
  • 网络Greek Cities;POLIS
  1. 古希腊城邦经济研究

    A Research on the Polis Economy of the Ancient Greece

  2. 试论希腊城邦与中国早期国家的差异&兼谈地理环境对国家经济结构及治理形式的影响

    On the Difference Between Grecian Polis and Chinese Early State

  3. 波斯帝国对希腊城邦政策的演变

    The Change of Persian Empire 's Policy of the Greek City-States

  4. 宗教对古希腊城邦对外关系的影响

    The Influence of Religion on the Foreign Relationship of Ancient Greek Poleis

  5. 希腊城邦间应坚持主权平等和不以武力相威胁的国际法基本原则。

    Equality in sovereignty and no menace from powers should be persisted .

  6. 希腊城邦制度与古代奥运会的产生

    Greek City state System and Appearance of Ancient Olympic Games

  7. 变形的镜像:学术界对古希腊城邦生活的误读

    A Transmutative Image : The Academia 's Misreading of Ancient Greek Polis life

  8. 从自组织观看古希腊城邦的分立史

    On the Divided History of Ancient Greece Cities from the Viewpoint of Self-organization

  9. 古希腊城邦,拉科尼亚地区首府,伯罗奔尼撒主要城市。

    Ancient Greek city-state , capital of Laconia and chief city of the Peloponnese .

  10. 希腊城邦社会经济性质简析

    Analysis of the Economic Characteristics of Greek City-states

  11. 希腊城邦制度的存在决定了古代奥林匹克的产生与发展。

    The existence of Greek city-state system decided the emergence and development of ancient Olympics .

  12. 希腊城邦制度浅析

    Brief analysis of the Greek political system

  13. 它主张知识与权力的结合,力图挽救希腊城邦的危机。

    It advocates the combination of knowledge and power to save the city-states from the crises .

  14. 演说家与希腊城邦政治

    Orators and Politics in Greek Polis

  15. 古代希腊城邦政治制度

    Political system of the Greek polis

  16. 古希腊城邦制度的产生与发展也相当深地受到这种经济方式及思想的影响。

    In addition , the origin and growth of ancient Creek city-states was also under its influence .

  17. 正义思潮的盛行与古希腊城邦制度的确立

    The Prevailing Trend of the " Justice " and the Establishing of the City-State System in Ancient Greece

  18. 亚里士多德住在可说是希腊城邦世界中,最顶尖的自治城市。

    Aristotle lived at the virtual cusp of the world of the autonomous city-state of the Greek polis .

  19. 希腊城邦为合作寻找可行基础的失败,使它们的政治灾祸在劫难逃。

    The failure of the Greek city-states to find a workable basis for cooperation doomed them to political disaster .

  20. 柏拉图认为希腊城邦起源于人们的互助和分工;

    Plato held that the Greek city-states originated from the people 's cooperation and from the division of labor .

  21. 三场著名的在希腊城邦中的战场;在公元前418年和公元前362年和公元前207年。

    The site of three famous battles among Greek city-states : in 418 BC and 362 BC and 207 BC .

  22. 但现在希腊城邦已经成长为极具竞争力的势力,已经开始促使他们追求更大的权利了。

    Now was also the time when the Greek city states grew to a potentially serious contender for these powers .

  23. 就其总体和基本趋势而言,法治是古代希腊城邦时期的一种社会状态。

    In terms of its entirety and basic tendency nomocracy is a special social form in the city-state era of Ancient Greece .

  24. 古希腊城邦制度的衰败和东方君主制度的入侵,人民原有的生活方式和思想被改变了。

    The ancient Greek city-state system of monarchy was replaced by eastern , which forced people to accept new ideas and life styles .

  25. 发轫于古希腊城邦时期的主动公民身份思想,随着近现代亲密性社会的兴起而日渐式微。

    Along with the rise of modern intimate society , the concept of active citizenship derived from the Ancient Greece is fading away .

  26. 希腊城邦社会就其经济性质而言是一种农业社会,而非工商业社会。

    As far as its economic essence is concerned , the Greek city-states were an agricultural society rather than an industrial or commercial one .

  27. 亚里士多德生活于希腊城邦奴隶制渐趋瓦解,社会矛盾愈演愈烈的时期。

    Aristotle lived in such a period of Greek city states which gradually tended to collapse and social conflicts became more and more acute .

  28. 蒋重跃认为,周代封国与希腊城邦间的相似之处表现有四,即古代中国的国字与古希腊文的城邦一词在含义上有相通之处;

    Jiang Chong - yue thinks that there are some similarities between conferred state in the Zhou dynasty and city - state of Greece ;

  29. 当文字还没有出现的时候,聪明智慧的希腊人通过行吟诗等交流方式保留和传播了古希腊城邦的文明。

    When the words do not appear , the wisdom Greek reserve and spread the ancient Greek civilization by poetry and other form communication ways .

  30. 作为生活在古希腊城邦时代的一名学者,他的思想是在城邦社会的环境下诞生的。

    As living in the era of ancient Greek city-states , a scholar , and his thinking is the social environment in the city was born .