
  • 网络unilever;Unilever PLC;Unilever NV;anglo-dutch company unilever
  1. 目前世界多地也在试行一周4天工作制,包括西班牙和新西兰的联合利华公司。

    A number of other trials are now being run across the world , including in Spain and by Unilever in New Zealand .

  2. 新西兰的联合利华公司也给员工提供了不降薪但工作时间减少20%的机会。

    And Unilever in New Zealand is also giving staff a chance to cut their hours by 20 % without hurting their pay in a trial .

  3. 在2001财政年度,英国联合利华公司以25%的强劲盈利增长势头而表现出众。

    Unilever PLC would be distinguished by its strong projected earnings growth of25 % FY2001 .

  4. 英国联合利华公司的兼并策略研究

    Study on Unilever 's Acquisition Strategy

  5. 公众活动:政府鼓励联合利华公司促进和保护自己的合法经营利益。

    Public Activities : Unilever companies are encouraged to promote and defend their legitimate business interests .

  6. 其他方面,消费品制造业巨头联合利华公司第三季度的销售量上升,股票上涨了百分之2。

    Among others reporting results , consumer giant Unilever was up two percent after posting a rise in third quarter sales .

  7. 目前仅有英国联合利华公司拥有生产专利,国内缺少相关设计经验。

    Currently , only the company of Unilever in British has the patent of it , and is lack of relevant design experience in domestic .

  8. 遵守法律:联合利华公司和公司雇员必须遵守所在国的法律法规。

    Obeying the Law : Unilever companies and our employees are required to comply with the laws and regulations of the countries in which we operate .

  9. 中国是联合利华公司的五大区域性市场之一,其他四个地区是中欧和东欧、印度、南拉丁美洲和东南亚。

    China is one of the five regional markets for Unilever , together with Central and Eastern Europe , India , Southern Latin America and Southeast Asia .

  10. 联合利华等公司已经承认了这一点,它们正将更多的研发资源迁移至新兴市场:联合利华有6家关键研发中心,其中有一家设在印度班加罗尔,另一家设在上海。

    Companies such as Unilever have acknowledged this by shifting more research and development resources to emerging markets : of its six key R & D centres , one is in Bangalore and another in Shanghai .

  11. 由机构投资者控制的蓝筹公司,例如印度烟草公司,以及几个像是联合利华这样的外国公司在本地的子公司,只占总利润的18%。

    Blue-chip firms controlled by institutional owners , such as ITC , and a handful of subsidiaries of foreign firms such as Unilever , together account for only 18 % of overall profits .

  12. 联合利华就雇用了一群“邦德女郎”向前来百货公司购物的顾客讲解如何敷用联合利华公司的面霜。

    Unilever employs an army of " Pond Girls " who show department-store customers how to use the eponymous face cream .