
  1. 用信息化手段降低电力系统会议成本

    By Informatization Reducing the Meeting Cost of Power System

  2. 而且其性能、价格和会议成本都不具有良好的推广条件。

    And also , none of its performance , price and conference cost has good popularity conditions .

  3. 从来没有在财务损益表上面显示出来的最大一块费用就是会议成本。

    One of the largest expenses that never appear on the income statement is the cost of meetings .

  4. 因为我们可以靠近Informix开发和支持人员,而且在同一个地方举办会议将降低成本。

    Because we can be close to the Informix development and support staff , and holding the event at the same place keeps the costs down .

  5. 在分析会议价值及成本计量分析的基础上,提出会议成本的管理控制方法,为管理者提供参考,最终达到提高企业的会议价值之目的。

    By analyzing meeting value and meeting cost , the paper presents meeting cost management and control methods .

  6. 算一下-四个小时会议的员工成本就是400美金。

    Figure it out & four $ 50k employees in a four-hour meeting costs $ 400 in employee time .

  7. 嵌入式IP视频会议系统凭借低成本和高质量的优势成为研究的焦点。

    With the advantages of low cost and high quality , embedded IP video conference system has been a focus of research .

  8. 该公司表示,VidyoPanorama可同时支持多达20个屏幕(这意味着,在20个不同地方的员工可以同步参加视频会议),而成本却只有当前远程呈现系统(比如思科网真)的10%。

    According to the company , vidyopanorama will support as many as 20 screens at a time ( meaning employees from 20 different locations can participate in a simultaneous video conference ) for as little as 10 % of the cost of current telepresence systems like Cisco ' s.

  9. 由于视频会议系统具有低成本、高效率的特性,因此具有广泛的使用价值。

    Since video conferrence system is characteristic of low cost and high efficiency , it has widespread value in use .

  10. 列席管理层会议并没有产生成本,但这种个人展示可能会改变你的职业生涯。

    There 's no cost associated with being a fly on the wall , and the exposure can be career-changing 。

  11. 使用Skype进行Web会议可以降低举行会议的总成本。

    Web meetings with Skype calls can reduce the total cost of hosting meetings .

  12. 通过对酒店企业的相关文献和战略成本管理理论的研究,结合国内会议型酒店的现状,以桑克模型为理论基础,初步探讨了会议型酒店战略成本管理的分析框架。

    Conference hotel enterprises the relevant literature and the theory of strategic cost management , combined with the status quo of the conference hotel , use Shank model , build a model of strategic cost management conference hotel .