
  • 网络Warranty period;SHELF LIFE
  1. 单独分析法定保证期间性质的做法在我国没有立论的前提。通过研究可知,这些机制都无法单独实现完全的QoS保证。

    Individual analysis on legal guaranty period has not been stated in Chinese legal system . Through research , we got to know that only a single kind of QoS mechanism cannot solve problems of quality of service .

  2. 浅析保证期间与诉讼时效

    The Difference and Relations between Warranty Period and Limitation of Action

  3. 第二个是保证期间的期限问题。

    The second part is the length of the guarantee period .

  4. 论保证期间与诉讼时效的转换及适用

    On Transformation and Application of Guaranty Duration And Limitation of Action

  5. 第二部分是保证期间的计算。

    Part two discusses the calculation of the guaranty period .

  6. 最高额保证期间设定与法律风险考评

    Setting Maturity for Maximum Amount Guarantee and Evaluating Legal Risks

  7. 保证期间的概念、种类及立法选择探析

    On the Conception , Genres and Legislation Options of the Guarantee Period

  8. 本文共分为五个部分:第一部分为保证期间概述。

    The first part : the introduction to the duration of guaranty .

  9. 时间(英文)论保证期间与保证诉讼时效&兼评《担保法》及其司法解释的相关规定

    The Period of Guarantee and the Limitation of Time on the Adpromissiones

  10. 论恶意抵押论保证期间

    Research on Malicious Mortgage Study on the Duration of Guaranty

  11. 特殊保证期间相关问题探讨

    Discussion about the Problems on Special Guaranty Period

  12. 其他任何原因不能导致保证期间的中止、中断与延长。

    No other reasons can make the guaranty term suspended 、 discontinued or prolonged .

  13. 保证期间理论上的争议和矛盾,必然会成为阻碍保证制度运用和发展的重要因素。

    The contradictions would inevitably become an obstacle to use and development the guarantee period .

  14. 在保证期间内被更换的物品,应构成供应方的财产。

    Items which are replaced during the warranty period shall become the property of the Contractor .

  15. 保证期间的内涵实为债权人行使的选择权的存续期间。

    The definition of guarantee period is the duration of the exercise of right of option .

  16. 论保证期间

    Study on the Duration of Guaranty

  17. 保证期间是保证人承担保证责任的期间。

    The guaranty period is the time in which the guarantor must bear the guaranty liability .

  18. 保证期间性质辨析

    Discriminating Characters of Guaranteeing Period

  19. 保证期间探析

    Inquiry in to Guarantee Period

  20. 结论是对约定保证期间应尽量保证合同自由,取消来自强行法的限制。

    Our conclusion is that the limitation on the longest duration of guaranty period has its unique value .

  21. 关于保证期间的几个问题&兼评《担保法解释》关于保证期间之若干规定

    On Several Issues of Guaranty Period & Remark on Several Provisions about Guaranty Period in Interpretation of Guarantee Law

  22. 保证期间是保证合同当事人双方利益平衡之结果,应尊重双方的约定。

    The guaranty period is the result of balancing the rights and interests of both parties to a contract .

  23. 如果担保《中华人民共和国担保法》将保证期间与诉讼时效相混淆。

    Guaranty Law of the People 's Republic of China mixes up the two terms : suretyship and limitation of action .

  24. 文章最后就商业银行如何解决运用保证期间制度中遇到的问题提出了若干建议。

    Finally few proposals are raised as to how commercial banks resolve the problem encountered in application of guarantee period system .

  25. 尤其保证期间与保证债务诉讼时效的相关问题更是历来争议的焦点。

    In particular , guarantee period and guarantee debt limitation of legal proceedings related question is always the focus of controversy .

  26. 本文主要探讨商业银行在信贷业务中如何运用保证期间制度追究保证人担保责任的问题。

    This essay mainly discusses how commercial banks make best of guarantee period system , and make guarantor undertake his liability .

  27. 保证期间与主合同诉讼时效期间和保证合同诉讼时效期间相互独立。

    The guaranty term is separated from the limitation of the action both of the main contract and the guaranty contract .

  28. 摘要保证期间既不属于诉讼时效,也不是除斥期间,而是一种独立的期间形态,即为失权期间。

    Guarantee period neither belongs to litigation validity , nor is it the period during which a certain right is valid .

  29. 债权人在保证期间内所行使的权利并非请求权,而是形成权。

    The right that the creditor exercised in the guarantee period is not the right of request but the right of evolvement .

  30. 保证期间的性质为附期限法律行为所附的解除期限。

    In fact , the guaranty period in essence is the termination duration having been attached to the juristic act with du .