
shuò rì
  • the first day of the lunar month;the first day of each month of the lunar calendar
朔日 [shuò rì]
  • [the first day of each month of the lunar calendar] 中国农历每月初一

朔日[shuò rì]
  1. 日食必发生在朔日,即农历的初一(朔)。

    Shuori solar eclipse will occur in that first day of the Lunar New Year ( New Moon ) .

  2. 唐代的日食记录,通常包括朔日干支、日食宿度、食分及起讫时刻等信息,总体以《新唐书天文志》的记载较为准确和完整,但脱漏失载的情况仍然存在。

    The record of solar eclipse in the XINTAGN SHU TIAN WENZHI is more accurate and complete on the whole , but cases of missing still exist .