
  • 网络the traditional marketing model
  1. 过去那种单纯强调产品特色、服务利益的传统营销模式,己无法有效满足消费者日益增强的对消费个性化、情感化等方面的要求。

    The traditional marketing model which focused on product features and service benefits can not effectively meet the growing personalized and emotional demands of consumers .

  2. 在传统营销模式下,受制于网点规模、品牌影响力等因素,金融产品营销能力相对薄弱。

    Under the traditional marketing model , subject to the dot size , brand influence factors , etc , marketing capability is relatively weak financial products .

  3. 传统营销模式的市场概念受到强烈冲击,现代企业必须走出传统营销模式。

    The traditional marketing mode , which we had ever defined , has been impacted strongly .

  4. 数字化营销之所以受到企业的青睐,是因为它具备传统营销模式无法比拟的优势。

    Digital Marketing has been favored by many companies due to its unmatched advantage over traditional marketing model .

  5. 经营理念的更新要求新的营销模式与之配套,绿色营销必将取代传统营销模式而成为房地产企业新的经营哲学。

    Therefore , it 's necessary that the traditional marketing pattern be replaced with the green marketing pattern .

  6. 一种全新的营销方式&网络营销开始兴起,并将逐渐取代传统营销模式,成为新经济下企业营销活动的主流。

    A brand new marketing pattern , e-marketing , rises and begins to replace traditional marketing as the mainstream of marketing in new economy .

  7. 《财富》杂志称,在促进这家制造企业从传统营销模式扩大到网络营销的多元营销模式上,董明珠起到了关键作用。

    According to Fortune , Dong has played a key role in diversifying the traditional sales mode of the manufacturing company to online sales .

  8. 本文填充了由传统营销模式向电子商务环境下营销模式变革的影响因素的发展研究。

    This paper filled by the development of the theory from the traditional mode of marketing to e-business environment in the marketing model changing .

  9. 网络经济的发展促使网络营销应运而生,对传统营销模式产生了很大的冲击。

    The development of network economy promotes the generation of network marketing , and it has a great shock to the traditional marketing model .

  10. 进入21世纪以后,作为传统营销模式代表的汽车经销企业受到了市场经济的挑战和冲击。

    With entering into century 21 , the automobile companies , as a representation to traditional sale style have been challenged and impacted by the market economy .

  11. 传统营销模式的一致化,已无法体现出企业的优势,无数的企业利用广告的狂轰乱炸红极一时,最后又无声无息的没落、消失。

    Harmonization of the traditional marketing model is unable to demonstrate the advantages of enterprise . Numerous companies use advertising bombardment smash hit , but finally silent decline and disappear .

  12. 就炼化企业物资供应系统中如何应用电子商务技术打破传统营销模式,如何建立适应本行业的电子商务系统展开讨论。

    How to adopt the E business to break through the traditional management marketing pattern and establish the E business system , which is suitable to the petrochemical industry , is introduced .

  13. 企业在开放互动的互联网平台上,可以直接与消费者建立联系,实现无障碍的实时沟通,这些优势是其他传统营销模式无法比拟的。

    In the open and interactive Internet platform , enterprises can directly connect with consumers , and achieve real-time communication with no barrier . These advantages are incomparable to other traditional marketing mode .

  14. 随着目前市场环境的恶化及同类产品严重同质化,导致以往传统营销模式下营销成本增加而营销效果减弱。

    With the deterioration of the current market environment and the serious homogenization between the same products , marketing costs in the traditional marketing have been increased but the marketing effectiveness has been weakened .

  15. 在商品经济飞速发展的今天,随着信息时代来临和数码科技的不断进步,传统营销模式正在随着时代的变化而变化,从而进一步影响营销的各种手段。

    Today is the rapid development of the commodity economy era . With the information arrival and digital technology progress , the traditional marketing is changing as this era changing , the marketing is influenced .

  16. 在网络等新媒体技术高速发展的时代背景下,传统营销模式面临严峻考验,网络营销将成为今后发展的主流,彰显出巨大威力和发展前景。

    With rapid growth of the internet and other new media , the traditional marketing model faces a severe test . The internet marketing will become the mainstream and show giant competitiveness and development prospects .

