
jiǔ bā
  • bar ;hotel;pub;watering hole;public house;hostelry;boozer
酒吧 [jiǔ bā]
  • [bar] 指西餐馆或某些饭店里卖酒的地方

  1. 我们在学生经常去的一家酒吧里相遇。

    We met in a local bar much frequented by students .

  2. 酒吧里有个陌生男人向她求欢。

    She was propositioned by a strange man in the bar .

  3. 我们闲坐在酒吧里聊天。

    We sat around in the bar , shooting the breeze .

  4. 我回家途中去了我住处附近的酒吧。

    I called in at my local on the way home .

  5. 有些不三不四的人在酒吧周围游荡。

    There were some really strange characters hanging around the bar .

  6. 酒吧仅供会员使用。

    The bar is for the use of members only .

  7. 他在酒吧与人挥拳斗殴。

    He got into a fist fight in the bar .

  8. 英国的酒吧营业时间从前受到很严格的限制。

    Britain 's licensing hours used to be very restricted .

  9. 我发短信告诉他我们在酒吧里等候。

    I text-messaged him to say we were waiting in the pub .

  10. 他在旧金山做酒吧服务员。

    He had a job tending bar in San Francisco .

  11. 我们坐在酒吧的几个高脚凳上。

    We perched on a couple of high stools at the bar .

  12. 一群年轻人闯进酒吧,把里面砸了个乱七八糟。

    Youths had broken into the bar and smashed the place up .

  13. 这是酒吧正常关门时间之后唯一能喝一杯的地方。

    This is the only place to get a drink after hours .

  14. 这家酒吧作为毒品贩子接头的场所已变得声名狼藉。

    The bar has become notorious as a meeting-place for drug dealers .

  15. 这家酒吧星期六总是挤得令人无法挪动。

    You can hardly move in this pub on Saturdays .

  16. 他知道一处适合幽会的小酒吧,他们在那里不会受到打扰。

    He knew an intimate little bar where they would not be disturbed .

  17. 我们一晚上坐在酒吧里讲述各自的旅途经历。

    We spent the evening in the pub swapping stories about our travels .

  18. 我们在一家名为“火烈鸟”的酒吧相遇。

    We met at a bar called the Flamingo .

  19. 酒吧侍者对她热情地微笑。

    The barman beamed a warm smile at her .

  20. 这家酒吧是艺术家最爱光顾的地方。

    The pub is a favourite haunt of artists .

  21. 我们跑遍了所有的酒吧才找到他。

    We had to mission round all the bars until we found him .

  22. 有这些酒吧和夜总会位于家门口,夜生活真是棒极了。

    The nightlife is great with bars and clubs right on the doorstep .

  23. 这家酒吧已获准在圣诞前夕延长营业时间。

    The pub had an extension on Christmas Eve .

  24. 有三个酒吧每周七个晚上都有现场文艺节目。

    There are three bars , with live entertainment seven nights a week .

  25. 他溜达着朝酒吧走去。

    He moseyed on over to the bar .

  26. 他一跃坐到了酒吧间的高凳上。

    He hitched himself onto the bar stool .

  27. 酒吧停止营业,直到另行通知。

    The bar is closed until further notice .

  28. 这就是典型的英格兰酒吧。

    This is your typical English pub .

  29. 她坐在酒吧的柜台那里。

    She was sitting at the bar .

  30. 他不得不轰走几个在酒吧里闹事的醉鬼。

    He had to throw out a few drunks who were causing trouble in the bar .