
  • 网络International Sales Staff
  1. 上周逮捕十四名国际足协官员以及营销人员的是美国司法调查部的一个成立了四年的部门。

    The arrest last week of 14 Fifa officials and marketing executives was sparked by a four-year US department of justice investigation .

  2. 国际性杂志《电子世界》曾就什么是全球市场经营的最大障碍这个问题在全球范围内向国际营销人员调查,在所得到的八大障碍中文化差异被列在榜首。

    International journal " e-world " made a survey on " What is the biggest obstacle to business on global market ? " within the international marketing staff . Culture is the fist one in the eight obstacle list .