
  1. Robomow公司的RS机器人(售价1100美元[约合人民币6837元]至2000美元[约合人民币12412元]),是剪草坪机器人中新推出的几款产品之一,目前,这类产品正吸引着来自成熟品牌与新兴公司的竞争。

    Robomow 's RS ( $ 1100 to $ 2000 ) is among the latest entries in a category that 's attracting competition from established brands and start-ups .

  2. 中国葡萄酒成熟品牌的副品牌开发策略

    The analysis on the sub-brand development strategy of Chinese established brand names in wine market

  3. 创业公司和成熟品牌推出的一系列穿戴式产品让人们欢欣鼓舞,跃跃欲试。

    A range of wearable products from startups and established brands are inspiring and intriguing people .

  4. 巴菲特重视现金流和成熟品牌,佩奇则喜欢创造新事物。

    Mr Buffett values cash flow and mature brands ; Mr Page prefers to create things .

  5. 不过,他预计收购公司会寻找自己可以开发的成熟品牌,而非风险较高的初创企业。

    Yet he expects buy-out firms to seek established brands that they can develop rather than riskier start-ups .

  6. 就极速骑板来说,该公司是一家成熟品牌,目前正在进行转型。

    Quiksilver , for its part , is a mature brand and also in the midst of a turnaround .

  7. 成熟品牌由自主核心技术与相应品牌权益组成,并衍生出品牌消费权益,最终拥有特定品牌资产。

    A mature brand comma of autonomous kernel technology and corresponding brand rights and interests , and can derive hand rights and interests of consumer , thus finally forming specific brand capital .

  8. 美国打印机制造商利盟(Lexmark)已同意被一家中国财团以36亿美元收购,中国内地企业延续着对发达市场成熟品牌的收购狂潮。

    Lexmark , a US printer manufacturer , has agreed to be acquired by a Chinese consortium for $ 3.6bn as mainland companies continue their spending spree on established brands in developed markets .

  9. 最能体现国民消费水平的快速消费品市场得到了迅猛的发展,并且伴随着市场的逐渐成熟品牌竞争日趋激烈,同时消费者却变得越来越挑剔。

    Chinese fast-moving consumer goods market has been developing rapidly , and along with the maturity of the market , brand competition becomes more and more fierce , and consumers have become more and more captious .

  10. TCL遇到的挫折,突显出中国企业将本土的低成本制造与成熟国际品牌相结合时所面临的挑战。

    Its setbacks have underlined the challenges faced by Chinese companies trying to marry low-cost manufacturing at home with established global brands .

  11. Ebay借助京东这样的较成熟本土品牌重回中国市场并非首开先河,上月,亚马逊(Amazon)就入驻了阿里巴巴旗下的天猫商城(Tmall)。

    Ebay 's strategy to get back into the Chinese market with the help of more established local brands such as JD.com follows last month 's move by Amazon to open a store on Alibaba 's Tmall sales website .

  12. 自主品牌整体实力与国外成熟汽车品牌还存在明显的差距。

    Independent brand overall strength compared with mature foreign car brands have larger gap .

  13. 随着近年房地产市场的成熟,品牌建设显得越来越重要。

    With the maturity in the real estate market , building trademark is more and more important .

  14. 国外成熟汽车品牌通过多年的发展,形成了具有品牌特性的设计语言。

    Mature foreign auto brand through years of development , formed the brand characteristics of design language .

  15. 他们先进的物流管理经验和成熟的品牌战略都极大地刺激着国内的物流企业。

    They advanced logistics management experience and maturity of the brand strategy has greatly stimulate the domestic logistics enterprise .

  16. 在目前的房地产市场环境下,随着消费者消费理念的逐步成熟,品牌企业的优势显而易见。

    In the current real estate market environment , brand enterprise are obvious advantages with sophisticated of consumption philosophy .

  17. 湾在国内和国外已经成为一个成熟的品牌,它的房地产价格正在迅速上升。

    Bay at home and abroad has become a mature brand , and its real estate prices are rapidly rising .

