
  1. 有厕所专用的拖鞋。进日本屋子、传统餐厅、庙宇和一些博物馆艺术馆之前换拖鞋是惯例。

    It is customary to change into slippers when entering a Japanese home , a traditional restaurant , temples , and sometimes museums and art galleries , according to Rough Guides .

  2. 餐厅改造真正吸引人的地方可能在于它可以轻易地被还原成传统的餐厅。

    But the true beauty of a dining room conversion may be how simple it is to undo .

  3. 美食和夜生活也是相当热闹,雄心勃勃的新餐厅和一个喧闹的酒吧区,与该城传统的餐厅和路边美食区成鼎立之势。

    The culinary and night life scenes are also thriving , with ambitious upstart restaurants and a buzzing bar district joining the city 's traditional eating rooms and street-food zones .

  4. 传统法国餐厅的高档美食和内在优越感与21世纪的消费者无关,正因如此,目前伦敦和纽约的用餐氛围比巴黎更活泼多样。

    Haute cuisine and the inherent snobbery of traditional French restaurants are irrelevant to 21st century customers , which is why London and New York now have far more vibrant and diverse dining scenes than Paris .

  5. 以及“融合”的主厨兼老板,一家结合流行美食和黑人传统食物的餐厅。

    And the chef and owner of Fusion , whose specialty was a mingling Of trendy food with soul food .

  6. 从传统的(餐厅和影院)到比较新潮的(公园里的莎士比亚戏剧演出和户外表演),再到十分疯狂的(调酒课和空中吊杆课),选择是无穷无尽的。

    From the traditional ( restaurants and movies ) , to the moderately new ( Shakespeare in the Park and outdoor performances ) , to the really wild ( mixology and trapeze classes ) , there is no limit to the options available .

  7. 客人可在巴罗洛餐厅品尝来自皮尔蒙特地区的传统意大利美食和餐厅酒窖珍藏的陈年葡萄酒。

    A wide selection of signature Barolo wines will be available from the wine cellar of the restaurant .

  8. 洛杉矶的电子烟休息室以及酒吧仍然允许吸电子烟,但是在一些传统的酒吧、餐厅、沙滩、公园、室外咖啡厅和工作场所则被禁止。

    And here in Los Angeles , those are still be allowed in vaping lounges and Cigar and Hookah Bars , while use will be illegal in conventional bars , and restaurantsk , and also beaches , parks , outdoor cafes and workplaces .