
  • 网络Federal Funds;federal funding;fed fund
  1. 与官方隔夜利率相比,libor仍然明显高企目前,联邦基金利率(federalfundsrate)为2%。

    LIBOR remains particularly elevated when compared with the official overnight rate the federal funds rate of 2 per cent .

  2. 联邦基金利率发展经验及对Shibor推广的启示(下)

    Federal funds rate : Development and implication for promoting Shibor (ⅱ);

  3. 这就是美联储(Fed)将联邦基金利率维持在零的原因。

    That is why the Federal Reserve is maintaining a zero Fed funds rate .

  4. 美联储(Fed)曾表示,联邦基金利率将维持在接近于零的水平,直到失业率至少下降到6.5%时为止。

    The Federal Reserve has said interest rates will remain near zero until US unemployment falls to at least 6.5 per cent .

  5. 需要证据的话,请看一下泰勒规则(taylorrule)美联储据以制作模型、以确定合适的联邦基金目标利率的经济公式。

    As evidence , consider the Taylor rule , an economic formula that the Federal Reserve uses to model the appropriate fed funds target interest rate .

  6. libor相对于目标利率美联储(fed)设定的联邦基金利率的利差通常约为11个基点。

    LIBOR normally trades at a spread of about 11 basis points over the target fed funds rate , set by the Federal Reserve .

  7. 在国会,他为自己所在的威斯康辛选区寻求联邦基金,支持小布什(GeorgeW. Bush)时期臭名昭著的开支计划,比如联邦医疗保险中的处方药计划。

    In Congress , he has sought federal funds for his Wisconsin district and supported the most egregious Bush spending programmes , such as the Medicare prescription drug plan .

  8. 在欧洲央行做出新的干预承诺之际,美国3个月银行间利率已连续第8天升至5.04%,较美联储(Fed)4.5%的联邦基金目标利率高出逾半个百分点。

    The new promise of intervention came as three-month US interbank rates rose for the eighth day in a row to 5.04 per cent , more than half a point higher than the US Fed Funds target rate of 4.5 per cent .

  9. 为了阻止美元下跌和长期利率急剧上升,美联储(fed)将不得不考虑提高美国联邦基金利率,财政部也需要考虑限制财政赤字。

    To counter the fall in the dollar and the spike in long-term interest rates , the Fed would have to consider lifting the Fed funds rate from zero , while the Treasury would need to consider reining in its fiscal deficits .

  10. 从1955年起担任卡耐基基金会总裁的约翰??加德纳(JohnGardner)也在1965年的有关发展基础和中级教育法案方面起到重要作用,该法案为公立学校提供了第一大笔联邦基金。

    John Gardner , president of the Carnegie Corporation from 1955 , was also important in developing the Elementary and Secondary Education act of 1965 , which provided the first large slug of federal funding for public schools .

  11. 与此同时,美联储(FederalReserve)奋力抑制隔夜拆借市场中的剧烈波动,金融机构竞相拆入资金,推动实际联邦基金利率上升1个百分点至6%左右&为其目标利率水平的三倍。

    At the same time the Federal Reserve battled to contain a ferocious storm in the overnight borrowing market as financial institutions scrambled for cash , pushing up the actual Fed funds rate at one point to about 6 per cent – triple its target rate .

  12. 去年信贷危机爆发之前,libor与联邦基金利率之间的平均利差基本在12个基点左右,而这一差值目前已达81个基点。

    The difference of 81 basis points between LIBOR and the Fed funds rate compares with an average spread of about 12bp that prevailed before the onset of the credit squeeze last year .

  13. 美联储勇敢的新主席保罗沃尔克(paulvolcker)将联邦基金利率提升至惊人的水平,带领美国经济挺过了痛苦的硬着陆,才平息了结构性通胀的争论。

    It took a new , courageous Fed chairman , Paul Volcker , to put the structuralist inflation argument to rest by driving up the federal funds rate to extraordinary levels and putting the economy through a wrenching hard landing .

  14. 美联储数据表明,大多数的FOMC委员预计联邦基金利率的长期目标在4%左右的水平,按照上述政策,这意味着美联储将支付2%的准备金利率。

    Data from the Fed show that most FOMC members expect the long-run Fed Funds target to be about 4 per cent , which would imply that the Fed would pay a 2 per cent rate on reserves under this policy .

  15. 这是著名气候科学家、国际环境与发展研究所气候变化项目负责人SaleemulHuq在本周(6月11日)于伦敦举行的英联邦基金会气候变化与卫生通气会上演讲时作出的呼吁。

    These were the words of a leading climate scientist speaking at a Commonwealth Foundation briefing on climate change and health in London , United Kingdom , this week ( 11 June ) .

  16. 3个月银行间利率通常只是略高于美国联邦基金利率。

    Three-month money usually trades just above the Fed funds rate .

  17. 联邦基金利率对中国和日本经济的影响性研究

    The Effect on Chinese and Japanese Economic of Federal Funds Rate

  18. 美联储会调低联邦基金利率吗?

    Will the central bank cut the Fed funds rate ?

  19. 美国的联邦基金利率本月几乎肯定会下调。

    The federal funds rate will almost certainly be cut this month .

  20. 布什总统否决了美国对干细胞研究投入联邦基金的提案。

    President Bush vetoed federal funds for research in the United states .

  21. 联邦基金无疑会更快的推动研究取得突破性进展。

    Federal funding would surely push them faster towards those elusive cures .

  22. 联邦基金利率影响美国经济的很多其他利率。

    The federal funds rate influences many other interest rates in the economy .

  23. 这个利率(联邦基金利率)是指银行之间相互借贷的日息。

    This rate is what banks pay other banks to borrow money overnight .

  24. 美国联邦基金利率波动率的历史分析

    Historical analysis of the US federal funds rate volatility

  25. 最终,低联邦基金利率将支持长期债券收益率。

    Ultimately , low Fed funds rate will anchor the longer term bond yield .

  26. 市场预计它会很快降低主要联邦基金利率。

    The markets are betting it will soon cut its main federal funds rate .

  27. 目前贴现率比联邦基金利率高出0.75%。

    The discount rate is currently 0.75 per cent over the Fed funds rate .

  28. 目前,两年期美国国债的收益率比联邦基金利率低整整一个百分点。

    Two-year Treasuries are yielding a full percentage point less than the Fed funds rate .

  29. 联邦基金并不是现成的。

    Federal funds were not forthcoming .

  30. 现在,用于拯救银行破产的联邦基金为75亿美元。

    The federal fund that covers bank failures now stands at 7.5 billion dollars , 7.5 .