
  1. 描述了高端服务业的政策取向;

    It have been described high-end service industry policy is taken face secondly .

  2. 航运高端服务业的发展机理&服务业融合的视角

    The Development Mechanism of High-End Maritime Service : A Perspective from the Convergence of Service Sector

  3. 新兴经济体和高端服务业活动的财富创造和积累将继续下去。

    Wealth creation and accumulation in emerging economies and in specific high-end service sector activities will continue , he says .

  4. 构建了高端服务业较为系统的理论框架;

    This thesis has3 contributions . Firstly , it has structured the systematic service industry theoretical frame of the high-end comparatively .

  5. 对于产业结构,在第二产业内部大力发展先进制造业、高技术产业,在第三产业内部大力发展高端服务业。

    For the industrial structure , advanced manufacturing and high technology industries should be developed vigorously in the second industrial , and high-end service in the third industry .

  6. 宁波谋求经济转型升级、城市发展水平提升和自主创新能力增强,必须着力发展高端服务业。

    To pursue economic transformation and upgrade the level of urban development and enhance the capability of independent innovation , Ningbo must focus on the development of high-end services .

  7. 在上海这个把高端服务业作为未来产业转型重要方向的城市,旅游业的发展更是有着得天独厚的经济基础和十分巨大的发展空间。

    The high-end services Industry is an important direction of the industrial transformation in Shanghai city , so the tourism industry has very solid economic foundation and very significant developing space .

  8. 今后,激活高端服务业发展步伐,采取更为严格的资源环境标准约束社会经济发展和城市建设,将成为实现地区可持续发展的主要任务。

    In the future , the main task of realizing regional sustainable development in Shenzhen will be the activation of the advanced service industry , the adoption of stricter resource environment standard to restrain the social economic development and urban construction .

  9. 航空货运作为快速送达货物的高端服务业,不仅能满足市场竞争对生产、销售高速运行的要求,而且以跨国度、远距离配送优势迎合了商品产供销的国际化发展特点。

    Air Cargo , as an advanced carrier providing the quick delivery of goods , not only meet the requirement of high-speed operation on production and marketing , but also with its advantage of long-distance distribution meet the development of international specialization .

  10. 高端服务业是国际航运中心保持核心竞争力的关键,包括新加坡、香港等传统以货运服务为主的航运中心也在积极投身到航运衍生服务业的发展中。

    The high-end service is the core of an international shipping center to maintain its competitive edge , including Singapore , Hong Kong , which are the traditional freight service-based shipping center also take an active part to the maritime service industry .

  11. 服务外包产业是现代高端服务业的重要组成部分,具有信息技术承载度高、附加值大、资源消耗低、环境污染少、吸纳就业能力强、国际化水平高等特点。

    Service outsourcing industry is a key component of the modern high-end service , and has some characteristics , such as the high information technology bearing degree , high added-value , low resources consumption , low environment pollution , high employment ability , and high internationalization level .

  12. 另外,第三产业发展远未成熟,尤其是中高端服务业还很薄弱,随着城镇化的深入发展第三产业在各层次上都有很大的增长和提升空间。

    Moreover , the development of the third industry is not mature yet , especially the high-end service industry is still very weak . With the further development of urbanization , the third industry has a lot of room for the substantial growth and promotion at all levels .

  13. 生产者服务业属于高端服务业,在我国处于起步期,由于其与制造业的特殊关系及对我国服务业整体产业升级的特殊贡献,生产者服务业所处的发展环境受到越来越多的关注。

    Because of the special relationship between it and manufacturing , as well as special contribution to the upgrade of the modern service industry , the environment for the development of producer services attracts more and more attention , which is high-end services and at an early stage in China .

  14. 在结合国内外高端服务业产业园区的发展经验的基础上,提出了三个优化方案,分别是维持现有战略、适度放低目标并发展研发设计服务业、以招商引资速度为优先的发展战略。

    Based on the development experience of combining domestic and foreign high-end service industry park . At last , proposes three optimization scheme , are to maintain the existing strategy , low and moderate development of R & D design services , to the investment rate is prioritized development strategy .

  15. 中央商务区(CBD)是高端现代服务业集聚之地。该区域一般是以商业、金融、文化创意产业为主。

    CBD works as the concentration area of nance service and cultural creative industries dominate modem high-end service industries where commerce , fieconomic development .

  16. 上海康桥工业园区孕育着高端现代服务业商务区

    Shanghai Kangqiao Industrial Park is breeding a high level modern service commercial district

  17. 特大型城市发展高端健康服务业的政策分析

    A policy analysis on the development of advanced health service in Hyper-megalopolis in China

  18. 这还将有力推动西部地区高端现代服务业和城乡统筹发展。

    It will also strongly promote the modern service industry and urban and rural development of western region .

  19. 会计师事务所作为高端会计服务业的重要组织形式,是市场经济发展的重要制度性安排。

    Accounting firm is an important organization form in high-end service , which is the necessary arrangement for the development of market economy .

  20. 因此,在发达经济体的结构演变中,非贸易部门,以及侧重人力资本和地理位置的高端可贸易服务业的比重越来越突出,其余贸易部门则逐渐萎缩。

    As a result , the evolving composition of advanced economies is increasingly weighted towards the non-tradable sector , combined with a set of high-end tradable services where both human capital and proximity matter . The rest of the tradable sector is shrinking .

  21. 吸收国外先进制造业技术或独立发展本土高技术产业,其前提是要对外资开放高端的现代生产者服务业,或者积极发展本土性高级生产者服务业。

    In order to absorb the advanced technology of foreign manufacturing and develop the local high-tech industry , we should open the advanced modern producer service to the foreign investors or expand the local advanced modern producer service .