
  • 网络KTV;wholesale
  1. 量贩交易平台是基于Web的应用程序,因此在架构设计上采用了JSP+Servlet+JavaBean的方案。

    The wholesale platform is a Web-based-on application , so JSP + Servlet + JavaBean is adopted for the architecture , which abides the principle of MVC .

  2. 随着CD从量贩超市和大型咖啡连锁店中消失,看来它的离去已经没有悬念。

    It seems likely that as CDs disappear from big-box stores and coffee megachains , they will be definitively gone .

  3. 加拿大最大的家居零售商BRICK量贩是加拿大最大的仓储零售公司,在一个大屋顶下经营电脑、家电、家具。

    Brick Warehouse , TheThe Brick is Canada 's largest volume retailer of home furnishings , bedding , appliances , televisions , video recorders , stereo equipment and computers under one roof .

  4. 这家在北京第一个引进了国外量贩式KTV模式的强势娱乐品牌,还被文化部定名为“文化产业示范基地”。

    It is the first KTV in Beijing to introduce foreign management model and was selected by the Ministry of Culture as a " Cultural Industry Demo Center " .

  5. 为什麽人们会选择在好市多量贩店消费?

    Why do people shop at Costco ?

  6. 我们只作量贩的生意,所以才有办法把价格压得比别家公司低。

    We only do business in volume sales , so we can offer lower prices than other companies .

  7. 特力屋那种量贩店时大捞一笔你爸爸也知道这件事

    Home Depot . - Home Depot . And those stores . And your father knew about it too .

  8. 接下来本论文就对鹰城量贩的物流管理信息系统进行了需求分析、系统体系结构、系统功能模块的划分做了详尽的分析。

    Next , the paper researched on the system requirement analysis , system architecture and the partition of the system functional modules .

  9. 随著经济的快速成长,国人消费的消费型态也已经由强调「自助式、低价、一次购足」的大型量贩店取代了传统的零售店。

    As economy grows up fast , compatriots'consuming patterns have changed to a large-scale hypermarket that emphasizes on " self-service , low price , once purchase " from a traditional retail business .

  10. 仓储式超市是一种集商品销售与商品储存于一个空间的零售形式,日本及台湾又称之为量贩。具有规模大、投入少、价格低的优势。

    The bulk supermarket is a retail forms that the goods sale and storage both in one place , the bulk supermarket is called " Quantity selling " in Japan and TaiWan , it have a many superiorities just like large scale , low input and low price .