
  • 网络high-tech service industry
  1. 高技术服务业是高技术产业与现代服务业在社会经济高速发展的环境下,逐步融合成的一种新兴服务产业形态,在国家和各省政府的高度重视下,迅速发展起来。

    High-tech service industry is a novel industry morphology resulting from intercrossing and interpenetration of high-tech industry and modern service industry under high speed development of social economy . The high-tech service industry is in a rapid development under the close attention of the country and each provincial government .

  2. 高技术服务业项目评价指标体系初探

    Research on Evaluation Indicator System on High-Tech Service Industry Project

  3. 本研究运用中介效应,对高技术服务业FDI对东道国制造业效率的影响路径进行实证分析,弥补了FDI行业间溢出效应研究的不足和缺憾。

    With mediation effect method , This study makes empirical analysis on the effects of high technology service industry FDI on manufacturing efficiency in host country .

  4. 接着,运用随机前沿生产函数模型对技术效率进行实证检验,进一步验证高技术服务业FDI对不同发展水平国家技术效率的影响。

    Next , with Stochastic Frontier Approach , this paper empirically analyzes technical efficiency , further verifying the affect of High technology service industry FDI on technical efficiency in the different development levels of country .

  5. 三大区域高技术服务业发展不均衡。

    Secondly , three major area high-tech services industry development is not balanced .

  6. 北京应加速发展高技术服务业

    Beijing Should Accelerate the Development of High-Tech Services

  7. 知识密集制造业和高技术服务业相关性:基于上海数据的实证研究

    Correlation between Knowledge-intensive Manufacturing and High-Tech Service Industry : An Empirical Research Based on Shanghai Data

  8. 三大区域高技术服务业竞争力位于不同梯度,应推进区域间的合作。

    Three major area high-tech services industry competitiveness in different gradient , should promote regional cooperation .

  9. 在此基础上,运用灰色关联模型度量并分析了技术创新与高技术服务业竞争力的关联度。

    On this basis , using grey correlation model , the correlation of technological innovation and competitiveness of high-tech service industry are measured and analyzed .

  10. 本文阐述了高技术服务业的内涵和特征,并指出促进珠三角发展高技术服务业的意义。

    In this paper , high technology service industry has been introduced and the significance of promoting high technology service industry development has been indicated .

  11. 高技术服务业是现代服务业与高新技术产业相互融合发展的产物,是以网络和信息技术等高新技术为支撑,提供高技术含量和高附加值服务的新兴服务业。

    It is supported by high and new technology such as network and information technology . It is the emerging service industry , providing high technical content and high value-added services .

  12. 各省市高技术服务业竞争力呈现出显著的差异性,应强化核心省市的辐射作用,实现区域内部集聚化发展。

    High-tech services industry competitiveness of provinces and cities , showing a significant difference , should strengthen the core of provinces and cities radiation effect , achieve internal gathered in a region development .

  13. 大力发展高技术服务业,加强信息基础设施的建设,增强电信服务的能力,推进电子商务和电子政务发展,积极发展数字内容产业,培育高技术服务业。

    Hi-tech services should be cultivated and developed , strengthening the information infrastructure construction , enhancing the ability of telecommunication services , promoting e-commerce and e-government development , actively developing the digital content industry .

  14. 因此,有必要对安徽省高技术服务业的发展现状作出考量,为推进高技术服务业的持续健康发展提供理论依据。

    Therefore , it is necessary to the current development of high technology service industry in Anhui province to consider , and provide a theoretical basis for promoting high technology service industry sustained and healthy development .

  15. 《意见》提出,要鼓励民营企业发展信息技术服务、生物技术服务、电子商务、数字内容、研发设计服务、知识产权和科技成果转化等高技术服务业。

    Under the opinions , great efforts should be made to encourage companies to develop services including IT , biotechnology , E commerce , digital content , R & D design , IPR and Hi-Tech commercialization .

  16. 本文在梳理国内外高技术服务业相关文献的基础上,首先运用归纳法阐述了安徽省高技术服务业的发展现状,从中概括出存在的问题并分析了成因。

    Based on analyzing domestic and foreign high technology services related paper . Firstly , this paper using induction method describes the development status of high technology service industry in Anhui Province , and analyze the problems and reason .

  17. 这其中高技术服务业占据了服务业金字塔的顶端,具有巨大的辐射作用,因此十二五规划明确提出要培育壮大高技术服务业的发展。

    This high-tech service industry accounted for the service top of the pyramid , with a huge role in radiation , so the " 12th Five-Year Plan " clearly said that we need to nurture the growth of high-tech service industry .

  18. 我国当前正处在产业结构优化升级的关键时期,大力发展高技术服务业,是加快转变经济发展模式,实现经济社会跨越式发展的战略机遇和必然要求。

    Our country is currently in the critical period of the upgrading of industrial structure . Developing high-tech services industry is the strategic opportunity and inevitable requirement to accelerate the transformation of the mode of economic development and realize the leaps of economic and social development .

  19. 知识产权服务是新兴的高技术服务服务业,专利交易服务是知识产权服务中的一项重点和难点工作,目前在行业内也没有形成成熟的服务机制。

    Intellectual Property Services is the emerging high-tech service industry . Patent trading service is very important and difficult in the intellectual property services industry . At the present time perfect service delivery model has not yet formed .

  20. 高技术型现代服务业的产生机理与分类研究

    Study of Emerging Mechanism and Classification on Modern Service Industry with High Technology

  21. 中加可以优势互补、加强合作,使高技术产业、服务业、绿色经济成为合作新增长点。

    We can draw upon each other 's strengths and advance cooperation in these sectors to make high technologies , the service industry and green economy new growth areas in our cooperation .

  22. 高技术型现代服务业对于优化我国产业结构,促进高新技术产业和第三产业的融合发展具有重要作用;

    The paper indicated that the modern service industry with high technology has the vital role for optimizing our country industrial structure , promoting the converging development between high-tech industry and the tertiary industry . ( 2 ) C shape ; ( 3 ) D shape .

  23. 高技术服务网络化是高技术服务业发展的新趋势。

    The high-tech service networking is a new trend in the development of high-tech services .

  24. 认识并研究高技术服务机理是推进高技术服务业快速、健康发展的必然选择。

    Understanding and study the mechanism of high-tech service network development is inevitable choice for promoting rapid and sound development of the high-tech services .