
  • international news
  1. ThomasWitherspoon:“我们的收音机主要供给没有其他途径来获得国际新闻和信息的人。他们很难学习新的语言,很难与更加广阔的世界联系。”

    THOMAS WITHERSPOON : " Our radios are going to people who have no other source of international news and information . It 's hard for them to learn new languages and be connected to the bigger world .

  2. 当被问到阿里安娜·赫芬顿(AriannaHuffington)公司的国内和国际新闻网站网络的负责人是否计划为威瑞森工作时,阿姆斯特朗说:当然会。

    Asked if Arianna Huffington , who runs the network of domestic and international news sites , was planning to work for Verizon , Armstrong said : Yes , definitely .

  3. 他是鲁珀特·默多克在国际新闻公司的得力助手。

    He is Rupert Murdoch 's right-hand man at News International .

  4. 他们在国际新闻组有一个短期的空缺职位。

    They had a short-term vacancy for a person on the foreign desk

  5. 一全文参考翻译早上好,这里是亚特兰大CNN国际新闻中心。

    Good morning to you from the CNN Center in Atlanta .

  6. 论CNN国际新闻报道的策略

    The Strategy for the CNN 's World News Report

  7. JamesFahn是泰国的一名记者,还是国际新闻培训机构(Internews)地球记者网络的执行主任。

    James Fahn is a Thailand-based journalist and the executive director of Internews'Earth Journalism Network .

  8. 国际新闻主编周看(JoeKahn)将负责NYTGlobal的采编战略。国际部总裁史蒂芬·丹巴-约翰逊(StephenDunbar-Johnson)将主持商务运营。

    Joe Kahn , an assistant masthead editor for international , will lead NYT Global 's editorial strategy alongside Stephen Dunbar-Johnson , the international president , who will oversee the business operations .

  9. 总部位于布鲁塞尔的国际新闻工作者协会的非洲项目负责人GabrielBaglo要求青年党立即释放Adan。

    Gabriel Baglo , head of the Africa program for Brussels-based International Federation of Journalists , called for Adan 's immediate release .

  10. 在卢旺达,多数民族Hutus屠杀少数民族Tutsis,国际新闻报道,这是基于种族主义的悲剧。

    In Rwanda , when the MAJORITY Hutus attacked and massacre the minority Tutsis , the World Press reported it as a racial-based tragedy .

  11. 据报道超过70000名叙利亚人死亡,现在我们说据报道是因为无法确认数字,或确认暴力事件,这是因为叙利亚并没有给CNN或任何其他国际新闻机构自由进入这个国家的权利。

    More than 70000 Syrians are reported to have been killed , now we say reported because it 's not possible to confirm that number , or to confirm some of the accounts of violence , that 's because Syria hasn 't give CNN or any other International news organizations free access inside the country .

  12. 文化差异在国际新闻传播中的影响

    The Influence of Cultural Difference on the Spread of International News

  13. 通过几个关键词勾勒国际新闻传播理论研究的概貌

    Key Words of the Literature of International Journalistic and Disseminating Theories

  14. 你昨天有没有看晚上播送的国际新闻?

    Did you watch the evening broadcast of world news yesterday ?

  15. 为了看国际新闻,我每天都要上两次互联网。

    I surf the Internet twice a day for the international news .

  16. 学习国际新闻浪费时间和增加学生学业负担。

    Studying international news wastes time and increase the burden of students'learning .

  17. 他回家正好赶上看电视台的国际新闻。

    He got home in time for the world news on tv .

  18. 国外学术界的国际新闻研究:方法与现状

    The Study of International News in Foreign Academia : Methods and Trends

  19. 国际新闻广播节目给大家提供了一个了解他国人民的世界之窗。

    International news broadcasts provide a window on the world .

  20. 由国际新闻集团所拥有的两家公司。

    Two companies , both of which are owned by news international .

  21. 论《红军日报》国际新闻的指导思想

    On the Guidelines of International News Reporting of the Red Army Daily

  22. 大部分男士喜欢看头版,也看国际新闻的部分。

    Most men like the front page and the world news section .

  23. 试谈新形势下地方报纸国际新闻版的编辑工作

    Talk Aout Editorial Work of Page of International News Under New Situation

  24. 国内新闻在国际新闻之后报道。

    The national news comes after the international news .

  25. 你看国际新闻了没?

    Ann : Have you read the international news ?

  26. 这个记者被派去采访国际新闻。

    The reporter was assigned to cover international news .

  27. 26那些学习国际新闻课程的学生通常会拥有更加敏锐的观察力。

    Students studying international news often have keen insight .

  28. 有时候国际新闻很难懂。

    International news is hard to understand sometimes .

  29. 现在正在播国际新闻。

    It is broadcasting the international news now .

  30. 地方报纸国际新闻对比分析&现状与对策

    A Comparative Analysis of the International News from Regional Newspapers : Problems and Strategies