
dān bǎo hé tonɡ
  • Guarantee contract;hypothecation;security agreement;contract of suretyship;covenant of warranty
  1. 流质约款是指民商主体当事人之间在有关物的担保合同中约定的,于债务人到期未能清偿债务时即由担保权人取得所约定的担保物的所有权的条款。

    The article on collateral 's transfer refers to the clause engaged by the civil subjects in the contract of suretyship , which the secured creditor will attain the ownership of the engaged collateral when the debtor can 't pay off the due debt .

  2. 担保合同是主债权债务合同的从合同。

    A security contract shall be a subordinate one to the principal contract .

  3. 担保合同另有约定的,按照约定。

    Where it is otherwise agreed in the guaranty contract , such agreement shall prevail .

  4. 并分析了物的担保合同无效或被撤销时,保证人应如何承担保证保证。

    And analysis of material security contract invalid or revoked , the guarantor shall undertake to guarantee to guarantee .

  5. 应注意以贷还贷合同中,担保合同从属性及独立性对担保合同效力的影响;

    The validity of related guarantee contract may be effected by the nature of dependence and independence of such loan contract .

  6. 主债权债务合同无效,担保合同无效,但法律另有规定的除外。

    Unless it is otherwise prescribed by any law , the security contract shall be invalid when the principal contract is nullified .

  7. 用支持采购合同、出租合同、租赁合同、担保合同、费用合同、主合同、统括合同和用户自定义合同的综合合同管理来管理合同。

    Manage contracts with comprehensive contract management support for purchase , lease , rental , warranty , rate , master , blanketanduser-defined contracts .

  8. 这个要求体现在担保合同中和土地权益的买卖,处置合同中。

    This requirement exists in relation to contracts of guarantee and to contracts for the sale or disposition of an interest in land .

  9. 根据《解释》规定,违规对外担保合同为无效合同。

    I.In accordance with the Interpretation , a contract for providing guaranty to foreign parties in violation of regulations shall be an invalid contract .

  10. 定金的性质为担保合同的订立或履行,因购房人违约,开发商有权不退还定金。

    The property of deposit is assure of the contract conclude or fulfill , because buy room person beak a contract , development business has authority not to return deposit .

  11. 对此争议,本文首先对双方签订的协议的性质进行了分析,阐述本案涉及的担保合同是否构成让与担保。

    To the dispute , this paper firstly analyzed the two sides signed the agreement properties , then the case involving the guarantee contract whether to constitute the transferring guarantee .

  12. 指出:定金既有担保合同履行的作用,在一定条件下也是承担违约责任的一种方式,但本文主张定金并非一种典型定义上的担保方式,它不能保证当事人圆满地实现债权。

    At , the same time , The paper maintains that the deposit is not a typical means of guarantee , because it cannot realized the creditor , s rights .

  13. 第二章重点论述了独立担保合同当事人的权利义务问题,以构建出独立担保制度的法律框架。

    Chapter two puts its emphasis on the rights and obligations of each party in the legal system of independent guarantee , so that it can establish the framework of independent guarantee .

  14. 我国在立法和司法实践中也都采纳了根据最密切联系原则来确定涉外担保合同纠纷准据法的做法。

    In China , The most significant relationship doctrine has been adopted to choose the governing law for the contracts of guarantee with foreign elements in both legislative practices and judicial practices .

  15. 从民事责任方式、归责原则和有关过错责任人的赔偿范围等方面,分析了物上担保合同无效的民事责任问题;

    The civil responsibility for invalidation of a guarantee contract in res is analyzed in the aspect of the forms , the principle and the limits of civil responsibility undertaken by the parties ;

  16. 担保合同另有约定的,按照约定。担保合同被确认无效后,债务人、担保人、债权人有过错的,应当根据其过错各自承担相应的民事责任。

    Where a guarantee contract is affirmed to be invalid , the debtor , surety or creditor is in fault , they shall respectively bear the relevant civil liability according to their own faults .

  17. 假如签订担保合同时约定,当丙造成丁企业的损失而自己无力赔偿时,由其家长和企业承担,那么就由乙和甲共同负责。

    If sign , assure the agreement when the contract , oneself are faint when the loss that third causes fourth company when compensation , assume by its parent and enterprise , so be in charge of jointly by second and armour .

  18. 保证保险合同属于保险合同还是属于担保合同,我国法律未作明确的规定,而无论是在理论界还是在实践中,无论是司法界还是保险界,都有不同的看法。

    As to guarantee insurance contract being an insurance contract or a guaranty contract , our na-tional laws don 't give a definite definition , but there are different point-views coming from theory field and practice , judicial field and insurance field .

  19. 上市公司应当加强担保合同的管理。为他人担保,应当订立书面合同。担保合同应当按照公司内部管理规定妥善保管,并及时通报监事会、董事会秘书和财务部门。

    When providing guarantees to any other party , listed companies shall conclude a contract in writing , which shall be properly kept in accordance with the company 's internal regulations and be submitted to the board of supervisors , the Secretary of board of directors and financial department .

  20. 在BOT信用结构中,信用的重要基础是未来资产,现有资产构成对未来资产的支持,这种信用结构的主要表现形式是担保和合同。

    Under the BOT credit system , the significant credit basis is the future asset which is supported by the current asset featured in the guarantee and contract form .

  21. 未经保险的未发保险的,无附加担保的合同上附加了保险条款。

    Lacking the protection of insurance or collateral security . An insurance policy was annexed to the contract .

  22. 第三,董事、经理越权对外担保的合同效力。

    Moreover , the validity of guarantee contract may vary on different circumstances . Third , the validity of ultra vires external guaranty contract , which concluded by directors or managers .

  23. 具体到抵押合同来说,它作为一种担保主合同债务履行的从合同,同时也是现代社会的重要融资手段,它的制度设计与我们现在的社会主义市场经济建设是息息相关的。

    As to the mortgage contract , which acts as the guarantee to fulfill the primary contract , it is attached to the primary contract . It is also one important kind of expenses measures . Its system is being closely linked against our building of socialism market economy .

  24. 规定的担保涵盖根据合同提供的材料、实施的安装工作及交付的所有备用件。

    The specified guarantee covers any provided material , carried out work of installation , all the spare parts delivered in conformity of the contract .

  25. 先履行一方在履行了上述两项义务后,享有在对方未恢复履行能力并且未提供适当担保时解除合同的权利。

    The party required to perform first enjoys the right of cancelling the contract when the other side has not resumed ability to perform and offered assuring properly after fulfilling above-mentioned two obligations .

  26. 担保公司应该根据合同给顾客提供必要的保护。

    eg.A bonded company should offer its customers some necessary protection according to their contracts .

  27. 所谓的瑕疵担保是指有偿合同中的债务人,对其所提出的给付应担保其权利完整和标的物质量合格。

    Guarantee liability is that debtor person in onerous contract must guarantee what he give have complete right and good quality .

  28. 第五章结合实际工程案例,剖析工程合同实施过程中存在的风险,结合案例实际分析了工程保险和工程担保在固定价格合同中的实际应用。

    In the fifth chapter , combined with engineering case , analysis the practical application of the engineering insurance and guarantee .

  29. 需要设立通用规定,让银行有信心进行跨国担保,并且相信合同会被执行。

    Common rules are needed so that banks can pledge collateral with confidence across countries and be confident that contracts are enforceable .

  30. 权利瑕疵担保是我国合同法在借鉴两大法系立法经验的基础上所确立的一种合同责任形式。

    Warranty of defective title is a form of contract obligation , which is drawn on the experiences of the common law and continental family .