
  1. 根据咨询公司Interbrand的资料,三星如今已成为仅次于丰田的第二高价值亚洲品牌。

    It is now the second-most-valuable Asian brand ( after Toyota ) , according to Interbrand , a consultancy .

  2. 在品牌扩张的过程中,企业需要快速识别具有高价值的品牌,并保持自身品牌价值的持续增长。

    In the process of brand expansion , enterprises need to quickly identify high valued brand and maintain its own brand value growth .

  3. 与此同时,国际资本流动也伴随着具有高附加价值的品牌为核心的品牌资本输出,替代了传统的产品输出。

    Meanwhile , the increasing high value-added brand capital import of the international capital flow has replaced the traditional product import .

  4. 因此,通过各种方式创建高价值的强势品牌也就成了我国企业持续发展的关键。

    Therefore , through all kinds of ways to create a high value and strong brand has become the key of our country to sustainable development .

  5. 房地产运营商和品牌是最崇高的使命是创造高价值的房地产品牌。

    Real estate operators and brands are the most noble mission is to create high-value real estate brand .