
lián hé ɡōnɡ sī
  • affiliated company;combination;complex;integrated complex
  1. 跨国公司作为一种新型的打破国与国界线的联合公司,在当今世界经济发展中正发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    The trans-corporation is a kind of new-type affiliated company breaking the boundaries line of each country . It is very important role in the economic development of our times .

  2. 航空工程师、Scaled联合公司总裁伯特·鲁坦说,飞机和飞行员的表现都极为出色,令人赞叹。

    Burt Rutan , aerospace engineer and head of Scaled Composites , said the plane , and the pilot , performed admirably .

  3. “环球飞行者”号是Scaled联合公司去年生产的,这家公司还设计开发了世界上第一艘民用载人飞船“太空飞船一号”。

    GlobalFlyer was built by Scaled Composites , the same firm that designed and launched the world 's first civilian manned spacecraft , SpaceShipOne , last year .

  4. 一家咨询公司——奥利弗和欧哈巴姆联合公司(Oliver&OhlbaumAssociates)的马克·奥利弗(MarkOliver)表示,报纸公司所面临的根本挑战在于如何让读者为在线新闻付费。

    The fundamental challenge facing newspapers , says Mark Oliver of Oliver & Ohlbaum Associates , a consultancy , is how to get readers to pay for news online .

  5. 他妈妈在生产科学仪器的瓦里安联合公司(VarianAssociates)找到了一份记账员的工作,他们家也给房子办理了第二份抵押贷款。

    His mother took a job as a bookkeeper for Varian Associates , a company that made scientific instruments , and they took out a second mortgage .

  6. 就像奢侈品咨询公司罗伯特·伯克联合公司(RobertBurkeAssociates)的创始人罗伯特·伯克说的,如今集团本身就是品牌,不可能只待在幕后。

    As Robert Burke , the founder of the luxury consulting firm Robert Burke Associates , said , today groups are brands in themselves , and there is no staying behind the scenes .

  7. 麦特森是再就业与高管培训公司凯斯通联合公司(KeystoneAssociates)的高级副总裁,专门为与你丈夫情况类似的人提供帮助,避免他们因为过于沮丧,从而失去继续找工作的动力。

    Mattson , a senior vice president at outplacement and executive coaching firm keystone associates , specializes in helping people like your husband avoid getting so discouraged that they stop trying to find work .

  8. 最近雷诺日产联合公司(RenaultSA-NissanMotor)就宣布,为了减少公司对本国制造基地的依赖正在扩大公司在韩国的产量。

    The Renault SA-Nissan Motor alliance , for example , recently announced it is increasing production in South Korea to cut its reliance on Japan as a manufacturing base .

  9. 丹尼尔·科克·戴维多夫是MDA联合公司(曾经研发出遥感技术)的首席科学家和马里兰大学的气象学副教授。他对早前的几项风能经济对气候影响的研究进行了细查。

    Daniel Kirk-Davidoff , a chief scientist for MDA Federal Inc. , which develops remote sensing technologies , and adjunct professor of meteorology at the University of Maryland , has examined the climate impacts of large-scale wind farms in previous studies .

  10. 就像奢侈品咨询公司罗伯特·伯克联合公司(RobertBurkeAssociates)的创始人罗伯特·伯克说的,如今“集团本身就是品牌,不可能只待在幕后。”

    As Robert Burke , the founder of the luxury consulting firm Robert Burke Associates , said , today " groups are brands in themselves , and there is no staying behind the scenes . "

  11. 美国佐治亚州亚特兰大生殖生物学联合公司的临床胚胎学家,MsJaclynFriedman进行了一项全球对体外受精的态度的在线调查。

    Ms Jaclyn Friedman , a clinical embryologist at Reproductive Biology Associates , Atlanta , Georgia , USA , undertook an on-line survey looking at attitudes towards IVF around the world .

  12. 如果说辛明顿家族一直忙于撰写历史,那么他们的竞争对手费拉加特联合公司(旗下拥有泰来(Taylor),芳塞卡(Fonseca)和克罗夫特(Croft))应该属于一直重写历史的类型。

    If the Symingtons have been busy writing history , their rivals at The Fladgate Partnership ( Taylor , Fonseca and Croft ) could be said to have been rewriting history .

