
  1. 如今,市场正在开发指数加权的另类策略,例如法国量化基金tobam的“反基准”策略,这种策略根据指数成份相互之间的关系对其进行系统性加权,以最大限度地实现多元化。

    Now alternative methods of weighting indices are being developed , such as the " anti-benchmark " approach of French quant tobam , which systematically weights index components based on their correlation to each other to maximise diversification .

  2. (量化基金,做多/做空基金,全球宏观型基金等)

    ( Quant , Long / Short , Global Macro , etc * )

  3. 大量资金涌入量化基金,既包括单向做多的基金,也包括对冲基金。

    Large amounts of money poured into quant funds , both long-only and hedge funds .

  4. 投资者对于量化基金公司的态度并不相同,即使经历了过去几年的竞争后也是如此。

    Investor attitudes to quant managers are not uniform , even after the struggles of the past few years .

  5. 这并不是说量化基金经理在袖手旁观,等待情况再次变得对自己有利。

    This is not to say quant managers are sitting back and waiting for things to go their way again .

  6. 过去三年里,高盛旗下量化基金的规模增长了一倍多,达1000亿美元,全部为积极管理型。

    Goldman has more than doubled its quantitative money in the past three years to $ 100bn , all actively managed .

  7. 近来,量化基金一直举步维艰,因为在此次信贷危机期间乃至之后,此类基金的表现大体上未能让投资者感到满意。

    More recently , quant funds have struggled as their performance , by and large , failed to satisfy investors through the credit crisis and afterwards .

  8. 人们很难精确把握进出量化基金的确切数据,因为这些产品的定义并不明晰。

    It is difficult to get a precise handle on exact numbers flowing in or out of quant funds because the definition of such products is not clear-cut .

  9. 有些量化基金在考虑改善其交易技术,从自身模型中挤出额外的业绩,而其它量化基金则在考察转向其它技术以维持回报的时机问题。

    Other quants have looked at improving their trading techniques to squeeze extra performance from their models , while others are examining questions of timing in switching to eke out returns .

  10. 与很多投资创新一样,量化基金的核心理念已成为主流,如今,它们发现自己需要思考投资者究竟希望从它们的投资组合中得到什么,以及如何获取这些回报。

    Like many investment innovations , quant managers ' core ideas have become mainstream – now they find themselves at the edge of thinking about what exactly investors want from their portfolios and how that might be produced .

  11. 全球最大量化对冲基金之一温顿资本(WintonCapital)负责人戴维•哈丁(DavidHarding)也怀疑,AI并不能给投资业带来重大飞跃。

    David Harding , head of Winton Capital , one of the biggest quantitative hedge funds in the world , is also doubtful that AI represents a quantum leap for the investment industry .

  12. 在目前全球最大的10家对冲基金中,有3家为纯量化投资基金。

    Three of the 10 biggest hedge funds in the world are purely quantitative .

  13. 投资领域的指数也一直在发展。投资领域的流动性通常较差,并且难以量化,例如对冲基金和房地产。

    There has also been growth in indices for investment areas that are often illiquid and difficult to measure , such as hedge funds and property .