
  • 网络Data Analyst;statistical analyst;Business Analyst
  1. 2013年,数据分析师埃德蒙·赫尔墨(EdmundHelmer)计算出奥斯卡获奖影片的相对票房价值为300万美元,这通常不到电影公司奥斯卡宣传费的一半。

    In 2013 , the data analyst Edmund Helmer put the relative box-office value of an Academy Award win at $ 3 million & often less than half of what a studio spends in its Oscar promotion .

  2. 托尼曾在一家跨国公司担任了5年的数据分析师,经常与外籍女同事交流。

    Tony has worked as a data analyst at a multinational company for five years and has regular interactions with female foreign co-workers .

  3. 2.网络系统和数据分析师Networksystemsanddataanalysts这个职业的全名叫做“网络系统和数据通信分析师”,虽然名字很长,但我们还是值得将它记住。国家劳工统计局的数据显示,它是美国成长第二快的职业。

    This occupation 's full title is " network systems and data communication analysts . " And while it 's a mouthful , it is worth remembering as it 's the second-fastest growing occupation in the U.S. , according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics .

  4. 这个由36个宇航员、数据分析师和行星科学家组成的小组在两篇研究论文中详述了他们的发现,并在周三NASA举行的新闻发布会上讨论了其成果。论文已提交给《天体物理学杂志》(AstrophysicalJournal)。

    The team of three dozen astronomers , data analysts and planetary scientists detailed their findings in two research papers submitted to the Astrophysical Journal and discussed their findings Wednesday during a press conference held by NASA .

  5. 但是在本文的讨论中,参与者包括企业内的业务线(LOB)用户和数据分析师,以及与企业有业务关系的商业伙伴和代理商。

    But for the purpose of this discussion , stakeholders consist of line of business ( LOB ) system users and data analysts within the enterprise , and stakeholders such as trading partners and agents that have extended relationships with the enterprise .

  6. 詹姆斯称:“在应用于金融之前,分析学的革命便已在棒球界展开,这使得棒球在某种程度上成为分析学应用的范例。”并非偶然的是,当今顶尖的政治数据分析师纳特•西尔弗(NateSilver)是棒球统计员出身。

    James says , " The analytic revolution hit in baseball before it did in finance , for example , and that made baseball sort of a paradigm of how this works . " It 's no accident that today 's leading political number-cruncher , Nate Silver , began as a baseball statistician .

  7. 数据分析师一般喜欢先寻找非常态的信息。

    Data analysts start by looking for information that 's out of the norm .

  8. 策略师以及基金流动数据分析师已经在宣扬新兴市场的反向操作方式。

    Strategists and fund flow data analysts are already flashing contrarian indicators for emerging markets .

  9. 如果没有软件,网络规划设计师和数据分析师又有什么用?

    What would all that planning and design by network and data analysts be worth without software ?

  10. 莫雷扩充了球队中专注于球员、前景及团队的数据分析师。

    Morey has increased the team 's staff concentrating on statistical analysis of players , prospects and teams .

  11. 几位离婚律师和数据分析师周一接受采访时表示,此类事件时有发生,只不过没那么吸引公众注意。

    Divorce lawyers and data analysts interviewed on Monday said less public versions of this story play out all the time .

  12. 22岁的新娘是一名系统数据分析师和IT指导师。在婚礼上她佩戴着镶有六颗泪滴状祖母绿的钻石头冠,奢华到令人惊叹。

    The 22-year-old bride , who worked as a systems data analyst and IT instructor , sported a breathtaking diamond tiara studded with six teardrop-shaped emeralds .

  13. 夏初,数据分析师在分析阿里巴巴[微博]内衣销量的时候发现一个有趣的趋势:购买内衣罩杯越大的女性花的钱越多。

    Early this summer , data analysts found an interesting trend in the analysis of Alibaba 's bra sales : women who bought bigger sizes spend more money .

  14. 专业的数据分析师会通过电子数据创造出一张描述你过去消费情况(记录嗅探)和通过何种渠道消费(行为嗅探)的图表。

    Professional data-miners use electronic data to create a detailed picture of what you have bought in the past (" history sniffing ") and how you bought it (" behaviour sniffing ") .

