目做准备。

    In the meantime , the regulator will work with the industry and organise a number of briefing sessions to help them prepare for the scheme , he said .

  5. 此前中国政府出台的基金互认等项目,让外国机构更容易直接向中国投资者销售产品。

    This follows the introduction of rules , such as the mutual fund recognition programme , that have made it easier for foreign institutions to sell products directly to Chinese investors .

  6. 今年晚些时候,中国有望采取更加重要的开放举措,启动外界期待已久的香港和内地基金互认&该项目将允许境外资产管理公司将它们的某些产品直接销售给中国投资者。

    There are hopes of a more significant opening later this year with the long-awaited rollout of mutual fund recognition between Hong Kong and China , which would allow foreign asset managers to sell some of their products direct to Chinese investors .

  7. 在首阶段,只有一般型股票基金、债券基金、混合基金、非上市指数基金和实物跟踪指数交易所买卖基金(ETF)才符合资格参与基金互认安排。

    Initially , only general equity funds , bond funds , mixed funds , unlisted index funds and physical index-tracking exchange traded funds will qualify .