
  • 网络mathematical proposition
  1. 浅谈数学命题的推广与应用

    A Preliminary Study on Extension of Mathematical Proposition and its Application

  2. 论数学命题学习

    On the Theory of Learning of Mathematical Proposition

  3. 数学命题证明形式的逻辑分析和判定

    The Logical analysis and Judgment on the Proving Form of mathematical Propositions

  4. 中学数学命题教学是中学阶段数学教学的重要内容。

    Proposition teaching is the important contents of the high school mathematics teaching .

  5. 关于数学命题课及解题课的概括

    Summary of the Math Classes of Proposition and Solution

  6. 数学命题的证明步骤是由已知条件逐步推演形成的系统。

    The proving procedures of mathematical propositions construct the system deduced progressively from known conditions .

  7. 数学命题与证明中的数理逻辑

    Mathematical Logic in Proposition and Demonstration

  8. 浅谈数学命题的内在联系

    The Internal Relation of Mathematical Proposition

  9. 反证法是一种重要的证明方法,它在数学命题的证明中有直接证法所起不到的作用。

    The proof by contradiction is one of the most important methods of proving propositions in mathematics .

  10. 中考数学命题改革及其对教学的影响

    The Reform on the Mathematics Test Question Setting of Junior High School and Its Implications on Teaching

  11. 这类微观教学策略按照数学命题的教学环节,再分为数学命题教学前的准备策略、数学命题教学中的实施策略和数学命题教学后的评价策略。

    The other is microcosmic teaching strategy that consisted of teaching preparation , teaching operation and teaching evaluation .

  12. 数学命题属于数学的基础知识范畴,是数学学习的主要内容之一。

    Mathematical proposition belong mathematical basic knowledge , which is one of the chief content of mathematics learning .

  13. 基于情境认知的数学命题教学使学生有可能在真实的、逼真的活动中,通过观察、概念工具的应用以及问题的解决,来提高学习的有效性,并保证知识向真实情境的转移。

    Sit cog-based mathematical proposition teaching make it probable that students study more effective and avert their knowledge to reality situation .

  14. 结合这三个理论,对命题学习的心理进行分析,同时给出中学数学命题教学的教学策略。

    Combination of these three theories , Study on the psychological analysis of Proposition , Proposition of mathematics teaching strategies is given .

  15. 数学命题是数学逻辑推理的基础,是数学知识和各种数学问题的表现形式。

    Mathematical proposition is the mathematical basis of logical reasoning , is the manifestations of mathematics knowledge , and various of mathematical problems .

  16. 在经济学家的手中,这个故事变成了一个数学命题,可以拆开进行测试,以了解其运作原理。

    In the hands of economists it becomes a mathematical object that can be pulled apart and tested to see how it works .

  17. 被誉为数学家最精良的武器之一的反证法,是证明数学命题的一种重要方法。

    Reduction to absurdity , called as " one of the excellent weapons of mathematicians " is an important method of testifying maths proposition .

  18. 而阿基里斯悖论作为古希腊遗留下来的一个重要数学命题,一直影响着现代数学和物理的发展。

    As a classical proposition from the ancient Greece , Achilles Paradox has a long-term effect on the development of modern maths and physics .

  19. 如果能证明该蕴涵式为重言式,那么其数学命题的证明推理形式就是正确的。

    If the containing type can be proved to be heavy speech type , the method of the mathematical proposition proving and reasoning is correct .

  20. 研究数学命题学习策略,有助于高中数学教师在数学命题教学过程中,针对教学目标,有的放矢,提高教学效果。

    Learning strategies of mathematical propositions help high school mathematics teachers in the process of teaching mathematical proposition , aimed at teaching objectives , targeted to improve teaching effectiveness .

  21. 数学命题是指数学课程内容中的公理、定理、公式、法则等内容,这些内容反映了数学的重要思想方法和规律。

    Mathematical proposition is the index of the content of the axioms , theorems , formulas , rules and other elements that reflect the importance of mathematical thinking and laws .

  22. 研究数学命题学习策略,对于提高高中数学教师的教学和广大高中学生的数学学习都具有重要的理论意义和实际指导意义。

    Learning strategies of mathematical propositions , for teachers to teach high school mathematics and for the general high school students to learn mathematics have important theoretical and practical guide .

  23. 他从零开始,想要制造一台机器,来解决希尔伯特的问题,自动判断任意数学命题是否可以被证明。他似乎忘了数学是多么宏伟而复杂。

    He started from nothing , and tried to envisage a machine that could tackle Hilbert 's problem , that of deciding the provability of any mathematical assertion presented to it .

  24. 从设计组卷策略的角度出发,针对高等数学命题,详细介绍了一种简洁、实用、易于实现的组卷策略的实现过程。

    In view of college higher mathematics proposition , a brief , practical and realizable process of strategy of combination of test papers is introduced in greater detail from the angle of its design .

  25. 高中生的数学命题学习策略意识还不是很强,策略运用的自觉性、主动性、频繁性方面还有待进一步提高。

    The use of the mathematical proposition strategy of High school students is not very strong sense . At the same time , the strategic of consciousness , initiative need to be improved much .

  26. 第三,利用数学命题或者原题来作为导入手段,引起学生的注意,抓住学生与数学家智力竞赛的心里来激发学生的学习兴趣。

    Third , the use of mathematical propositions or import the original title as a means to stimulate students ' attention , students and mathematicians to seize the hearts quiz to stimulate students ' interest in learning .

  27. 数学命题是数学知识的主要部分,因此研究数学命题的教学策略对于提高数学教学质量、推进数学素质教育、提升数学教师的素养具有重要意义。

    The mathematical propositions play an important role in mathematics teaching , therefore teaching strategy of the mathematical proposition ( TSMP ) will exert a vital influence on stepping up quality of mathematics teaching for senior high school .

  28. 正如纽曼所说,有没有一个明确的方法,可以用一个机械的过程,来判断一个数学命题是否可以证明呢?

    Was there a definite method , or as Newman put it , a mechanical process which could be applied to a mathematical statement , and which would come up with the answer as to whether it was provable ?

  29. 掌握数学命题知识的牢固与否直接关系着学生分析问题解决问题的能力、关系着学生的数学思维、数学思想和数学方法,关系着将来对于新知识和新技能的学习。

    The mathematical proposition knowledge firmly grasp is directly related the ability of the students to analyze and solve problems , which not only decids students mathematical thinking and mathematical methods , but also decid students learning new knowledge and new skills in future .

  30. 本文采用常微分方程Lagrange变动参数法的思想,结合常微分方程边值问题的解法,给出在证明一类数学分析命题过程中构造辅助函数的方法。

    In this article , we give a method making auxiliary function to prove a class of proposition of mathematical analysis by Lagrange 's thought changing parameter and Solution of boundary value problem for ordinary differential equation .