
  • 网络Meeting Industry
  1. 由于多种原因,中国的会议产业的发展相对其他国家较晚。

    Because of many kinds of reason , comparing with other countries , the development of meeting industry in China is relatively late .

  2. 因此,可称为高附价值产业的会议产业的前途是惊人的,研究和分析此产业同样是非常重要的。

    So the future of the meeting industry that can be called high value enclosed industry is surprising , studying and analyzing this industry is equally very important .

  3. 最后,发展会议产业以推动旅游业的发展。

    Finally , conducting more commercial conferences to drive tourism development .

  4. 会议产业是为酒店业赚钱获利的。

    The conventions business is profitable for the hotel industry .

  5. 然而,在最近二十年,航空业的发展使会议产业成为一项世界性的事业。

    The growth of the airline industry in the last twenty years , however , has made the convention business a worldwide enterprise .

  6. 会议产业是,随着科学的发展和产业社会的高速发展,进入信息时代之后,通过国家间的信息交换,为使自国的利益和相互协力的国际交流而发展成长的产业。

    After entering the information age , with the scientific development and high-speed development of industry 's society , the meeting industry has been developed by various countries to widen one 's own interests and advance international communication that helps each other .

  7. 通过问卷调查和专家意见,对评价指标体系的各个构成指标的重要性进行了打分,再运用因子分析法重新调整了国际会议产业竞争力评价指标体系框架并最终确定了指标体系的构成。

    Through questionnaire surveys and expert opinions , the importance of each index in this evaluation has a point . And then use factor analysis to re-adjust the framework of international convention industry competitiveness evaluation index system and finally determined the composition of the target system .

  8. 汤山国际温泉城的会议会展产业将全面注入温泉资源,主要以小型精品会议会展为主。

    The conference & exhibition industry , mainly in small boutique conference will fully inject hot-spring resources .

  9. 渗透着温泉休闲与疗养元素的会议会展产业,也将成为汤山国际温泉城的重要支撑。

    Conference & exhibition industry with hot-spring recreation and SPA elements will become the major support of Tangshan Hot Spring Tourist Resorts .

  10. 世卫组织2002年举行的流感疫苗和抗病毒药物会议是否受到产业界影响?

    Was a WHO meeting held in2002 on influenza vaccines and antiviral drugs influenced by industry ?

  11. 高等教育似乎已经成为会议举办者的产业,他们的任务是“解决”那些现实或想象出来的问题。

    It seems higher education has become an industry of meeting-holders whose task it is to " solve " problems — real or imagined .

  12. 卡特说,霍恩博士作为一个独立的召集人,他将会促进羊毛部门组织会议成为一个产业独立的声音的过程。

    Mr Carter says Dr Horn will act as an independent convenor and will be facilitating a meeting of wool sector organisations to begin the process of forming a single voice for the industry .

  13. 农业区划部门应当抓住中央农村工作会议关于促进农业产业化发展的机遇,深化农业区划,促进农业产业化。

    The departments responsible for agriculture should grasp the opportunity ' of developing the agricultural industrialization made by the Central Working Conference for rural areas , to deepen the agricultural division and promote the agricultural industrialization .

  14. 在世界范围内,MICE(公司会议、奖励旅游、大型会议、展览)产业都是旅游业中增长速度最快的部门之一。

    MICE ( Meetings , Incentives , Conventions & Exhibitions ) industry is one of the most fast-growing segments in tourism worldwide .

  15. 许多度假酒店如今有完整的会议设备,大多数新的城市酒店在设计中也考虑了会议产业。

    Many resort hotels nowadays have complete convention facilities , and most new city hotels have also been designed with the convention business in mind .

  16. 本文以会议型酒店为研究对象,分析了目前国内会议型酒店的发展现状,通过与国外会议产业的对比,指出了我国会议产业与国外较成熟的会议业的差距。

    As the research object to the conference hotel , analysis the current development status of the conference hotel , contrast to the U.S. convention industry , pointing out that the convention industry in China with foreign countries more mature gap of the conference industry .