
  • 网络Customized Marketing
  1. 基于电子商务平台的定制市场营销

    Customized Marketing Based on E-commerce

  2. 单单是产品并不能保证任天堂的巨大成功,但是一次专门为新游戏消费者定制的先进的市场营销活动起到了更大的作用。

    This of itself would not have guaranteed the raging success that the Nintendo enjoys , but a sophisticated marketing campaign tailored to a whole new audience played a large part .

  3. 这是由个人需求决定的购物体验,是像脸书和谷歌这样的公司收集的数据定制的个性化的市场营销日益增长的自然延伸。

    It 's a shopping experience defined by the needs of the individual , a natural extension of increasingly personalized marketing campaigns tailored by online data collected by companies like Facebook and Google .