
  • 网络Brand;kappa;clothing brand;clothes brand
  1. 基于TAG的服装品牌在线分类查询系统研究

    Research on fashion brand on-line classfication inquiring system based on TAG

  2. 通过对商品企划模型的研究,为BToC模式服装品牌系统合理的规划产品开发提供理论指导。

    Through studying planning model to provide theoretical guidance for costume brand based on B to C mode to rationally plan the product development .

  3. 服装品牌连锁店铺服务水平评价体系实证研究&以湖南J公司为例

    An Empirical Study on Service Evaluation System of Clothing Brand Chain Store-Exemplified by Hunan J Company

  4. 然而出乎意料的是,包括服装品牌UrbanOutfitters和AmericanApparel在内的一些商店都受到了主流文化的欢迎。

    Ironically , some such stores , including clothing labels Urban Outfitters and American Apparel , have gained mainstream popularity .

  5. 经过前期的市场拓展,BToC模式服装品牌虽然获得了较高的市场收益,服装交易额已达24亿元。但在品牌层面的建设仍然处于不成熟阶段。

    After pre-market expansion , the costume brands based on B to C mode acquire the higher market returns , but from the level of brand building , which are still in their infancy .

  6. 这帮他节省了10万美金,同时又提高了自己的公司SizzleIt的可信度。他的客户包括宝洁和服装品牌Gap这样的大客户。

    It saved him $ 100,000 and gave Sizzle It credibility ; his clients include Procter & Gamble and the Gap .

  7. 2008-2009年中国基于BToC电子商务模式(下文简称BToC模式)的服装品牌进入了高速发展阶段,市场竞争日趋激烈。

    Costume brands based on B to C E-commerce mode ( referred to as B to C Mode hereinafter ) enter into the blowout-style developmental stage in China during 2008 to 2009 , market competition becomes increasingly fierce .

  8. 以李宁(LiNing)为例,这家中国体操运动员创立的运动服装品牌正进军高端市场,挑战耐克(Nike)和阿迪达斯(Adidas)等公司的在华业务。

    Take Li Ning , for example , the Chinese gymnast whose sportswear brand is going upmarket to challenge the likes of Nike and Adidas in China .

  9. 年轻消费者既想要时尚,又希望被人接受,因此选择匡威(Converse)和优衣库(Uniqlo)等比较传统的时尚服装品牌。

    Young consumers want both stylishness and acceptance , so they opt for more conventionally hip fashion brands like Converse and Uniqlo .

  10. 结合国内外服装品牌的发展情况及国内服装市场的现状,归纳服装市场品牌重叠的主要表现形式,并从不同视角进行SWOT分析。

    Summarize the main manifestations of brand overlap in apparel market based on the development of domestic and international apparel brand and market , . Use SWOT analysis from different perspectives .

  11. 因时尚风格和高低端品牌混搭风格而饱受赞誉的45岁的米歇尔·奥巴马将美国服装品牌J。克鲁列为淘货的最佳去处。

    Michelle Obama , 45 , who has won acclaim for her fashion style and mixing high and low-end pieces , cited American clothier J.Crew as a good spot to bag bargains .

  12. Zara,这个国际服装品牌现在推出了每个人都会想拥有一个化妆品系列。

    The international apparel brand Zara is now launching a makeup collection that literally everyone is going to want .

  13. 从位于苏格兰的圣安德鲁斯大学毕业后,凯特曾为英国的一个服装品牌Jigsaw做过时尚买手。

    Kate worked as an accessories buyer for Jigsaw , a British clothing brand , after graduation from the University of St. Andrews in Scotland .

  14. 东丽还与服装品牌优衣库(uniqlo)建立了开创性关系,两家公司称这一关系是一种“实质上的整合”。

    Toray has also struck a pioneering relationship with UNIQLO , the fashion brand , which the companies describe as " a virtual integration " .

  15. 现在,由于H&M、Zara、Topshop等服装品牌的出现,时尚变得日新月异,且价格低廉。

    Nowadays , fashion is fast-changing and cheap thanks to retail brands such as H & M , Zara and Topshop .

  16. 和坐拥Zara服装品牌的西班牙公司Inditex(印第纺织)一样,柳井正先生在亚洲区下的赌注颇大。

    Like Inditex , the Spanish firm that owns the Zara brand ( see article ) , Mr Yanai is betting big on Asia .

  17. Lacoste是法国知名服装品牌,将其标志性的鳄鱼标识改成了濒临灭绝的动物图像,以此提高大家对珍稀物种的认识和其生存环境的恶劣。

    Lacoste , a world-famous French clothing brand , replaced its iconic crocodile logo with endangered animal images to spread awareness about these species and dangers that they are in .

  18. 她的业务最终发展成为服装品牌Inditex,这一品牌去年的销售额达60亿美元。

    Her business eventually grew into the apparel manufacturer Inditex , which sold $ 6 billion worth of clothes last year .

  19. 西班牙服装品牌Desigual用一种绝对创新的方式拉开了自己的销售季,它们竟然让顾客只穿着内衣来店里,其他神马都不穿!

    Spanish clothing brand Desigual kicked off its sales season in a truly original way that made people show up at its store in nothing but their underwear .

  20. 服装品牌深刻影响消费者的心理和行为。

    The fashion brand influences consumers ' psychology and behavior deeply .

  21. 国际服装品牌对我国女性服装消费的影响

    Influences of International Brands on Clothing Consumption of Domestic Female Consumers

  22. 她去了一家百货商场,里面服装品牌众多。

    She went to a department store with multiple clothing boutiques .

  23. 浅议服装品牌建设与打折促销

    A Superficial Discussion on the Clothing Brand Construction and Discount Promotion

  24. 上海青少年女性消费者研究及服装品牌企划

    Study on Young-adult Female Consumer in Shanghai and Apparel Brand Merchandising

  25. 基于消费者的服装品牌形象模糊综合评判模型

    Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Model of Clothing Brand Image Based on Consumer

  26. 三年以上知名服装品牌首席设计管理经验;

    Three years above of well-known clothing brand chief design management experience ;

  27. 基于服装品牌的设计元素理论研究

    The Research on Design Elements Theory Based on Fashion Brands

  28. 再次,服装品牌传播具有不断创新的特点。

    Thirdly , clothing brand communication has the characteristic of unceasing innovation .

  29. 最后,服装品牌传播强调传播的高效率。

    Lastly , clothing brand communication emphasis high effective rate .

  30. 服装品牌商标保护的研究

    Research on the protection of trademark of the garment brand