
  • 网络Conference News
  1. 会议新闻是我国主流媒体的重要报道内容。

    Conference news is the important content that our mainstream media reported .

  2. 试论电视会议新闻报道的创新

    On Innovation of TV Conference News Report

  3. 塔吉克斯坦共和国塔吉克的:塔吉克人哈中吉俄塔乌六国元首会议新闻公报

    The Republic of Tajikistan Press Communique Issued by SCO Heads of State

  4. 充分利用会议新闻中心。

    Make best use of the conference press centre .

  5. 哈中吉俄塔乌六国元首会议新闻公报

    Press Communique Issued by SCO Heads of State

  6. 然而,看似客观的哥本哈根会议新闻报道,都隐含了各国媒体对此的议程设置。

    While the agenda setting is inevitably hidden behind those seemingly objective reports of different countries .

  7. 世界卫生大会上的摄影和录像仅限于会议新闻、记录片和教育性报道。

    Filming and videotaping of the WHA is limited to news , documentary and educational coverage of the meetings .

  8. 此外还需关注周五财长盖特纳在八国会议新闻发布会上的发言。

    Look for Treasury Secretary Geithner on Friday as well , who will be speaking at a G-8 news conference .

  9. 电视会议新闻报道要在压缩一般性会议报道、改变会议新闻报道模式上创新。

    TV meeting reports should innovate itself in the respects as of condensing the popular meeting reports and change the patterns of the meeting news reports .

  10. 因此本文通过对两会的报道为切入点,进一步研究这些年我国会议新闻报道的变革。

    So in this article , taking the NPC & CPPCC reports as the breakthrough point to research the changes in conference news during these years .

  11. 特别会议的新闻发出使日本的股票急剧地上升。

    News of the extraordinary meeting sent Japanese stocks up sharply .

  12. 按照先前的决定,会议不对新闻界公开。

    The session was closed to the press in line with an earlier decision .

  13. 外国记者会除为会员提供社交设施外,并举办各类专业活动,包括新闻业会议、新闻资料简介及放映电影。

    The Foreign Correspondents'Club offers its members social facilities and a range of professional activities , including news conferences , briefings and films .

  14. 随着中国在国际事务和世界经济中的地位不断提高,交替传译正被广泛应用于演讲、授课、高级会议和新闻发布会等涉外活动中。

    As China assumes an increasingly important role in international affairs and global economy , consecutive interpretation is widely used in political talks , business meetings , lectures and press conferences .

  15. 周日,十二届全国人大一次会议举行新闻发布会,宣布所有代表都已到达北京,中国一年一度最大的立法会议即将开幕。

    China is ready for the opening of the annual session of its top legislature , with all delegations having arrived in Beijing , according to the session 's press center on Sunday .

  16. 科学家在加利福尼亚州圣地亚哥举行的美国天文学会会议的新闻发布会商表示,他们于2015年12月26日再次探测到了“时空结构中的涟漪”--引力波。

    The gravitational waves , ripples in the fabric of spacetime , were observed for a second time on Dec. 26 , 2015 , at 03:38:53 UTC , scientists said at a press conference during the American Astronomical Society conference in San Diego , California .

  17. 今天在布鲁塞尔会议的CNN新闻记者约翰·罗伯特实际上与国务卿希拉里·克林顿谈到军队的承诺。

    CNN 's John Robert in Brussels covering the meeting today actually talked to the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton about the troop commitments .

  18. 他已得到会议的内幕新闻。

    He 's got inside news about the meeting .

  19. 您还将看到更多的网络会议和在线新闻发布会。

    You are also seeing more frequent use of webinars and online press briefings .

  20. 对外关系司和理事会秘书处会议事务、新闻和对外关系司

    Division of External Relations and Governing Council Secretariat

  21. 与主要会议参加者的新闻发布会

    Press briefing with key meeting participants

  22. 中午将有一次音频的电话会议分析家和新闻的东部时间。

    There will be an audio conference call at noon ET for analysts and the press .

  23. 本文对几次在线访谈、第一天和第二天的早间会议,以及新闻发布会进行了总结。

    This post summarizes various live interviews and the day1 and2 morning keynotes and press conferences .

  24. 该刊包括原创文章,社论,评论文章,医学进步,简报,病例报告,会议录,新闻和说明。

    The journal includes Original Articles , Editorial , Review Articles , Medical Progress , Brief Reports , Case Reports , Conference Proceedings , News and Notes .

  25. 埃及司法部长詹迪在紧急内阁会议后的新闻发布会上说,政府正采取果断行动以防止事态失控。

    Justice Minister Abdel Aziz Al Gindy told journalists after the meeting the government was taking decisive steps to prevent the situation from spiraling out of control .

  26. 即将离任的美联储主席本伯南克(BenBernanke)在那次会议结束后的新闻发布会上曾暗示,美联储可能以每次开会决定缩减100亿美元的步伐逐渐减少资产购买。

    In his press conference after the meeting , outgoing chairman Ben Bernanke signalled that the Fed was likely to slow its purchases by $ 10bn at each meeting .

  27. 当时马诺娃在播报亚太经济合作会议(APEC)新闻。当念到美国总统奥巴马的名字时,她被镜头捕捉到举起左臂,做出了竖中指的不雅手势。

    To broadcast bosses'horror , Ms Limanova was caught mechanically raising her left arm and showing the camera her raised middle finger after referencing US President Barack Obama .

  28. 美联储只在为期两天的会议结束后举行新闻发布会。

    The Fed holds a press conference only after two-day meetings .

  29. 她走进会议大厅,在新闻记者席上就座。

    She went into the convention hall and took a seat at the press table .

  30. 拉米雷斯是在乌里韦总统当日在安蒂奥基亚省主持的特别安全会议结束后向新闻界宣布这一决定的。

    Ramirez told the media about this decision on the same day after the conclusion of a special security meeting in Antioquia state presided by President Alvaro Uribe .