
dān bǎo
  • security;guarantee;assure;warrant;vouch for;go bail for
担保 [dān bǎo]
  • [assure;guarantee;vouch for] 表示负责,保证做到或保证不出问题

  • 我用名誉担保这是真的

担保[dān bǎo]
  1. IBM不会提供法律建议或者担保它的服务或者产品能够保证客户是遵循的情况。

    IBM does not provide legal advice or represent or warrant that its services or products will ensure that the customer is in compliance with any law .

  2. 拍卖法中瑕疵担保责任问题研究

    Research to Issues of Liability for Warrant of Defects of Auction Law

  3. 只有有人担保才能加入这个高尔夫俱乐部。

    Entrance to the golf club is by sponsorship only .

  4. 尽管反复担保减少失业,失业率看来却在上升。

    Unemployment seems to be rising , despite repeated assurances to the contrary .

  5. 该保险公司将接受仓库库存货物或长期国库券作为担保。

    The insurance company will take warehouse stocks or treasury bonds as surety

  6. 买方在付现之前可能要求提供进一步的担保。

    Buyers might require further assurances before parting with their cash

  7. 他将签订一个个人担保,以此为贷款多加一层保障。

    He will sign a personal guarantee to additionally secure the loan .

  8. 他们需提供绝对可靠的担保,才能投资长期项目。

    They would have to offer cast-iron guarantees to invest in long-term projects .

  9. 支票的承兑金额不可高于卡上所担保的数额。

    Cheques can only be accepted up to the value guaranteed on the card

  10. 政府需要设立专门机构来为小企业贷款作担保。

    The government will have to create a special agency to underwrite small business loans

  11. 金的母亲同意为玛丽亚担保,好让她找份工作。

    Kim 's mother agreed to vouch for Maria and get her a job .

  12. 该公司是英国旅行社协会的完全担保会员。

    The company is a fully bonded member of the Association of British Travel Agents

  13. 由于无力偿还1.14亿英镑的贷款担保,他被宣布破产。

    He was declared bankrupt after failing to pay a £ 114m loan guarantee .

  14. 作为放弃担保的交换,这笔交易将提高保单价值。

    The deal offers an increase in policy value in return for giving up guarantees .

  15. 我们能提供数额从500英镑到7,500英镑的无担保贷款。

    We can arrange unsecured loans for any amount from £ 500 to £ 7,500 .

  16. 我以身家性命担保,我和这件事无关。

    I swear on all I hold dear that I had nothing to do with this

  17. 英国谈判代表已经担保由此而签订的条约将是方向上的重大改变。

    Britain 's negotiators had ensured that the treaty which resulted was a significant change in direction

  18. 该公司没有任何形式的担保,因此没有补偿方案。

    The company was not bonded in any way and as such there is no compensation scheme .

  19. 无法担保肯定能成功。

    Success is not guaranteed .

  20. 18至20岁的男性必须缴纳一笔保证金,作为回来服兵役的担保。

    Males between 18 and 20 had to leave a deposit as a guarantee of returning to do their military service .

  21. 我用名誉担保她是清白无辜的。

    I certify on my honour that she is innocent .

  22. 我担保她能做好这项工作。

    I assure you that she can be trusted to do the job .

  23. 如果你决定聘用约翰,我愿为他的行为担保。

    I 'll engage for John 's behaviour should you decide to employ him .

  24. 那位老人愿意为他担保。

    The old man is willing to pledge for him .

  25. 这事儿千真万确,我以人格担保。

    On my honour , I swear it is true .

  26. 我担保玛丽的品行。

    I stand guarantee for mary 's good behaviour .

  27. 没有东西能担保永久的幸福。

    Nothing can assure permanent happiness .

  28. 一些银行已开设提供经济担保或证明等新业务,以利于引进外资。

    And some banks have begun to render such new services as issuing guarantees and witness in favor of the foreign investments .

  29. 他们问我是否愿意为他作担保。

    They asked whether I was prepared to vouch for him .

  30. 留置是一种财产担保。

    A lien is a type of security over property .