
  • 网络Mature market;Developed Markets
  1. 结果表明:(1)与国外成熟市场不同,我国股市预期和未预期到的市场流动性对股票超额收益率均产生正向影响。

    Different from developed markets , expected and unexpected market liquidity positively affect on stock excess return .

  2. 随着一些成熟市场的萎缩,对于已经拥有强大经营特权的银行,将资本重新配置到亚洲是合理的。

    As some developed markets shrink , redeploying capital to Asia makes sense for banks with strong existing franchises .

  3. 新兴的民主国家创造了可供开拓的成熟市场。

    Emergent democracies created markets that were ripe for exploitation .

  4. IBM公司却反其道而行之。这样,来自新兴市场的经理人能够学到成熟市场的经验,为未来的发展做好准备。

    IBM also does the opposite , so those emerging-market managers get experience in a mature economy , preparing them for the future .

  5. 这一变化突显出,在成熟市场的交易所正努力应对奥巴马(obama)政府所推动的新监管议程时,位于全球最大金融中心之外的一些交易所正从中受益。

    The development underscores how exchanges outside the biggest financial centres are benefiting as those in more mature markets grapple with the new regulatory agenda being pushed by the Obama administration .

  6. 2010年,成熟市场占据了入门级Android智能手机全球销量的一半以上,而2011年,新兴市场将占据主导地位。

    While mature markets accounted for more than half of the 2010 global sales of entry-level Android smartphones , emerging markets will dominate the handset segment in 2011 .

  7. 与此同时,成熟市场的企业业务也已恢复,这让联想的增长获得了双重动力,而其它对手(如宏碁)却不拥有这一增长点,它们在商用PC领域较为弱势。

    At the same time , the corporate business in mature markets has recovered , giving Lenovo a double boost not enjoyed by other opponents , such as Acer , which are weak in the commercial PCs segment .

  8. 多元线性回归分析的结果显示,原来在发达国家成熟市场中所表现出来的承销商声誉与IPO抑价水平负相关关系同样在我国创业板市场股票的发行中得到了验证。

    The results from multiple linear regression analysis show that we have been verified the negative correlation between the underwriter reputation and IPO underpricing in the developed market has also exist in Chinese GEM market .

  9. 研究公司高德纳(Gartner)称,到2030年,自动驾驶的汽车将在成熟市场的乘用车部分占据约25%的份额。

    Research group Gartner says that , by 2030 , autonomous-enabled vehicles will make up about 25 per cent of passenger cars in mature markets .

  10. 还有一个出人意料之处,这款名为NokiaX的手机不投放北美等成熟市场,而是面向印度、拉美、非洲和中东等手机购买力较弱的市场发售。

    Another twist is that smartphone buyers in established markets such as North America may never see it . The Nokia X is targeted at regions including India , Latin America , Africa and the Middle East where consumers have limited funds for wireless gizmos .

  11. 现在我国ETF市场还处于发展阶段,数量不多,规模较小,种类也少,相比国外成熟市场还有很远的路要走。

    Low in number , small in scale , and scarce in variety , our ETF market is still developing and we still have a very long way to go compared with the mature markets in foreign countries .

  12. 哥伦比亚大学(Columbiauniversity)的ValeInstitute表示,如果2009年一季度的趋势延续下去,流向新兴市场和发展中国家(有时被称之为南部地区)的FDI就有望超过流入北部地区成熟市场的直接投资。

    If trends from the first half of 2009 continue , FDI to emerging markets and developing countries , which are sometimes referred to as the South , is on track to exceed direct investment in the mature markets of the North , according to Columbia University 's Vale Institute .

  13. 亚洲对奢侈品的旺盛需求以及更成熟市场的复苏,推动lvmh今年上半年的销售收入和利润达到高于预期的水平,突显出奢侈品行业恢复活力的迹象。

    Strong demand from Asia for luxury goods and recovery in more mature markets boosted sales and profits to higher-than-expected levels at LVMH in the first six months , underlining signs of a revival in the sector .

  14. 成熟市场中产品定价的多变量线性回归模型分析

    Multiple Linear Regression Model Analysis of Pricing in a Maturity Market

  15. 随着电子交易的问世,成熟市场已废除了这些交易方式。

    They were swept aside with the advent of electronic trading .

  16. 公司的兼并收购(M&A)是成熟市场经济国家司空见惯的经济现象。

    M & A is very popular in mature market economy countries .

  17. 然而我国股票市场同国外成熟市场相比,却表现出新兴股票市场的自有特点。

    Since Chinese stock market is fast-developing , it has its own characteristics .

  18. 并且这些市场应该正处于成长阶段:进入成熟市场的企业很少能够获得超额增长。

    And these markets should be growing : mature sectors rarely see hyper-growth entrants .

  19. 但是即便如此,我国的证券投资基金发展仍处于一个新兴的阶段,业绩、规模、种类及监管方面,离国外成熟市场还有较大的差距。

    But the development of securities investment fund still placed in an emerging stage .

  20. 市场化运营是西方成熟市场经济国家社保基金运营改革的方向。

    The market operation of social guarantee fund is the direction of reform in western countries .

  21. 成熟市场的需求可能下降,这为传统炼油商提供了选择。

    The possibility that demand in mature markets may slow poses a choice for traditional refiners .

  22. 如何维系顾客和从已有顾客那里获取更大的利润,是在一个成熟市场上取得成功的关键因素。

    How to maintain the customer and get greater profit is the key factor in a mature market .

  23. 在一两个产品周期内(5到10年时间),我们将在成熟市场看到中国汽车品牌。

    One or two product cycles in five-10 years we will see Chinese branded cars in the mature markets .

  24. 中国正试图把这种模式复制到成熟市场,只不过不是采取发展援助的形式。

    China is trying to replicate that model in mature markets , albeit not in the form of development assistance .

  25. 5年前,成熟市场的市盈率为30倍,是新兴市场市盈率的两倍。

    Five years ago , the developed markets were trading at a multiple of 30 double that of emerging markets .

  26. 随着中国逐渐变富,中国公司发展到足够规模,可以追逐更成熟市场的大目标。

    As the country has prospered , its companies have grown large enough to chase big targets in more mature markets .

  27. 本文对全球成熟市场衍生品课税问题进行了梳理和对比,对国内衍生品的税收设计和管理提出了相关政策建议。

    The author makes a review of the situation in advanced countries and presents proposals on the taxation design and management .

  28. 赢得挑剔的日本消费者,被不少中国企业视为攻克高端成熟市场的关键一步。

    Winning over picky Japanese consumers is seen by many Chinese companies as a key step in conquering high-end , mature markets .

  29. 我们既要了解成熟市场国家的汇率波动规律,更要研究清楚中国等发展中国家的情况。

    We need to know well the rule of exchange rate fluctuation and how to deal with it especially in developing countries .

  30. •即便是北美这种成熟市场,下载量和营收也分别增长了8%和6%。

    • even in the relatively mature North American market , downloads and revenues were up 8 % and 6 % , respectively .