
  1. 山西高耗能行业能源消费及节能分析

    Analysis on Energy Consumption & Saving in High Energy-Consuming Industries of Shanxi Province

  2. 我国高耗能行业能源技术区域差异变化趋势分析

    A Trend Analysis of Energy-Intensive Industries ' Regional Energy Technology Gap in China

  3. 对高耗能行业能源效率的影响又如何?

    How much were high energy-consuming industries affected ?

  4. 在工业生产中,电解铝行业一直是高耗能行业。

    Electrolytic aluminum industry has been one of high energy consuming industries in industrial production .

  5. 但高耗能行业的特点是典型的高污染、高能耗、高投入。

    But this industry is of typically high pollution , high energy consumption and high input .

  6. 运用了主成分分析和聚类分析分析了制造业能源消费结构,指出了制造业高耗能行业以及各行业能源消费中应当注意的问题;

    From the industry of manufacturing , using Principal components analysis and Cluster analysis method , it analysis the structure of energy consumption .

  7. 高耗能行业高速增长,用电结构重型化,加速了电力供应紧张局面;

    What 's more , the boom of the highly energy-consuming industry and the heavy electricity utilizing structure exacerbates the condition of the electricity shortage .

  8. 因此在高耗能行业中实施循环经济将会缓解经济发展、能源浪费和环境污染之间的矛盾。

    And if circular economy is realized in energy-intensive industry , the contradiction between economic development , energy waste and environmental pollution will be released .

  9. 工业部门是我国能源消耗最大的部门,而高耗能行业又是工业能源消耗的主体。

    The industrial department is the biggest department of energy consumption of our country , and the highly energy-consuming trade is the principal part of industrial energy consumption .

  10. 变斜率面板模型研究结果表明,不同地区高耗能行业比重和煤炭消费比值均对能源强度有差异影响,地区投资率对能源强度的影响不明显。

    Variable slope panel model results show , the proportion of high energy-consuming industries and the coal consumption ratio have different effects on energy intensity in different regions .

  11. 有色金属行业作为我国九大高耗能行业之一,目前面临着来自能源、环境、国家政策和市场的巨大节能压力。

    As one of the nine high energy-consuming industries , nonferrous metals industry is currently facing tremendous saving pressure from the energy , environment , national policies and markets .

  12. 食品冷加工行业是高耗能行业,在长期国营体制下,存在大量不重视能源管理与浪费能源的现象。

    Food refrigeration is regarded as a high energy consuming trade . Under the long period system of state operated enterprise , there are many phenomenons of ignoring energy management and wasting energy .

  13. 电解铝工业属于高耗能行业,如何控制成本,节能降耗已经成为电解铝企业的重要目标。

    Aluminum electrolysis industry belongs to the enterprise of high energy-consuming profession , and how to save the energy consumption for cost control to the industry has been an important goal to electrolytic aluminum enterprises .

  14. 重点分析了8类高耗能行业对电价上涨的敏感程度,从经济角度提出总量分配过程中应该注意的问题。

    The sensitivity of eight high energy-consuming industries to electricity price rise is discussed , and problems needing more attention during total SO2 emission distribution process are proposed from the point of view of economy .

  15. 其次,为建设资源节约型社会,国家大力倡导通过节能来降低高耗能行业的能耗,对发电企业的能耗指标提出要求。

    Secondly , to build a resource-saving society , the country has strongly advocated energy saving to reduce energy consumption and the power plant was also demanded to running with a low energy consuming index .

  16. 电解铝属于国家产业政策控制的高耗能行业,因此降低电耗成了关乎行业生死的重要课题。

    Electrolytic aluminum smelter is one of the high energy consuming industries under the control of national industrial policy . Thus how to reduce the power consumption is an important subject concerning the survival of the industry .

  17. 最后针对高耗能行业循环经济综合绩效指标体系的构建提出自己的看法,力求使高耗能行业循环经济综合绩效指标体系更加完善,更好地促进高耗能行业健康发展。

    Last , the author presents his views on how to construct the indicator system of comprehensive performance in energy-intensive industry based on circular economy , aiming to make the indicator system more perfect and better promote the healthy development of energy-intensive industry .

  18. 本文基于对典型高耗能工业行业的中小企业能源利用状况的调查和分析,提出了若干旨在促进中小工业企业节能的政策建议。

    In this paper , some policy recommendations are presented to promote energy efficiency of SMIEs , based upon findings of survey on energy use situation of SMEs of typical energy-intensive industrial sectors .

  19. 高耗能的铝行业遭受的冲击尤其严重:大型生产商本月的减产最多达10%。

    The energy-intensive aluminium industry is particularly hard hit : big producers are cutting production by up to 10 per cent from this month .

  20. 尽管发改委将重点放在了防止经济过热上,但该机构并没出台任何实质性的新政策,而是重申了遏制高耗能高排放行业盲目发展的决心,同时推动钢铁等行业的重组。

    Despite the NDRC 's focus on preventing overheating , the agency did not unveil any substantial new policy approaches , instead restating its determination to rein in blind expansion of energy-intensive and highly polluting industries , while pushing consolidation in sectors such as steelmaking .

  21. 论文针对以往石嘴山地区负荷预测中准确度不高,高耗能行业占绝对优势的问题,提出了根据本地区负荷的具体特点采用分行业预测的方法,这更能真实反映各行业负荷变化情况。

    Aimed at the problems of the low precision of the load forecasting and high energy industries accounted for the issue of absolute superiority in Shizuishan region , this paper puts forward a method of the industry-classified load forecasting which can more accurately reflect changes in various industries load .

  22. 对现有高耗能和高污染行业进行技术改造;

    Some industries which are of high-consumption of energy and high-pollution should be reformed technically ;

  23. 同时,适当控制对一般加工业的贷款,限制对高耗能、高排放行业和产能过剩行业劣质企业的贷款。

    Keep check of loan to common manufacturing ; limit loan to high-energy-consuming , high-emission and over-invested industries .

  24. 水泥行业一直是高污染、高耗能行业,也是二氧化碳排放大户。

    Cement industry has been a high pollution , high energy-consuming industry as well as a large carbon dioxide emitter .

  25. “自去年第三季度,高耗能,高排放行业增长迅速,一些封闭的生产设施已恢复运作。”声明说。

    " Since the third quarter of last year , high energy consuming and high emission industries have grown rapidly , and some closed production facilities have resumed operations ," the statement said .

  26. 石墨电极生产行业是个高耗能高污染的行业,世界上能生产超高功率石墨电极的国家已经在缩减碳素生产规模,国际市场出现一定空间。

    Graphite electrode manufacturing industry is a high energy consumption and high pollution industries , in the world capable of producing ultra high power graphite electrode countries have in reducing carbon element production scale , there are certain international markets .