
  • 网络Baidu;inc;baidu.com, inc;Baidu, Inc
  1. 在iOS公司收入排行榜中,陌陌所属公司的排名也紧随百度公司和腾讯公司之后。

    Momo is followed by Baidu and Tencent in the annual iOS revenue ranking list .

  2. 他们包括知名企业家李彦宏,百度公司的CEO,毕业于北京大学,还有张朝阳,搜狐公司的CEO,毕业于清华大学。

    They include big-name entrepreneurs like Robin Li , chief executive of Baidu Inc. , a graduate of Peking University , and Charles Zhang , CEO of Sohu.com Inc. of Tsinghua .

  3. 国内互联网搜索巨头百度公司10月11日晚宣布,其自动驾驶出租车服务ApolloGo在北京全面向公众开放,成为北京首家以自动驾驶汽车载客的公司。

    Chinese internet search giant Baidu Inc announced on Sunday night it has fully opened Apollo Go Robotaxi , its self-driving taxi service , to the public in Beijing , becoming the first company to carry passengers in autonomous vehicles in the capital .

  4. 百度公司上周一表示,双方在几轮讨论之后仍未达成协议,之后致信百度董事会撤回私有化要约。百度股东、纽约对冲基金AcaciaPartners批评爱奇艺的出售价格“过低”。

    The pair informed the board that they had withdrawn the offer after failing to strike a deal despite several rounds of discussions , Baidu said last Monday . The withdrawal came days after New York hedge fund Acacia Partners criticized the online search giant for considering selling iQiyi at a price that is " far too low . "

  5. 百度公司于今年6月公布了它的无人驾驶汽车研发计划。

    Baidu announced its plan to develop a driverless car in June .

  6. 百度公司表示已经着手解决这些不安全的计算机代码问题。

    Baidu said it had tackled the problems with the insecure computer code .

  7. 搜索引擎百度公司的广告收入在此期间则增长了190%。

    Search engine Baidu Inc 's advertising income grew 190 percent during the period .

  8. 而另一家互联网巨头百度公司则于3月份在北京创立了一家深度学习技术实验室。

    Internet giant Baidu set up a national deep learning technology lab in Beijing in March .

  9. 百度公司应该建立一个长期性的用于监管版权侵犯的机制。

    Instead , he suggested that the company should formulate a long-term mechanism to monitor copyright infringement .

  10. 该公司还加入了阿波罗董事会,这是百度公司开发自动驾驶的项目。

    It 's also joining the board of Apollo , an autonomous driving project from Chinese internet firm Baidu .

  11. 百度公司目前占有中国地图服务市场70%的份额,拥有3亿月度活跃用户。

    Baidu currently holds a 70 percent share of China 's mapping service market , with 300 million monthly active users .

  12. 百度公司在一份声明中表示,这些顾问会收到公司如何开发相关技术的更新信息。

    Baidu said in a statement that the advisers would receive updated information on how the company is developing certain technologies .

  13. 大学生死亡事件在五一期间在全中国传得沸沸扬扬,群众在最一开始将怒火发向了百度公司。

    The dead college student 's story went viral through the May Day holiday in China , initially drawing anger toward Baidu .

  14. 百度公司方面表示,中国赴海外游客的增加,进而产生的强烈需求是百度加快其全球扩张计划的主要原因。

    Baidu said the surging demand from Chinese outbound travelers is the main reason for it to speed up the expansion plan .

  15. 她们还于上个月在联合国开发计划署和科技巨头百度公司共同举办的设计挑战大赛上夺得了冠军。

    The pair won first prize last month in an open design challenge organized by the UN Development Program and tech giant Baidu .

  16. 而总部位于北京、拥有中国搜索市场75%份额的百度公司,感觉上工程师主导较少。

    The headquarters in Beijing of Baidu , which has 75 % of China 's search market , feels much less dominated by engineers .

  17. 搜索引擎巨头百度公司正将其地图服务业务拓至中国本土以外,这样做是为了从日益增长的中国游客出国旅游需求中发掘机遇。

    Search engine giant Baidu Inc is expanding its mapping services beyond China , to tap into the growing demand from Chinese tourists traveling overseas .