  13. 浇注的雇员在俄铝联合公司的Bogoslovsky铝冶炼厂,俄罗斯铝熔液。

    An employee pours molten aluminum at United Company Rusal 's Bogoslovsky aluminum smelter , Russia .

  14. 波士顿职业发展公司凯斯通联合公司(KeystoneAssociates)高级副总裁兼高管导师杰恩•马特森称,这种情况非常可惜,因为只要一点真诚的沟通,就能解决你的一些烦恼。

    That 's unfortunate , says Jayne Mattson , a senior vice president and executive coach at Boston-based career development firm Keystone Associates , because a little honest communication might go a long way toward fixing at least some of what bugs you .

  15. 知情人士表示,直到今年9月,全球市场环境显然已足够好转时,俄罗斯铝业联合公司才开始认真筹备ipo,令原始上市时间表变得非常紧张。

    Rusal began to seriously plan for the IPO only in September when it became clear that global market conditions had improved enough , leaving the original timeframe for the IPO the first by a Russian company in Hong Kong tight at best , people familiar with the matter said .

  16. 日本海事联合公司(JapanMarineUnited)是一家生产游轮、油轮及宙斯盾驱逐舰的企业。该公司高管TakayukiSaito表示,在目前这个阶段,参与此次交易会展览的目的,仅仅是为了考察国际社会对日本所提供产品的兴趣。

    Takayuki Saito , a senior manager at Japan Marine United , which produces cruise ships , oil tankers and Aegis destroyers , said that at this stage , the purpose of exhibiting at the fair was merely to gauge international interest in what Japan had to offer .

  17. 周二,澳大利亚最大煤矿企业——必和必拓三菱联合公司(BHPBillitonMitsubishiAlliance,BMA)成为又一家对中国资源需求放缓做出反应的公司。该公司裁员700人,占员工总数的7%,并警告将进一步削减成本。

    On Tuesday , BHP Billiton Mitsubishi Alliance ( BMA ) , the country 's biggest coal miner , became the latest company to react to softening demand for resources from China , axing 700 jobs - 7 per cent of the joint venture 's total workforce - and warning of further cost cuts .

  18. 第一家租户便是瓦里安联合公司,也就是克拉拉?乔布斯工作的地方。

    Its first tenant was Varian Associates , where Clara Jobs worked .

  19. 我在奎恩联合公司负责IT科学。

    I work in computer sciences at Queen Consolidated .

  20. 俄罗斯组建俄罗斯铝业联合公司

    Russia Established a Russia Aluminum Industry United Company

  21. 凯文:事实上,我们这边自己有货运公司&中国联合公司。

    Kevin : Actually , we 've got a freight forwarder over there-China Consolidated .

  22. 杰森·普罗塞正在竞夺斯通黑文联合公司

    Jason Prosser is vying for Stonehaven United .

  23. 他离开惠普后,加盟了新加坡的企业,帮助创办联合公司。

    He left them and joined a Singapore entrepreneur to help him run his conglomerate .

  24. 2014年10月,他加盟了联合公司。

    He joined Unity in October 2014 .

  25. 发展中的仪征化纤工业联合公司

    Yizheng joint Corp of chemical fibre industry

  26. 头衔:波普联合公司所有者

    Title : Owner of Pope Associates

  27. 联合公司三年盈利的稳定因素为4,规模因素从1(最稳定的)到99。

    United boasts a3-year earnings stability factor of4 on a scale of1 ( most stable ) to99 .

  28. 讨论了列宁斯克煤炭联合公司一些矿井通风装置的新布置方式及特点。

    The paper discusses the new layout and characteristics of mine ventilation equipment in Leiningsikei Coal United Corperation .

  29. 可以非常容易地将加入联合公司的新航空公司添加到解决方案,而无需对业务流程进行任何更改。

    New airlines joining the alliance can easily be added to the solution without requiring any changes to the business process .

  30. 联合公司还对现场电力,交通,航天和国防市场销售火灾探测系统和燃料电池。

    United also sells fire detection systems and fuel cells for the on-site power , transport , space and defense markets .