
  • 网络the 'nanny state;the nanny state
  1. 尽管这些问题日益迫近,保姆国家仍未对此有足够的认识。

    But for all the looming problems , it is still untrue that the nanny state knows best .

  2. 他们担心社会成了保姆国家,女族长式的保护但也插手干预,为了臣民自身的利益而去娇养溺爱他们。

    They fret that societies have instead submitted to the nanny state , a protective but intrusive matriarch , coddling citizens for their own good .

  3. 不幸的是,对于任何不能完全符合保姆国家正统观点的公众人物,媒体往往统统都会一棒打倒。

    Unfortunately , the media tends to eviscerate any public figure who fails to comply precisely with nanny-state , orthodox views .

  4. 新加坡经常开展促进文明社会行为的活动。由于新加坡有很多政府条例和公民行为准则,因此有时被称为“保姆国家”。

    Singapore , sometimes described as a " nanny state " because of a number of government regulations and restrictions on its citizens , often launches campaigns to instill proper social behaviour .

  5. 将个体从保姆式国家解放出来的斗争离胜利尚远。

    The tussle to free the individual from the nanny state is still far from won .

  6. 保守派反对保姆式国家。支持家庭托儿所培训法案的前参议员约翰·豪廷杰说。

    Conservatives railed against ' the nanny state , ' said John Hottinger , a former DFL state senator who sponsored the training bill .

  7. 现在油价高得令人心惊胆战,气候变暖也让人心惊肉跳,而美国这个保姆式国家又想彻底剥夺普通人飙车的乐趣。

    Gas prices are getting scarily high , the climate is getting scarily warm , and the nanny state wants to take all our fun away .

  8. 19世纪末20世纪初,随着传统的守夜型国家向保姆型国家的转化。

    The traditional type of state metaphorically called night-watch transformed itself into a new type acting like a housekeeper in late 19th century and early 20th century .

  9. 伴随着种族隔离思想的政权削弱情况,保姆式的国家提倡采用私有化政策。

    A measure of privatization of adoption is called for , with a diminution in the powers of ideological apartheiders of the Nanny State .