
  1. 上海中小企业贷款担保市场存在的问题及其对策

    Problems and solutions for SMEs in the guaranteed-loan market in Shanghai

  2. 信用担保市场的内在脆弱性分析

    Analysis of the vulnerability of the credit security market

  3. 工程担保市场应建立风险管理机制

    Discussion on necessity of establishing a risk management mechanism at engineering insurance market

  4. 四是货币市场、资本市场与信用担保市场不够完善;

    The forth , the incomplete monetary market , capital market and guarantee market ;

  5. 上海市小企业贷款担保市场发展研究

    The Guaranteed-Loan Market for Small Companies in Shanghai

  6. 这一工具是在尽管无担保市场出现萎缩的情况下抑制通胀的一种手段。

    This tool represents a means to check inflation despite the breakdown in unsecured markets .

  7. 因此,农村产权制度改革是农村拓展抵押担保市场的首要步骤。以农村土地产权制度改革为契机,顺应形势,建立我国农村土地产权抵押担保市场。

    Therefore , the rural property rights system reform is the first step of expanding rural mortgage guarantee market .

  8. 然而由于监管的滞后,担保市场鱼龙混杂,为数不少的信用担保机构打着担保的旗号,却从事着资金拆借、高利贷等违法违规行为。

    However , due to lax supervision , security market is very confusing and many credit guarantee institutions engage in money lending and other illegal activities .

  9. 文章通过对上海中小企业贷款担保市场发展现状、存在问题等方面的研究,探讨进一步促进当前上海中小企业贷款担保市场发展的对策。

    The author makes careful research on the past & present guaranteed loan market in Shanghai , tries to identify the existing problems , and presents related suggestions for the future development .

  10. 第一层是外部风险管理,外部风险管理是指担保市场的相关市场主体对担保机构影响的普遍因素的风险管理;第二层是内部风险管理。

    The first implication is outside managing risk , it is refer to managing risk of wider factor by the controller in the market . The second one is the inside managing risks .

  11. 然而由于中小企业信用担保市场信息不对称导致的逆向选择和道德风险及中小企业受自身发展阶段的制约,使得中小企业融资极其困难,究其原因主要是中小企业信用不足。

    However , due to the small and medium enterprise credit guarantee market asymmetric information can lend to adverse selection and moral risk , as well as the small and medium-sized enterprises by stage of its development is restricted , the reason is that SME is the lack of credit .

  12. 欧洲央行已经宣布,将与欧洲投资银行(EuropeanInvestmentBank)合作制定措施,通过重振资产担保证券市场来拓宽中小企业的融资渠道。

    The ECB has already announced that it is working with the European Investment Bank to devise ways of broadening access to financing for SMEs by reviving a market for asset-backed securities .

  13. 庞大的美国次级抵押贷款担保证券市场昨日陷入动荡,因为贷款人出售从贝尔斯登(BearStearns)旗下两家对冲基金查扣的资产,价值逾10亿美元。这两家对冲基金在次级抵押贷款方面损失惨重。

    The giant market for securities backed by US subprime mortgages was thrown into turmoil yesterday as lenders sold more than $ 1bn of assets seized from two Bear Stearns hedge funds that suffered heavy losses on subprime bets .

  14. 中国银行(BoC)表示,尽管该行在相关领域遭受亏损,但依然支持进一步发展中国新生的资产担保证券市场。在亚洲的银行中,中国银行受美国次贷危机的影响最大。

    Bank of China , which had the biggest exposure to the US subprime crisis among Asian banks , said it was in favour of expanding China 's nascent market for asset-backed securities despite suffering losses from such holdings .

  15. 首先,解决抵押担保证券市场中的流动性问题。

    First , address illiquidity in the market for mortgage-backed securities .

  16. 湖南信用担保业市场结构与市场绩效分析

    Analysis of Structure and Performance of Credit Guarantee Industry Market in Hunan Province

  17. 那么,抵押担保证券市场的情况如何呢?

    And what of the market for mortgage-backed securities ?

  18. 在房价前景变得更为确定之前,抵押担保证券市场不可能恢复信心。

    Mortgage-backed securities cannot be valued with any confidence until there is more certainty about the future of house prices .

  19. 近年来,该领域一直是抵押贷款担保债券市场中增长最快的领域之一。

    In recent years , this area has been one of the fastest-growing parts of the market for mortgage-backed bonds .

  20. 辛格估计,在此次危机之前,双边担保抵押品市场的规模为10万亿美元左右。

    Before the crisis , Mr Singh reckons , the size of the bilaterally Pledged Collateral market was about $ 10tn .

  21. 一家行业组织警告称,美国有关资产担保债券市场的议案有可能损害这种金融产品享誉数百年、稳定到让人感到枯燥的名声。

    US proposals for a covered bond market risk wrecking the products ' centuries-old reputation for boring stability , an industry group has warned .

  22. 政府作为公共利益的守护者和公平交易、公平竞争的维护者,应以推动、形成具有竞争机制的担保人市场。

    Being keeper of common wealth , fair trade , and competition , the government should promote the building of a competitive guarantor market .

  23. 这是因为银行间无担保融资市场(银行在此进行借贷)是死水一潭。

    That is because the unsecured Interbank Funding market , which is supposed to be where banks borrow from each other , is frozen solid .

  24. 一些银行开始挖掘极其安全的资产担保债券市场,但许多银行似乎已转向监管机构热衷于阻挠的那种短期融资渠道。

    Some have tapped the ultra-safe covered bond market , but many appear to have been turning to the sort of short-term money that regulators are keen to discourage .

  25. 例如,自7月以来,高收益率债券市场在欧洲尚未做成一单交易,而资产担保证券市场自今年夏季以来已经干涸。

    The high-yield bond market , for example , has not seen a single deal in Europe since July , and the asset-backed securitisation market has dried since the summer .

  26. 欧洲资产担保债券市场正在快速扩张,许多新的国家都涌现出此类债券的发行者,例如葡萄牙、瑞典和美国。

    The European market for such debt is undergoing a rapid expansion , with issuers emerging from a number of new countries , such as Portugal , Sweden and the US .

  27. 在资产担保证券市场中,用非常规资产担保的交易约占十分之一,它们吸引的是那些追求更高收益率,也愿意承担更多风险的投资者。

    Deals backed by unusual assets make up about a tenth of the asset-backed security market , appealing to investors who want higher yields and are willing to take on more risk .

  28. 自贝尔斯登今年夏季受到信贷紧缩的冲击以来,有关该银行将引入一家少数股权投资者的猜测便日益升温。由于积极参与了美国抵押担保证券市场的投资,贝尔斯登第三季度收益下降了61%。

    Speculation about a possible minority investor in Bear has mounted since it was battered by the summer credit squeeze which , because of the bank 's heavy exposure to the US mortgage-backed securities market , led to a 61 per cent drop in third-quarter earnings .

  29. 抵押担保是提供市场经济信用的最有力的形式之一。

    Mortgage guarantee is one of the strongest forms supplying credit for market economy .

  30. 债权担保对于发展市场经济和促进市场交易具有十分重要的意义。

    Security for obligation plays a significant role in the development of market economy and the safety of transactions .