  17. 现代企业的变革既对企业的传统营销模式提出了挑战,又对企业高级营销管理人才的知识结构、创新能力等综合素质提出了新的要求。

    Transformation of the modern enterprises brings forward challenges to traditional marketing pattern , and brings forward new requirements to the senior marketing management talent 's integrated quality about knowledge structure ? innovation abilities and so on .

  18. 初期传统营销模式的高成本、低效率已经不能满足企业的发展目标,因此电话营销逐步走入保险公司的营销渠道中。

    Traditional marketing model in the early stage , which is high in the cost and low in efficiency , can not meet the goals of enterprises . Therefore , telemarketing is coming into the marketing channels of insurance company step by step .

  19. 目前,我国网络营销的情况,应从网站建设、人才培养与传统营销模式相结合等方面加强管理,来提高网络营销水平。

    This article introduces the advantages of e-marketing firstly , then analyzes the present situation of e-marketing in China , finally discusses how to improve present e-marketing level by strengthening the management of web site construction , personnel training , combination with traditional marketing modes etc.

  20. 目前,我国房地产企业多采用传统营销模式,这种模式已不适应越来越激烈的市场竞争环境,企业唯一的出路是向更科学的营销模式发展。

    At present , the real estate enterprise of our country adopt more traditional marketing modes , this kind of mode has not adapted to the fiercer and fiercer market competition environment yet , The only outlet of the enterprise is to develop to more scientific marketing mode .

  21. 笔者通过对传统营销渠道模式的优劣势比较分析,运用SWOT分析法等较为详尽的分析了塔机制造企业在新的市场形势下如何进行营销渠道模式的选择。

    Through the traditional mode of marketing channels comparative analysis of advantages and disadvantages of using the SWOT analysis , case analysis and other more detailed analysis of the industrial manufacturing enterprises in the new market situation , how the choice of marketing channel mode .

  22. 为适应网络经济时代全球化竞争的需要,我国企业必须重视研究消费者需求及其行为的变化,在改革传统营销渠道模式的基础上,应建立新的需求导向(拉动)型的ECR营销渠道模式。

    With the globalized competition of network economy era , China 's enterprises must study the changes in consumer 's demands and related behavior On the basis of reforming traditional marketing channel model , new ECR marketing channel model of demand drawing must be established .

  23. 利基营销不同于传统的营销模式,其核心是目标市场的细分化、市场定位的专业化、提供产品或服务的差异化,与传统营销模式相比较,利基营销具有独特的优势。

    Niche marketing , quite different from the traditional one , has unique advantages .

  24. 文章探讨了传统营销运作模式绿化的过程,即产品、价格、销售渠道、促销的绿化过程,并分析了其在企业实际经营过程中的具体运作与应用。

    This paper is mainly about the greening process of the traditional marketing operation model .

  25. 网上服装销售作为一种新型的服装销售模式,与传统的营销模式相比既有优势又有劣势。

    As a new garment marketing mode , online garment marketing has both advantages and disadvantages compared with traditional marketing mode .

  26. 也有的移动增值业务在营销需求特性上呈现个性化、多样性的特点,不便于采用传统市场营销模式。

    And some mobile value-added services show individual characteristics and diversity in the marketing and it is not easy to use traditional marketing model .

  27. 但是,传统的营销模式,如特许加盟、自营等,在目前的市场竞争态势下,已渐渐地失去其优势。

    However , the traditional marketing model , such as the franchise , self-supporting , etc , in the current market competitive states , already gradually losing of its advantage .

  28. 文章首先介绍了传统企业营销模式与网络营销模式、电子商务及其特点,以及我国的电子商务环境和对企业的影响。

    This article first introduces the traditional marketing model and network marketing mode , e-commerce and its characteristics , and China 's e-commerce environment and the influence on the enterprise .

  29. 在这种情况下,我们的民族快餐企业必须改变传统的营销模式,在经营策略上采取创新,才能在激烈的竞争中争夺市场赢得顾客。

    In this context , our national fast food enterprises to change the traditional marketing in business strategies , innovation , and the fierce competition in the competition for market Win Customers .

  30. 随着中场产业高科技工业品竞争的日趋激烈,传统的营销模式已经难以适应多变的市场需求。

    With the increasingly fierce market competition of the high-tech industrial products in the Semi-finished Product Industry , the traditional model of marketing has been difficult to adapt the demands of market that is changing frequently .