
  • 网络media market
  1. 随着中国加入WTO,传媒市场在某种程度上不断开放,一个新的重要的问题摆在人们面前:电视媒体如何在网络时代继续生存?

    With China 's entrance to WTO and the increasing openness of media market , people are now confronted with a new challenge : in the Internet Age , how will TV survival ?

  2. 虽然在传媒市场的开放方面,我们还有一个较长的过渡期,但国外传媒已经把加入WTO后的挑战实实在在地摆到了我们面前。

    Although at the aspect of the media market , we have a comparatively long transition period , the challenge already have been put in front of us by the abroad media after we joined the WTO .

  3. 我国传媒市场运行机制研究

    A Study on the Operational System of Media Market in China

  4. 资本的力量:中国传媒市场的风云际会

    The Power of Capital : Fierce Competition of Media in China

  5. 我国体育传媒市场发展小议

    A Brief Discussion on the Development of Sports Media Market in China

  6. 期刊是当今传媒市场的一支重要力量。

    The periodical is a chief force current media market .

  7. 传媒市场的竞争日趋激烈;

    Competition of the media market is becoming more intense .

  8. 中俄传媒市场化道路之比较

    Comparison of media 's market orientation in China and Russia

  9. 网络传媒市场化下新闻流俗现象的本质研究

    The Essential Research of the Phenomena of Vulgarization in Network News under Marketization

  10. 中国传媒市场化趋势

    The Marketization of China 's Media Industry

  11. 在传媒市场中,电视媒体是最重要的媒体之一。

    In the media market , the TV media is one of the most important media .

  12. 这在西方巨型媒介集团觊觎我国传媒市场、国内传媒业面临巨大挑战的背景下尤其具有现实意义。

    It has a practical meaning when the western media are coveting and challenging our media market .

  13. 中国迅速发展的巨大传媒市场,吸引了境内外诸多投资商的关注。

    The rapid growth of China media industry has attracted the investors from domestic and overseas market .

  14. 跨媒介经营是传媒市场发展到一定阶段后的必然选择。

    Admittedly , cross-media operation is the inevitable trend with the development of the media market to a certain stage .

  15. 针对传媒市场策略,主要是总结和归纳了许多学者对传媒经营策略的观点。

    For the market management strategy , the summarization of manyscholars ' opinions on management strategy will be carried out .

  16. 随着传媒市场的激烈竞争,媒体广告已经成为一个普遍关注的话题。

    As the fierce competition in the media market , media advertisements have emerged as a widespread topic attracting great attention .

  17. 要形成传媒市场,必须正视传媒资本运营面临的问题,因势利导,谋求对策。

    The formation of media market requires knowing about the external environment of media industry , and guiding it to develop better .

  18. 随着中国传媒市场的逐步开放,外资传媒企业纷纷进入中国市场。

    With the gradual opening-up of Chinese media market , Foreign Media Enterprise have been entering into Chinese media market in succession .

  19. 随着传媒市场的逐步放开,国外强势品牌期刊纷纷抢摊中国市场,中国期刊正面临着国际化的严峻形势和客观现实。

    As media market is opening up , foreign excellent periodicals occupy the Chinese market , posing a great challenge to Chinese periodicals .

  20. 在国际传媒市场新闻霸权依然存在的今天,坚持正确的国家民族观显得尤为重要。

    In our time , when superpower in international news media still exists , it is of vital importance to sustain the right nationality .

  21. 未来我国的体育传媒市场将呈现与资本市场迅速结合、形成跨媒体集团、经营多元化的趋势。

    Sports media market of our country appears with capital market combining , forming across media 's group , managing the pluralistic trend rapidly future .

  22. 新自由主义者重新发现的市场机制主导了美国这次媒体兼并浪潮,使传媒市场资源实现了顺应数字技术革命的大整合。

    The market system that the new liberationists re-discovered led this movement and reorganized the media market resources in accordance with the digital technology revolution .

  23. 日益成熟的体育传媒市场给体育报纸体育报纸媒体带来了越来越多的机遇和挑战,我们迎接的体育新闻时代在呼唤新闻精品意识。

    There are more and more chances and challenges in media of sports newspaper , as the market of sports media becomes more and more mature .

  24. 面对体育传媒市场的变革和2008年北京奥运会给国内体育电视带来的机遇与挑战。

    Opportunity and challenge brought to domestic sports TV in the face of the change of the market of sports media and Beijing 2008 Olympic Games .

  25. 文章进一步对网游青少年的恶魔与受害者形象进行了符号学意义上的解析,认为这两种极具反差的负面形象,不仅是传媒市场的一种经济现象,而且是现代社会的一种文化现象。

    The contrast of these two highly negative image is not only an economic phenomenon in media market , but a cultural phenomenon in modern society .

  26. 本文对我国的文化传媒市场进行了效率上的分析,并提出了今后可行的文化传媒市场的发展战略思路。

    This article has studied market efficiency of the cultural media in our country , and proposed the next feasible development strategy for the cultural media market .

  27. 中国是世界上最大的潜在传媒市场,也是世界上增速最快的传媒市场,巨大的市场潜力对外资传媒集团具有巨大的吸引力。

    Chinese Media market is the biggest potential media market as well as the fastest growing media market around the world , which is attractive to Foreign Media .

  28. 在中国电视媒体中,省级卫视如何找到自己的位置成为传媒市场的激烈竞争中的关键问题。

    In the TV media of china , provincial satellite TV how to find their own position in the intense competition of the market become the key problem .

  29. 但是由于国内规范的传媒市场、独立的市场主体以及配套的法规政策尚未正式形成,在这一时期,报业体制改革充满了丰富性和复杂性。

    During this period , domestic regulating market , independent market subject and supporting policies have not been formed , and because of that , the reform is complicated .

  30. 就电视传媒市场来看,竞争的焦点已从产品、渠道等传统层面转移到了电视传媒企业所选用的商业模式层面。

    For the television media market , the focus of competition has transmitted from the traditional aspects , such as the products , channels , to the business model .