
  • 网络Baigong;Precision Production Trades;a hundred workers;Black & Decker;Black & Johnson;Black and Decker
百工 [bǎi gōng]
  • (1) [all sorts of workmen]∶西周时指工奴,泛指手工业工人,各种工匠

  • 巫医乐师百工之人。--唐. 韩愈《师说》

  • (2) [all officials]∶众官,百官,古代官的总称

  • 允理(治理)百工。--《尚书.尧典》

  • (3) [all sorts of crafts]∶各种手艺(百,虚指,言其多)

  1. 百工之乡的竹编艺术

    Bamboo Weaving Art of Hundred Technology County

  2. 永康是全国闻名的百工之乡、五金之都,是浙中专业化加工制造基地。

    YONG KANG is famous of " 100 workers of the township ", " hardware ", is the specialized processing manufacturing base .

  3. 手工艺博览会一展“百工之乡”灵巧,闭幕式晚会演绎“歌舞之都”灵动。

    Arts and crafts fair a show ," hundreds of hands of the township " smart , closing party interpretation of " Dance City " Smart .

  4. 温州古有“百工之乡”美誉,历史上漆器、造纸、丝绸、绣品都留有盛誉。

    Wenzhou In ancient times ," hundreds of hands town " reputation , the history of lacquer ware , paper , silk , embroidery have left reputation .

  5. 比较重要的手工业都由王室和诸侯控制,众多的百工在司空的领导下负责管理各项手工业,其中最重要的仍然是青铜铸造业尤其是战车的制造。

    Royal families and vassals controlled important handicraft industries , in which various handicraftsmen were engaged under the control of Si Kong . Bronze casting continued to be most important , particularly in the building of chariots .

  6. 为什么选择百年理工?

    Why we choose Centennial college ?