
liànɡ zǐ chǎnɡ lùn
  • quantum field theory
  1. 尼采的本体论是变幻不息的力量子的世界,这比较符合现代物理学量子场论的世界图像。

    Nietzsche 's ontology was the ever-changing world of power quanta , this is comparatively correspondent to the world picture of modern physics ( quantum field theory ) .

  2. 研究QGP的理论基础是有限温度下的QCD,在70年代中期,正是这种有限温度量子场论预言了QGP这一新物质形态的存在。

    QCD at finite temperature is the theory to do research about QGP . In the middle of 1970 's , it is quantum field theory at finite temperature that predicts the existence of QGP .

  3. 量子场论的T算符和粒子间相互作用势V之间的正确关系

    Correct Relation between the T operator in Quantum Fiels and the Interaction Potential V

  4. EMC效应与光锥量子场论

    The EMC Effect and the light-cone quantum field theory

  5. QHD理论是研究强子自由度的相对论性的量子场论。

    QHD is a relativistic quantum field theory of hadronic degrees of freedom .

  6. 关於量子场论的非哈密顿(Non-Hamiltonian)形式

    On the Non - Hamiltonian Formalism of Quantum Field Theory

  7. 使用量子场论中的Schrodinger波函数描述2-费密子系统。导出了时间相关Green函数及其谱表示。

    Using Schrodinger wave function in quantum field theory , the time-dependent Green func-tion and its spectral representation for 2-fermion system are derived , and the Schrodinger equa-tion as well as the normalization condition of his wave function are deduced .

  8. 由于Bethe-Salpeter波函数是建立在量子场论框架之下的完全相对论性的理论,因此包含了全部相对论效应。

    The Bethe-Salpeter formalism is established in the framework of quantum field theory , therefore , it includes all relativistic effects .

  9. 一般有两种方法计算输运系数,一是通过Boltzmann方程,另一个方法是通过Kubo公式和量子场论工具。

    There are two main techniques to compute the transport coefficients . One is to employ the Boltzmann equa-tion , the other is to use the Kubo formula in field theory .

  10. 本文从对称变换保持系统的动力学方程(以及对易关系)不变出发,推导出量子场论中的连续对称变换所产生的守恒律,而不借助于拉格朗日体制的Noether定理。

    We shall show that continuous symmetery transformation in quantum field theory , which leave the equation of motion invariant , will generate conservation laws without use Noether theorem of Lagrangian formalism .

  11. 重正化是处理量子场论中发散问题的基本程序,没有它,量子电动力学(QED)无法成为最为精确、最为成功的量子场论。

    As the essential program for dealing with ultraviolet divergences in quantum field theories , renormalization is indispensable in quantum electrodynamics ( QED ) that has been deemed as the most precise and successful field theory .

  12. 通常可采用两种方法研究一维非线性量子场论模型的统计物理性质,即:Betheansatz方法或泛函积分方法。

    Abstract : Generally , two methods can be used to study the statistical physics properties of one-dimensional nonlinear quantum field model , that is Bethe ansatz or functional integrals ( FI ) methods .

  13. 在非相对论量子场论框架下,给出电子场和光子场相互作用时整个系统的哈密顿量Htot,研究在强光场中非线性项即A2项的作用。

    Under the framework of nonlinear quantum field theory , we show the total Hamiltonian operator H tot for the interaction between an electron field and a photon field , and study the contribution of the nonlinear term A 2 in the strong laser field .

  14. 通过量子场论,W_S标准模型,SU(5)模型及混沌理论,分析了三代轻子质量和夸克质量的经验公式,并揭示了me、mμ、mτ及mq之间的内在联系。

    By the theory of quantum field and the W-S model , SU ( 5 ) model and chaos theory , this paper analyses the experience mass formula of three types of leptons and quarks , and reveals the essential relation of m_e , m_ μ, m_ τ and m_q .

  15. 强调在量子场论中必须引进序参量场,则相变的讨论就类似于Goldstonebosons的产生。

    We emphasized that in the quantum field theory we have to introduce the order parameter fields . Then the discussion of the phase transition is closed to the creation of the Goldstone bosons .

  16. 量子场论在允许负能量存在的同时,也对负能量作出了严格的限制,如Ford-Roman量子不等式。

    The laws of quantum field theory place serious constraints , such as Ford-Roman quantum inequalities , on negative energies at the same time they introduce them .

  17. 并且推广了Schwingerproper-time方法,使之能够计算含有动量相关的费米子自能的费米子传播子;探讨了4维可重整化的量子场论中费米子在路径积分中的贡献。

    Schwinger proper-time method is generalized for the calculation of coincidence limit of Fermion propagator with momentum dependent Fermion self energy , the contribution of Fermion system to path integral of 4-dimension space time quantum field theory .

  18. 有限温度下玻色体系的量子场论

    The quantum field theories of Bose systems at finite temperature

  19. 电子-光子-声子相互作用系统的量子场论描述

    Quantum Field Theory Description of the Interaction System of Electrons-Photon-Phonon

  20. 杂交第一代,子一代近代量子场论(I)

    First filial Advanced Quantum Field Thoery ( 1 ) ?

  21. 量子场论中的切割泡泡图及有关注释

    Cutting-bubble diagrams in quantum field theory and related notes

  22. 过渡到量子场论基本方程的类比法

    An analogue method to introduce canonical equation of motion in quantum field theory

  23. 量子场论的概念体系与物理实在

    Conceptual System of the Quantum Field Theory and Realism

  24. 用量子场论方法计算切伦柯夫辐射

    Calculation of Cerenkov Radiation in Quantum Field Theory

  25. 光孤子约束系统的量子场论

    Quantum Field Theory of Optical Soliton Constrained Systems

  26. 从量子场论看真空的物质形态问题

    Material form of vacuum from quantum field theory

  27. 测不准关系量子场论基本理论问题再探讨

    Uncertainty Relations a further research into fundamental theoretical problem of the quantum field theory

  28. 量子场论中的玻色振子和费米振子的分析研究

    The Analysis and Research of Bose Oscillator and Fermi Oscillator in Quantum Field Theory

  29. 量子场论中的一个佯谬

    A Paradox in the Quantum Field Theory

  30. 一种新的可能的复合场的量子场论

    A new possible composite quantized field theory