
rén shì jīnɡ lǐ
  • personnel manager
  1. 把你的申请信寄给人事经理。

    Address your application to the Personnel Manager .

  2. 如果你工作中需要帮助,人事经理应该能帮上忙。

    If you need help at work , your Personnel Manager should be able to help .

  3. 很多人事经理最初是从秘书或人事助理做起,然后慢慢升上去的。

    Many personnel managers started as secretaries or personnel assistants and worked their way up .

  4. 人事经理是thepersonnelmanager。Susan开始问道,MayIseeMr.JohnWatt,thepersonnelmanager?我想见人事经理。MayI…?,

    Susan : Excuse me , may I see Mr. John Watt , the personnel manager ?

  5. 即便在经济衰退开始之前,约有60%的人事经理在接受人力资源管理协会(SocietyforHumanResourceManagement)采访时表示,他们在求职者的个人简历中碰到过各种各样的谎言。

    Even before the recession got underway , over 60 % of hiring managers told the society for human resource management they were finding all sorts of untruths in job applicants ' CVs .

  6. 乔丹·施密特(JordanSchmidt)是哈特鲁茨农场的人事经理,她曾在卫斯理安大学主修环境科学。

    Jordan Schmidt , a crew manager here at Hearty Roots , studied environmental science at Wesleyan .

  7. 有人质疑该调查的实用性。对此EIU表示,调查旨在为人事经理提供参考,他们可利用这一调查结果来计算如何为在全球城市间移居的经理和公司高管提供补偿。

    While some question its utility , the EIU says its survey is intended for human resources managers , who use the findings to calculate how to compensate its managers and executives as they move from one city to another across the globe .

  8. 这个公司在招聘一名人事经理。

    The company is on the hunt for a personnel manager .

  9. 人事经理:你现在有工作吗?

    HR manager : Do you have a job right now ?

  10. 人事经理马上会见你。

    The personnel manager will be seeing you in no time .

  11. 而对于该趋势,人事经理们的态度截然不同。

    But HR managers might have vastly different attitudes towards this trend .

  12. 一些人事经理非常反对雇佣实习生。

    Some hiring managers hate the idea of hiring interns .

  13. 她接受的新人训练从人事经理梅尔.布朗的办公室开始。

    Her orientation begins in the office of personnel manager Mel Brown .

  14. 通常来说,人事经理希望求职者主动谈薪。

    Generally speaking , hiring managers expect candidates to negotiate .

  15. 人事经理亲自拜访她。

    The personnel manager called on her in person .

  16. 请问明天九点三十分之前人事经理能见我吗?

    Do you think the staff manager could see me tomorrow before 9.30 ?

  17. 协助人事经理安排内部员工培训及通知。

    Arrange training schedule and coordinate with HR BP inform department people join training .

  18. 遵守人力资源总监和人事经理的统一领导与监督,服从公司的规章制度。

    Under the HR Dir and Personnel manager within the campany policies and procedure .

  19. 广汽本田汽车有限公司人事经理徐君(音译)评论如下:

    Comment by Xu Jun , HR manager at Guangqi Honda Automobile Co Ltd :

  20. 具体时间是下周一上午10点,地点在我们的人事经理办公室。

    It is scheduled on the morning of next Monday10AM in the HR manager office .

  21. 汇总详细的薪资福利信息,向公司管理层和人事经理提供调查结果。

    Collect detailed compensation information to prepare exhibits for Management Committee and Human Resources Executives .

  22. 人事经理答应他将调查公司职员的疾苦。

    The personnel manager promises he will look into the grievance of the office staff .

  23. 而他却再也没有接到该人事经理的电话。

    The HR manager never called back .

  24. 好吧。我给你接人事经理布莱克先生。

    Oh yes . I 'll put you through to the personnel manager , Mr. Black .

  25. 毕业生倾向于强调他们对工作的热情,但是人事经理期望的不止如此。

    Fresh grads tend to emphasize how enthusiastic they are but HRs expect more than that .

  26. 公关负责人通常比人事经理等其他部门主管有更多的应酬任务。

    Public relations executives usually have more entertaining to do than , say , personnel managers .

  27. 人事经理的一个工作就是领导一些专家。

    One aspect of the personnel manager 's job is to lead a team of specialists .

  28. 事实上,有些人事经理不得不在年底前完成其招聘的指标。

    In fact , some hiring managers are scrambling to fill positions before the new year .

  29. 这会有助于经常逛这些论坛的人事经理找到合适的候选人。

    This could help when the hiring manager is browsing forums to find the right candidate .

  30. 有专家表示,有多达85%的人事经理在面试之前或之后会利用谷歌来搜索申请人的信息。

    Some experts report that up to85 % of hiring managers'Google'a candidate before or after an interview .