
  • 网络mathematics textbooks
  1. 民国时期主要使用的数学教科书(1911-1949)

    Mathematics Textbooks Mainly Used in the Republic of China ( 1911-1949 )

  2. 人教版义务教育三年制初一数学教科书(试用修订版)简介

    A brief introduction of people education press mathematics textbooks for seventh grade students

  3. 共同创始人Neeru。科斯拉说,这一非盈利组织已经开发了大约两年的数字版科学和数学教科书。

    Co-founder Neeru Khosla says the nonprofit group had been developing digital science and math books for about two years .

  4. 他在图书馆看一本数学教科书。

    He was reading a math textbook in the library .

  5. 事实上他们没有写专门的数学教科书。

    In fact , there were no separate mathematical texts .

  6. 教科书的情境化是小学数学教科书的突出特征。

    The contextualization is a distinctive feature of mathematical textbooks in primary school .

  7. 本研究得出以下结论:第一,我国小学数学教科书承载的是国家认可的价值取向。

    Firstly , the values from math textbooks are recognized by the country .

  8. 课程内容表征多样化,包括外在表征的多样化,应该成为我国中小学数学教科书研究的重要内容。

    The diversity of representation is the important topic of mathematics curriculum and textbook .

  9. 另外,对数学教科书中缺乏多元文化的原因做了探寻。

    Besides , this paper explores the reasons why the mathematics textbooks lack multicultural .

  10. 他把数学教科书丢了。

    He lost his mathematical textbook .

  11. 20世纪中国小学数学教科书内容的改革与发展研究

    Evolution and Development about the Content of the Primary Mathematics Textbooks in China during the 20th Century

  12. 中国与新加坡初中数学教科书结构比较研究

    Comparison on the Structure of Teaching Material of Mathematics for Junior Middle School between China and Singapore

  13. 三种版本的数学教科书是基于问题与理解之维进行建构。

    Three versions of the mathematical textbook is based on the problems and understanding to construct . 4 .

  14. 而数学教科书建构与评价又是数学教科书理论与实践中十分重要而又关键的问题。

    However , the construction and evaluation of mathematics textbooks is very important for its theory and practice .

  15. 信息技术在初中数学教科书中的呈现及其效果的学生认同研究

    The Study of Students ' Consentience on Appearance and Its Effect of Informational Technology in Junior Mathematics Textbook

  16. 研究表明:(1)三套初中数学教科书呈现的信息技术主要是计算器、计算机软件及网络技术。

    Information Technology in three editions textbooks are mainly appeared by calculator , computer software and Internet Technology .

  17. 三分之一左右的学生认为计算机软件应该呈现在初中数学教科书的正文中;

    About one of three students considers that computer software should appear in the main body of the textbook .

  18. 而且小组还要求出版商精简总是厚达一千页的数学教科书。

    And it urges publishers to shorten math textbooks , which are often up to a thousand pages long .

  19. 三种版本的数学教科书在文本信息的话语表达方式上发生了变革。

    There is change in the text information on the expression in three versions of the mathematics textbooks . 5 .

  20. 第四、我国小学数学教科书在一定程度上体现了多元文化的取向,但选择的内容有局限。

    At last , to a certain degree , the textbooks has multicultural tendency , but the content is restrictive .

  21. 数学教科书编写水平的高低、好坏直接影响着学生学习、掌握数学的程度。

    The level of mathematical textbook writing influences the students to study mathematics and the math level of students , directly .

  22. 初中数学教科书中涉及网络技术的实质性内容并不多,学生的认同程度不高。

    The textbook concerns only a little content about Internet Technology . Therefore , the students ' consentience is not high .

  23. 高中数学教科书更新了一次又一次,圆锥曲线作为解析几何的经典内容一直占有十分重要的位置。

    Point conic plays a very important role in analytic geometry although textbooks for senior middle school have been updated many times .

  24. 数学教科书是实现数学课程目标、实施数学教学的重要资源,是数学教学内容的主要依据。

    Mathematical textbooks are import resource to execute mathematical curriculum objective and teaching , and also the central foundation of mathematical teaching content .

  25. 本文指出了高等数学教科书中,不定积分的一个线性性质的条件及其证明的错误,并给出正确的证明。

    This paper discusses the property of the indefinite integral , indicating an error in the proof of the textbook and giving a correction .

  26. 小学数学教科书在小学阶段的学习中占有重要地位,是学生数学知识获取的主要途径,也是教师进行数学教学的主要依据。小学数学教科书出现城市化倾向严重影响了农村学生数学知识学习。

    Primary school mathematics textbook plays an important role in primary schools learning , and its tendency of urbanization affects mathematics learning among rural students .

  27. 而开展数学教科书中多元文化问题的研究,不仅转变了数学课程研究的视角,也丰富了数学教科书的编制理论。

    So developing the math textbook in multicultural , not only changed the mathematics curriculum research views , but also enriched the theory of math textbook .

  28. 在调查之前以课程标准为依据、高中数学教科书中的数学史内容为材料,设计了调查问卷并为后续访谈列出了提纲。

    Based on the curriculum standards and mathematics history involved in senior high school mathematics textbooks , questionnaire and the following up interview outline are designed .

  29. 本论文以初中(即7&9年级)数学教科书为例,采用文献法、文本分析法、问卷调查法。

    Mathematics textbook is the agency of linking those levels . This paper takes the textbook of 7-9 for example , adopting content analysis , interviewing and questionnaire .

  30. 回顾国内的数学教科书的研究现状,很少有系统的开展多元文化取向的数学教科书的研究。

    However , when reviewing the math textbook of the domestic present situation , there are few systems to carry out to the study of multicultural-oriented math textbook .