
  • 网络department store chain
  1. 麦当劳不会成为MontgomeryWards,他指的是那家现已破产的美国百货连锁公司,但它可能成为西尔斯(Sears),失去作为本行业顶级品牌的无可争辩的地位。

    McDonald 's won 't become a Montgomery Wards , he said , referring to the now-defunct US department store chain . But it could become a Sears , losing its undisputed position as the top brand in its category .

  2. 去年四月份,在伦敦的英国百货连锁店发出盈利警告,但说他们的爱尔兰商店表现达到了预期水平。

    Last April , the British department store chain issued a profit warning in London but said its Irish outlets were performing as expected .

  3. 然而,一家特易购学院(tescoacademy)明年在韩国首尔(seoul)落成,则将成为商学院向海外扩张业务的大型百货连锁超市提供培训的又一例证。

    But the opening of a Tesco academy next year in Seoul , South Korea , will be yet another example of business schools supplying education to the big grocery chains as they expand overseas .

  4. 王府井百货连锁经营模式研究

    Study on the business model of Wangfujing group

  5. 此外,1967和1968年,巴菲特忙于收购一系列经营不善、债务缠身的百货连锁店。

    Furthermore , in 1967 and 1968 , Mr Buffett was busy buying a string of ugly , distressed department store chains .

  6. 塞尔福里奇高端百货连锁公司已开始接受中国银联卡付款,银联卡是一种只能在中国国内使用的信用卡。

    The Selfridges chain of high end department stores has started accepting China UnionPay cards , the domestic credit card only available in China .

  7. 这家百货连锁否认参与了这一计划,但随后仍然终止了与其搜索引擎咨询公司的合作。

    The department store chain denied involvement in the scheme , but the company subsequently ended its relationship with its search engine consulting firm .

  8. 据高岛屋百货连锁店介绍,这颗圣诞树高40厘米,树上镶的共100克拉的钻石都产自南非和澳大利亚。

    The tree , which stands 40 centimeters ( 16 inches ) high , features about 100 carats of diamonds from southern Africa and Australia , the department store said .

  9. 高岛屋百货连锁店声称,“小钻石就像清晨花瓣上的露珠,闪烁着迷人的光芒;而2克拉和3克拉的钻石则以其高贵的光芒吸引着倾慕者”。

    The smaller diamond pieces " sparkle charmingly like morning dew on petals , while two-carat and three-carat pieces mesmerise admirers with their noble glow ," the store said in a statement .

  10. 日本高岛屋百货连锁店从本周三起开始销售这款钻石圣诞树,这颗圣诞树开价2.007亿日元,象征着今年的年份“2007”,由此拉开商场岁末大促销的序幕。

    Takashimaya department store chain is selling the tree -- actually a small tower of preserved roses with a teddy bear -- for a symbolic 200.7 million yen from Wednesday to kick off its year-end sales campaign .

  11. 布雷克的初步措施包括参观并学习快餐公司麦当劳(McDonald's)和美国中型百货商店连锁运营商JCPenney的经验,这两家公司在客户服务方面的声誉均有显著提高。

    Mr Blake 's early steps included visiting and studying experiences at McDonald 's , the fast food company , and JC Penney , the middle-American department store chain , which had both significantly improved their reputations for customer service .

  12. Kaufhof的竞争对手、ArcandorAG旗下的百货公司连锁店Karstadt现在每年至少有六次促销活动,举办活动时会有新品推介,店内也装饰一新,还会提供专用购物袋并进行打折促销。

    Rival department-store chain Karstadt , a unit of Arcandor AG , now runs promotions at least six times a year that include new products , lavish store decorations , special shopping bags & and discounts .

  13. 上述冰岛银行昨日表示,已要求普华永道(PwC)插手并负责业务运营,Baugur拥有一些英国零售商的股份,如百货商店连锁HouseofFraser和玩具商店Hamleys,还拥有美国百货商场Saks的股份。

    The Icelandic bank said yesterday that it had asked PwC to step in and run the business , which owns stakes in UK retailers such as department store chain House of Fraser , Hamleys toy shop and Saks , the US department store .

  14. 使用嘉里物流“远程配送中心”的客户,包括一家总部位于新西兰的女式内衣制造商,以及美国、西班牙和智利的百货商店连锁商。

    Among Kerry clients using distribution centre bypass are a new Zealand-based lingerie maker and department store chains in the US , Spain and Chile .

  15. 连锁经营在零售市场的主导地位更加显著,零售业业态正在由传统百货转向连锁超市,大型连锁企业近年来快速发展。

    In addition , the business mode of the retail industry is shifting from the traditional department stores to the chain supermarkets . As a result , large-scale chain enterprises are booming in recent years .

  16. 一个相反的例子就是英国百货公司和连锁杂货店JohnLewisPartnership。

    A contrast is the John Lewis Partnership , the British department store and grocery chain .

  17. 玛莎百货公司是连锁店。

    Marks and Spencers is a chain store .

  18. 百货企业区域连锁成功运作的关键影响因素研究

    The Research on the Critical Influencing Factors of Successful Operation for Regional Chain in Department Store

  19. 世界零售业的发展经历了很多过程,零售业态的变革经历了从最初的百货商店,连锁店,折扣店,便利店等到购物商场,这种变化是和消费者需求的变化相一致的。

    Development of world retailing went through many processes . Retailing formats experienced the changes form initial department store , chain store , discount store , convenience store , etc. to shopping mall . This change is complying with changes of consumer demand .

  20. 我国家电传统零售渠道主要分为百货商场、专业连锁店、品牌专卖店等业态。

    There are three main channels of home appliances in China : malls , chain stores and brand stores .

  21. 作者根据研究和实践分析判断,百货店的生命在于独特和变化,百货店连锁成功难度较大。

    The author according to the research and the practice analysis judgment , department store 's life lies in unique and the change , the department store chain-like success difficulty is big .

  22. 乐天百货计划于2008年上半年在中国开设其旗舰乐天百货连锁店的第一家分店。

    TD Lotte Shopping plans to open the first Chinese store in its flagship Lotte department-store chain in the first half of2008 .

  23. 传统零售业态(比如百货业)原来采取的单店经营方式,早已进入了衰退期,而连锁经营的方式(比如百货连锁)使传统连锁业态重又开始了新的发展。

    The single store adopted by traditional retailing status ( for example department store ) has entered in twilight , however , the style of chain store ( for example department store chain ) makes traditional chain status to a new start .

  24. 中国游客经常走出国门寻找带有一点历史底蕴的品牌,从哈罗兹(Harrods)到福莱莎百货(HouseofFraser),都能看到他们的身影。后者是苏格兰一家百货连锁公司,最近刚被中国的一位富翁所收购。

    Chinese tourists cross the world to seek out brands with a bit of historical pedigree , from Harrods to House of Fraser , the Scottish department store chain recently bought by a Chinese millionaire .

  25. 梅西百货报告在11月和12月其营业一年以上的门店销售额下降了5。2%,这一令人失望的假期销售业绩为面临广泛挑战的百货连锁店艰难的一年画上了句号。

    Macy 's   reported   its   sales   plunged   5.2 %   in   November   and   December   at   stores   open   more   than   a year ,   a   disappointing   holiday   season   performance   that   capped   a   difficult   year   for   a department   store   chain   facing   wide-ranging   challenges .