  18. 36家非营利组织已联名向北京市工商局举报百度公司涉嫌违反中国广告法。

    A group of 36 non-profits has filed a complaint with the Beijing Administration of Industry and Commerce accusing Baidu of violating China 's advertising law .

  19. 公民实验室表示,自从去年11月份被告知这一情况之后,百度公司注意到了这些漏洞,并已经修正了一些在代码中的错误。

    Citizen Lab said that Baidu had fixed some of the bugs in the code since it had first been told about them in November last year .

  20. 有两家中国公司进入榜单前十,分别是位居第2名的百度公司和第10名的华为技术有限公司。

    Two Chinese companies made it to the top 10 of the list - Baidu Inc in the second position and Huawei Technologies Co in the 10th position .

  21. 近日,百度公司宣布了一项名为阿波罗的新计划,旨在向其合作伙伴开放自动驾驶平台,此举是为了促进自动驾驶技术的发展。

    Baidu Inc announced a new project - Apollo - to open up its autonomous driving platform to its partners , a move to promote the development of self-driving technology .

  22. 百度公司方面表示,19世纪凡尔纳著作中的一些想象,比如直升飞机,在20世纪已经成为了现实。

    The company said that some of Verne 's imagination seen in his books in the 19th century , such as helicopters , had been realized in the 20th century .

  23. 由于来自本土竞争对手如百度公司和腾讯QQ的压力,谷歌公司下个月将在中国大陆关闭其在线音乐下载服务。

    GOOGLE Inc is shutting its online music download service in the Chinese mainland next month because of pressure from local rivals such as Baidu Inc and Tencent 's QQ .

  24. 据总部位于北京的百度公司介绍,这个项目是根据法国小说家儒勒·凡尔纳的名字而命名的,目前已经邀请了6人成为该顾问团队的首批成员。

    The project , named after French novelist Jules Verne , has already invited six people to be the first group of advisers in the team , according to Beijing-based Baidu .

  25. 在榜单前十名中,超过半数的企业来自于互联网和高科技产业,但是中国搜索引擎巨头百度公司却跌出了前五十。

    More than half of the top ten China 's most admired companies come from Internet and high tech industries , but China 's search engine giant Baidu failed to make the list .

  26. 中国搜索引擎巨头百度公司近日开发了一项机器学习算法。该算法可以预测人群是否有可能在两小时内在某些位置聚集,用以防止踩踏事故的发生。

    Chinese search engine giant Baidu has developed a machine-learning algorithm that predicts whether crowds are likely to form at certain locations in two hours , which could be used to prevent stampedes .

  27. 在表明对盗版持“零容忍”态度后,百度公司计划在短期内关闭所有文学类别的网络论坛,清查内容以打击窃取知识产权行为。

    Claiming to hold a " zero-tolerance attitude " toward piracy , the company planned to temporarily shut down all Internet forums under the category of literature in order to check content for intellectual property theft .

  28. 总部设在北京的百度公司宣布了美国自自动驾驶研发小组正式成立,该小组是百度在北京、上海、深圳等城市运营的自动驾驶团队的一部分。

    Headquartered in Beijing , China , Baidu announced the formation of an autonomous driving team in the United States , as part of Baidu Autonomous Driving Unit that operates in Chinese cities of Beijing , Shanghai and Shenzhen .

  29. 据百度公司称,无人驾驶车在测试中最高时速达100公里。百度还说测试时车上有一名驾驶员,以防有紧急情况发生时能操控车辆。

    The vehicle reached a top speed of 100km / hr during the test , according to the company.Baidu said the test was completed with a driver in the car who would take control of the vehicle in case of emergency .

  30. 由中国在线搜索引擎巨头百度公司的首席执行官领头的买方财团,宣布撤回之前收购视频流媒体平台爱奇艺的计划,其原因是双方在“交易结构和购买价格”等方面未达成一致。

    A consortium led by the chief executive officer of the Chinese online search giant abandoned its bid to buy out its video-streaming operation iQiyi.com Inc after failing to reach an agreement " on the transaction structure and purchase price . "