  15. 住在北京工业大学附近的数据分析师李继义(音译)表示,学生的跳蚤市场之所以如此吸引同学,甚至一些非学生群体也会光顾,其原因就在于它的“慈善性质”。

    However , the " charity " nature of student flea market is the reason why it is so attractive to many , including non-students , according to Li Jiyi , a data analyst in the neighborhood of Beijing University of Technology .

  16. 最新发布的一批数据让分析师们断定,第三季度经济增长率将更接近7%。

    The latest batch of data has led analysts to conclude that growth in the third quarter will be closer to 7 per cent .

  17. 对计算机科学家,数据库管理员,网络系统和数据交流分析师,电脑软件工程师的需求持续增长。

    The need continues to grow for computer scientists , database administrators , network systems and data communication analysts , and computer software engineers .

  18. 美国还将于周三发布零售销售数据,分析师预计今年一季度消费者支出将继续强劲增长。

    US retail sales figures are also out on Wednesday and analysts expect to see continuing strong growth in consumer spending during the first quarter of the year .

  19. 政府将在周五发布二季度数据,分析师预计,尽管受到住房和汽车销售的提振,二季度增长率也只会在1%到1.5%之间。

    The second quarter was worse . Analysts expect the government estimate , due Friday , to be between 1 % and 1.5 % despite a boost from housing and auto sales .

  20. 三季度的GDP数据推翻了分析师的预测,这些预测普遍要更为乐观。

    The third-quarter G.D.P. figure confounded analyst forecasts , which were mostly more optimistic .

  21. 意料之中尽管IHSMarkit的英国经济数据低于大多数分析师的期待,它对更广泛的欧元区经济状况判断却较为乐观。

    While IHS Markit 's reading on the UK economy was worse than most analysts expected , its verdict on the wider eurozone economy was more cheery .

  22. 尽管目前小米在华销量排名不及苹果,但国际数据公司的分析师MelissaChau说,小米很快有望跻身前五。

    Though Xiaomi sits below Apple in China for now , IDC analyst Melissa Chau said the company is poised to get into the top five soon .

  23. 智能手机和平板电脑以个人电脑事实上不能跟上的速度增长,由于设备价格以及一定程度的通用性,互联网数据中心的分析师RyanReith说。

    Smartphones and tablets are growing at a pace that PCs can 't realistically keep up with because of device prices and to some extent disposability , said Ryan Reith , IDC 's analyst .

  24. 虽然詹姆斯拥有眩目的统计数据,很多分析师都认为他是当今最佳球员,但不用考虑这些。

    Ignore his gaudy statistics , and never mind that many analysts consider him the best player on the planet .

  25. 这些数据来自金融分析师、记者和银行业人士所作的评估,依据的是他们对俄罗斯公司控制状况的了解。

    The figures derive from assessments made by financial analysts , journalists and bankers , based on their perceptions of control .

  26. 中国将于本周三公布2015年第一季度的经济增长数据。多数分析师预计,中国的经济增长速度将为7%。

    China is due to report first-quarter growth figures on Wednesday , with most analysts expecting a 7 per cent expansion .

  27. 类似于知识发现和自动化的数据挖掘,分析师需要获得访问能力来检索和汇总大数据云环境中的信息。

    Akin to knowledge discovery and automated data mining , analysts need access to retrieve and summarize the information in the big data cloud environment .

  28. 虽然政策制定者预计全球经济将经历一段崎岖不平的道路才能恢复健康,但美国和欧洲的一连串负面经济数据还是让分析师困扰,并遏止了股市涨势。

    Although policymakers predicted a bumpy rebound in global economic health , the raft of negative data in the US and Europe confounded analysts ' predictions and halted gains in equity markets .

  29. 数据促使许多分析师调高了对2014年一季度消费的预测,不过1月和2月的疲软意味着一季度整体而言增长仍将疲弱。

    The figures led many analysts to upgrade their estimates for consumption in the first quarter of 2014 , although the weakness in January and February means it is still likely to be a weak quarter for growth .

  30. 从既定人群——客户、病人、即将假释的囚犯、选民或员工——过去和当前的行为数据入手,分析师就能预知他们下一步可能的行为。

    Starting with data about the past and current behavior of a given group of people -- whether customers , patients , prison inmates up for parole , voters , or employees -- analysts can predict what they 'll probably do next .