  18. 在文章最后,借鉴国外成熟的品牌资产管理理论,提出我国发展会展经济的思路,即要创建和维护我国的品牌展会。

    The final part of the paper stresses the importance of developing and safeguarding China 's own brand exhibition based on foreign asset management theory .

  19. 但是在欧洲,三一集团在一些关键领域仍处于落后地位:它缺乏一个大型销售服务网络,没有成熟的品牌。

    But in Europe , Sany is still trailing behind in some crucial areas : it lacks a large sales and service network and an established brand name .

  20. 在面对外国企业的强大实力和雄厚资金,以及成熟的品牌效应,中国企业如何去抵抗其入侵,并做出自己的反击?

    Against the strong power , the large capital and the mature brand of foreign corporations , how do the Chinese corporations resist them and fight back to them ?

  21. “龙鱼”拥有成熟的品牌运营体系和理论,历经市场的洗礼,构建了行业内最先进的科研、生产、销售一条龙模式。

    " Dragon-fish " has a mature brand of operating system and the theory , after the marketBaptism , to build the industry 's most advanced scientific research , production and sales through-train mode .

  22. 经过近300年的发展,欧美形成了较为成熟的品牌和研发力量,产品种类丰富。

    After development of nearly 300 years , quantities of baby stroller brands have great research and design abilities which have plenty varieties of goods in stock in the Europe and the United States .

  23. 但整形美容起步较晚,很多医院在品牌塑造、推广上还极不成熟:品牌形象相对粗糙,无品牌文化内涵,品牌无持续维护,无鲜明品牌理念,推广策略严重同质化

    However , late start plastic surgery , many hospitals in brand building , promotion is also very immature : brand image is relatively coarse , non-brand culture , brand-free ongoing maintenance , no clear brand philosophy , Promotion Strategy

  24. 强化影响指通过外资在华并购行为,国内企业吸收了足够的发展资金、先进的生产技术和成熟的品牌发展管理经验,从而不断扩大品牌影响力,提高品牌价值。

    Strengthen the impact of that acquisition activities by foreign investors in China , domestic enterprises to absorb a sufficient development funds , advanced production technology and mature management experience in brand development , thereby expanding the brand influence , enhance brand value .

  25. 我国的大多数旅游饭店都没有建立完整的品牌经营系统,而与我们竞争的国际饭店集团不仅拥有先进的品牌经营理念和丰富的经验,而且具备成熟的品牌经营体系。

    Most of the hotels in our country haven 't built the integrated system of brand management , while the international hotel groups competing with us not only possess of advanced conceptions and abundant experiences , but also have mature system of brand management .

  26. 两所院校在8月1日合并成为亨利商学院(HenleyBusinessSchool),这将是一个不太为人所知、但治学严谨的大学院系,与一个高调而成熟的管理品牌的合并。

    When the two become Henley Business School on August 1 , it will be the merger of a largely unknown but academically rigorous university department with a high-profile but mature management brand .

  27. 他表示,Priceline更愿意与携程这样业务成熟的知名品牌合作,而不是独自开发市场。

    The US group preferred to partner with Ctrip – a well-known brand with an established business – rather than tackle the market alone , he said .

  28. 成熟的跨国品牌制作成功的广告,都是采用的全球化策略和本土化执行,以适应本土化的需要。

    All the successful advertisements by the mature transnational brands adopt the globalized strategy and the localized execution , so as to meet the local demand .

  29. 随着市场和用户的逐渐成熟,各品牌挖掘机厂家和代理商的竞争逐渐延伸到服务领域。

    As the market and customers have become more and more mature , the competence of excavator manufacturer and dealer has become the competence of their service .

  30. 但进入2010年以来,随着平板电视市场的日益成熟,外资品牌也开始主动使用价格战同国产品牌竞争。

    However , in 2010 , as flat TV market become ever mature , foreign brands also began to use price war to compete with homebred brand .