
  • 网络customized marketing;Customization Marketing
  1. 第2章研究了大规模定制营销的4P策略,突出了大规模定制营销在4P策略中的特点。

    Chapter 2 discuss the 4Ps tactics of mass customized marketing . Chapter .

  2. 以第三方电子商务平台为核心的大规模定制营销模式研究

    Research on the Mass Customized Marketing Pattern Based on the Core of Third-party E-commerce

  3. 信息化转型下的山东联通ICT业务定制营销策略研究

    Study on Customization Marketing Strategy on ICT Service in Shandong Unicom Based on Information Transformation

  4. 整合营销4C理论下服装定制营销策略初探

    Preliminary Study of Custom-Made Market Strategy for Integrated Marketing 4Cs

  5. 该文通过对大规模营销和大规模定制营销的比较,提出了一种基于WEB的面向大规模定制的软家装混合营销模式,介绍了基于WEB的软家装营销系统。

    On the basis of comparing the mass sales with the mass customization sales , this paper brings forward a compound sales system of indoor decoration based on the WEB , and gives an explanation of it .

  6. 然后,根据LC公司目前情况,提出了定制营销的策略,指明了组织、技术、资金等方面的保证措施。

    After that , according the situation of LC , some tactics of custom marketing is put forward , and the guarantee action is pointed out from the organizational , technological , and financial aspects .

  7. 而基于4C理论的大规模定制营销面对客户日趋多样化、动态性的市场需求显示出了较强的生命力。

    Mass customization marketing , a brand new one , which is based on 4C theory shows stronger vitality facing varied requirements at the dynamic market .

  8. 济钢大规模定制营销战略的构建研究

    Constructing Analysis Based on Mass Customization Marketing Strategy of Jinan Steel

  9. 国外运营商终端定制营销案例对国内运营商的启示。

    Case study of foreign operators ' terminal customization marketing .

  10. 车型网络化定制营销模式的研究

    Research on the Model of Networked Customization Marketing for Exterior of Automobile

  11. 东方钢铁集团大规模定制营销策略研究

    Study on Mass Customization Marketing Strategy at Dongfang Iron & Steel Group

  12. 基于运营商的手机大规模定制营销模式研究

    An Study on Mobile Phone Mass Customization Marketing Mode for the Operator

  13. 21世纪旅游营销新理念:定制营销

    Customized Marketing : A New Concept for the 21st-Century Tourism

  14. 服装业的调查之眼服装定制营销模式初探

    Research on the mode of custom marketing in garments

  15. 第三方物流定制营销中的模块化设计

    Modularity Design in Customization Marketing of Third Party Logistics

  16. 论个性化需求与定制营销

    Discussion about Individualized Needs and Marketing to Order

  17. 运输市场企业定制营销模式浅析

    Customized Marketing Mode of Enterprises in Transport Market

  18. 客户需求差异化与商业银行定制营销

    Customer Demand Difference and Commercial Bank Ordering Distribution

  19. 大规模定制营销的战略分析

    The Strategic Analysis of the Mass Customization Marketing

  20. 第4章对销售物流在大规模定制营销中复杂性进行了分析。

    Chapter 4 firstly , shows the complexity of sales logistics in mass customized marketing .

  21. 信息商品定制营销探讨

    Discussion on Information Goods Scaled Marketing

  22. 大规模定制营销研究

    The Research on Mass Customized Marketing

  23. 论图书的定制营销

    On the Customized Marketing of Books

  24. 定制营销是满足顾客个性化需求而展开相应的一系列营销活动。

    Custom marketing is a series marketing activities based on mass production to meet the customers'specific demands .

  25. 基于大规模定制营销的企业竞争力研究南通市工业主导产业选择及其竞争力研究

    Enterprise 's Competitiveness Analysis Based on Mass Customization Marketing Selection and Competitiveness Analysis of Leading-industry in Nantong

  26. 大规模定制营销对企业竞争能力的提高及社会资源的合理配置起着积极的推动作用。

    It docs good to the improvement of enterprise 's competition ability and reasonable allocation of social resources .

  27. 大规模定制营销的实现

    Realization of Large-scaled Marketing

  28. 因此,必须对现代定制营销产生的动因和特点进行分析,从而提出实施定制营销的策略。

    This paper analyzes the reasons and the characteristics of modern customizing marketing , and puts forward the implementary strategies .

  29. 在营销管理上,可通过直复式营销、整合营销、定制营销和软营销等方式创新管理模式。

    SMEs can also innovate the marketing management mode through Direct Marketing , Integrated Marketing , Customized Marketing , Soft Marketing , etc.

  30. 浅议定远盐矿地质概况及生产工艺浅议定制营销在旅游业中的运用

    Brief Discussion on General Geological Situation and Production Process in Dingyuan Salt Mine A Discussion of the Application of Customs Marketing in Tourist Industry