
lián yínɡ ɡōnɡ sī
  • affiliated company;associated company;allied corporation
  1. 关联企业任何ccc可能不时开办之营销或分部办事处或联营公司;

    Associate any marketing or branch office or associated company that CCC may open or set up from time to time ;

  2. 确认通过PUQ联营公司负责。

    Confirmation via the responsible PUQ associates .

  3. 这种局面下最大的受益者就是新西兰。新西兰国家级乳品联营公司恒天然(Fonterra)曾与三鹿集团合作,还揭发过三鹿奶粉掺杂三聚氰胺的情况。

    One of the biggest beneficiaries has been New Zealand , whose national dairy co-operative Fonterra had partnered Sanlu and blew the whistle on the melamine adulteration .

  4. 2011年,新的服务区系统总体规划的建议,由Dornbush联营公司研究完成。

    New rest area system master plan recommendations were completed in2011 by the research firm , Dornbush Associates , for the Landscape Architecture Program .

  5. 雷蒙德·詹姆斯联营公司的经济学家斯科特·布朗表示。

    Scott Brown is an economist at Raymond James & Associates .

  6. 在综合资产负债表中,有关附属公司和联营公司的披露是足够的。

    The disclosure of subsidies and associates of consolidation statement is enough .

  7. 他以出售特许经营权的方式管理着一家三明治联营公司。

    He runs his sandwich chain as a franchise operation .

  8. 雷蒙德詹姆斯联营公司的经济学家斯科特·布朗表示。

    Economist Scott Brown is with Raymond James & Associates .

  9. 联营公司发行的证券6月1日,公司发行又发行普通股20股。

    On June 1 , the corporation issued 20 shares of common stock .

  10. 母公司通常为外国联营公司提供管理经验和技术。

    The parent firm usually provides its foreign ~ with managerial expertise and technology .

  11. 海洋石油地球物理勘探联营公司

    Offshore Oil Geophysical Joint Company

  12. 联营公司发行的证券

    Securities issued by affiliated companies

  13. 新机场平台平整工程联营公司

    Airport Platform Contractors Joint Venture

  14. 借贷账目包括实际专业费用和因卖方或联营公司引起的其他成本费用。

    A debit may include the actual professional fees and other costs incurred by the Buyer or a Related Company .

  15. 针对财富世界100强企业的分析表明,这些公司最近呈现出一种减持其国际联营公司股份的趋势。

    And analysis of the Fortune Global 100 indicates a recent tendency to reduce their equity stakes in their international affiliates .

  16. 在放射范围的长度,导致证书,联营公司或学士学位的正规培训方案。

    Formal training programs in radiography range in length that leads to a certificate , an associate or a bachelor 's degree .

  17. 手机短信:大学生思想政治教育新平台新机场平台平整工程联营公司

    The Effect of Mobile-phone Messages on College Students : A New Field for Political and Ideological Work ; Airport Platform Contractors Joint Venture

  18. 该团体的成员声称,他们的后代和联营公司的前战斗人员为中央情报局从战争前的秋天万象于1975年。

    Members of the group claim they are descendants and associates of former fighters for the CIA from the war before the fall of Vientiane in1975 .

  19. 他是本公司一些附属公司及联营公司之董事,并是尖沙咀置业及信和酒店之执行董事。

    He is a director of a number of subsidiaries and associated companies of the company and is an executive director of TST properties and Sino hotels .

  20. 伍德福德先生提醒奥林巴斯的审计师,要委托外部法律会计团体审查,并要求菊川先生及联营公司辞职。

    Mr Woodford alerted Olympus 's auditors , commissioned a review by an outside forensic accounting group and asked for the resignations of Mr Kikukawa and an associate .

  21. 目前,海洋石油物探联营公司有海底电缆两种,检波器两类三种,跨接线两类四种。

    There are two kinds of ocean-bottom cable , three kinds of geophone with two types for each and two kinds of jumper with four types for each in Ocean Petroleum Exploration Joint Venture at present time .

  22. 这个家庭拥有一个特许经营的联营餐馆公司。

    The family owns a franchise chain of restaurants .

  23. 核电秦山联营有限公司二期。

    And the nuclear power Qinshan joint venture co. , known as phase two .

  24. 他写信给全国连锁性联营百货公司公会,替我找来不少有关这方面的辩论记录。

    He wrote to the National Chain Store Association and secured for me a copy of a debate on the subject .