
dìng jīn
  • deposit;down payment;earnest;earnest money;retainer;front money;bargain money;handsel;penny;god's penny
定金 [dìng jīn]
  • (1) [penny]∶按特定的税制或习惯支付的强征款项

  • (2) [god's penny;earnest;deposit]∶作为定钱支付的小额金钱,尤其是在敲定一笔买卖或雇佣人时

定金[dìng jīn]
  1. 浅论定金的法律适用

    Discussion on Legal Suitability of the Earnest Money

  2. 关于定金若干法律问题的思考

    On Legal Questions Concerning Earnest Money

  3. 乘客取消航班订位,定金概不退还。

    If you cancel your flight , you will forfeit your deposit .

  4. 他以10万美元买下一处投资性地产,并支付了2万美元的定金。

    He bought an investment property for $ 100,000 and put down $ 20,000

  5. 这更像是首付,也可以说是定金。

    This is more like a downpayment , or a deposit , if you like .

  6. 我将收取500美元的定金。

    I 'll need a five-hundred-dollar retainer

  7. 我们不得不“掏光腰包”,才够付新车的定金。

    We had to dig deep to find enough money to pay a deposit for our new car .

  8. 瑞士信贷(CreditSuisse)的分析师们估计,有2万人在特斯拉门店交了定金。他们表示,对于一款买家还未亲眼见到的汽车来说,这样的购买兴趣“着实令人震惊”。

    Analysts at Credit Suisse had estimated that 20000 people put down deposits in Tesla stores , a level of interest they described as " really astounding " for a vehicle the buyers hadn 't seen .

  9. 有fha为按揭提供保险对于首次买房者来说是至关重要的,因为这样一来他们只需支付3.5%的定金即可。

    FHA-insured loans are particularly important for first-time buyers , who need to put down a deposit of only 3.5 % .

  10. 房客或佃户定期付给landlord(房主或地主)租金商店答应,倘若我付定金就给我保留这批货。

    He or she pays money ( rent ) regularly for its use to the landlord , who is the owner The shop promised to keep the goods for me if I paid a deposit .

  11. 最后,他们付给她一小笔定金,安排她和资深编辑泰·霍霍夫(TayHohoff)合作,她和霍霍夫建立起亲密的工作和私人关系。

    Eventually they paid a small advance and assigned her to work with Tay Hohoff , an experienced editor with whom she developed a close working and personal relationship .

  12. 商品房认购书中定金罚则适用的困惑与反思

    On Puzzle and Introspection of the Application of sin Subscription Certificate

  13. 我们付了新房子的定金。

    We 've put down a deposit on a new house .

  14. 挑战是在不达到贪婪程度的情况下提高爱情定金。

    The challenge is to raise the dowry without being greedy .

  15. 请填您的详细地址并交付20%的定金。您可以用现金、信用卡或是支票支付。

    We need your full address and a deposit of20 percent .

  16. 户主还可以要求添加定金要求以及增加核对程序。

    Owners can add their own deposit requirements and checking procedures .

  17. 我付不起首期定金

    I can 't afford a down payment on your services .

  18. 我们目前已付定金给他。

    We 've put him on a retainer for the moment .

  19. 在双方当事人均不履行合同时,不能适用定金罚则;

    The deposit avouchment can 't be applied to loan contract .

  20. 认购书中的定金纠纷在实际生活中日渐增多,但定金罚则自有其适用的规则。

    The disputes about the deposit of subscription certificate have increased .

  21. 他付定金40元,以后每月付20元。

    He paid $ 40 down and $ 20 a month .

  22. 你准备好付百分之十的定金了吗?

    Are you prepared to make a ten percent down payment ?

  23. 他先付50英镑定金,其余的按月分期付款。

    He paid 50 down and the rest in monthly instalment .

  24. 租房需要定金,一些公用事业服务也是如此。

    Apartment rentals require deposits , as do some utility companies .

  25. 其中50%的定金请于定展位日起10日内付讫。

    The50 % payment must be paid off within the10 days .

  26. 在《企业破产法》中应建立定金债权优先清偿制度

    Establishing the First Earnest Money Obligatory Rights System in Enterprise Bankruptcy Act

  27. 他们很有可能让你付少量定金。

    They 'll quite likely ask you to pay a small deposit .

  28. 告诉她把定金还给我。

    Let her know that I want my deposit returned .

  29. 需要预付总数的20%作为定金。

    20 % of the total amount is needed for the deposit .

  30. 为买新的照相机付500块的定金。

    Make a deposit of500 yuan on a new camera .