
shí xí shēnɡ
  • intern;trainee;apprentice
实习生 [shí xí shēng]
  • (1) [trainee]∶受训学员,一个受训练准备参加一种工作的人

  • (2) [intern]∶某一专业(如师范)的高年级或刚毕业的大学生,在有经验的工作人员的指导下学习实际工作经验

  1. 这个实习生很有可能在没有人看管时又将这封信拿走了。

    The intern likely took the letter again once nobody was watching it .

  2. 现在实习生、参观者或盗贼想要偷窃这样的信件是很困难的。

    It would now be difficult for an intern , visitor or a thief to steal a document like this .

  3. 我们今年接收的实习生已满员。

    We 've taken our full complement of trainees this year .

  4. 实习生随后将会与经验丰富的经理结成对子。

    The trainees will then be paired with experienced managers .

  5. 我的第一份工作是在一家银行做大学毕业实习生。

    My first job was as a graduate trainee with a bank .

  6. 1986年,44%的实习生为女性。

    In 1986 , 44 per cent of those admitted to articles were women .

  7. 实习生顺利地通过了测试。

    The trainees checked out all right .

  8. 联邦调查局告诉我们,这封信丢了,并且很有可能是被一个实习生拿走了。

    It was noted as missing and likely taken by an intern , from what the FBI is telling us .

  9. 据说,当有人请求借阅这封信做研究时,才发现这封信丢了。但这个实习生归还了这封信。

    Word got out that it was missing when someone asked to see the letter for research purposes , and the intern put the letter back .

  10. 这位实习生在护士的照看下给病人包扎伤口。

    The intern bandaged the cut as the nurse looked on .

  11. 我们的实习生也会在嘉宾抵达演播室的时候向他们致以问候

    Our interns also greet our guests when they arrive in our studios .

  12. 实习生们会在一个小时后到。

    The trainees1 will be here in an hour .

  13. 实习生雇主包括纽约市医院(NewYorkCityhospital)和佳士得拍卖行(Christie'sauctionhouse)。

    Employers ranged from a New York City hospital to Christie 's auction house .

  14. 你将以实习生的身份和马萨诸塞州国会议员Richard在国会山工作

    you are gonna intern on the capitol hill with your congressman from Massachusetts Richard

  15. 用ABC分析法探索师范实习生对指导教师的心理需求

    ABC Analysis Approach Used to Explore the Intern ′ s Psychological Needs of Instructor

  16. 我正在以实习生的身份,供职于全球社会风险投资基金acumenfund。

    I am working as an intern with acumen fund , a global social venture fund .

  17. 现实情况是,美国重要机构从来都不会招MBA实习生。

    The reality is that key US agencies have no experience with hosting MBAs [ for internships ] .

  18. 尽管还有其他10来个实习学生,但我是唯一的MBA实习生。

    Although there are a dozen or so other students on internships , I am the only MBA intern .

  19. 这两个小年轻看似有可能牵手,可是Daisy这个生涩的实习生真的适合当五月新娘的料么?

    Maybe , but this newbie intern is hardly May sweeps bride material .

  20. 不过,民权中心的实习生埃斯特尔·林(EsterRim)能体会最高法院的裁决带来的失望之情。

    Ester Rim , an intern at MinKwon , could , however , relate to the disappointment in the Supreme Court .

  21. inspiringinterns这家位于伦敦的公司,自夸它可以在三天内提供能胜任岗位的实习生。

    Inspiring interns , a London firm , boasts that it can provide competent interns within three days .

  22. 我最初在Texas大学的Austin数据处理部门获得了“开发实习生”的职位。

    I landed a " programmer trainee " position at the University of Texas at Austin Data Processing Division .

  23. InternAware运动副总监本莱昂斯(BenLyons)表示,他就曾遇到过招聘前台实习生和厨师实习生的广告。

    Ben Lyons , co-director of campaigners Intern Aware , says he has come across advertisements for intern receptionists and cooks .

  24. 美银美林(BankofAmericaMerrillLynch)一位21岁的实习生死亡,致使人们呼吁伦敦金融城的银行整顿年轻员工的工作文化。

    Banks in the City of London are facing calls to overhaul the working culture for younger staff following the death of a 21-year-old intern at Bank of America .

  25. 现在职场上有四类不同的人:Z一代(实习生)、Y一代(普通职员)、X一代(管理者)和婴儿潮一代(高管)。

    There are now four distinct generations in the workforce : Gen Z ( interns ), Gen Y ( employees ), Gen X ( managers ), and Baby Boomers ( executives ) .

  26. 她现在更愿意在自己的非政府组织中聘请mba实习生,而非最初计划的聘请来自慈善相关行业的毕业生或硕士生。

    She now prefers to take on MBA interns in her NGO , as opposed to her original plan of hiring graduates or masters students from charity-related industries .

  27. 实习生不再做可有可无的事,管理顾问和行政人员教练MarcDorio说。

    Internships arent about busywork anymore , says management consultant and executive coach Marc Dorio .

  28. 剧中的女主角吉成千奈美由28岁的泽尻绘里香饰演,这也是泽尻绘里香阔别8年重新回归后出演的首部日剧。(这块儿你再check一下)该剧讲述了吉成千奈美从兼职实习生干起,逐步成为主编的奋斗之路。

    Sawajiri Elika , 28 , who returned to the TV screen after being absent for eight years , plays the role of Yoshinari Chinami , a young woman who starts as a part-timer but gradually pushes her way up .

  29. 在MBA通常为一年制的欧洲,这种情况造成了一个难题:通常,MBA学员刚开始上金融课没几周,就开始接受实习生面试了。

    In Europe , where one-year MBAs are the norm , this creates a conundrum : often candidates are being interviewed for internships only weeks into their first finance classes .

  30. 伯恩斯于1980年以暑期实习生的身份开始在Xerox工作,一年后拿到硕士学位后正式加盟该公司。

    Burns first worked for Xerox in1980 as a summer intern and joined a year later after her master 's degree .