
chāo zì rán
  • supernatural
超自然 [chāo zì rán]
  • [supernatural] 宗教迷信认为在自然界以外的,即所谓神灵、鬼魂等

  1. 对超自然现象在相当大的程度上采取不可知论的态度是20世纪几乎所有有头脑的人的标志。

    A considerable degree of agnosticism about the supernatural has been a mark of almost all thinking people in the20th century .

  2. Linux服务器通常作为守护程序(daemon)来实现,这一词源于希腊神话,其中守护神(daemon)是超自然生物。

    Linux servers are often implemented as daemons , a word derived from Greek mythology , in which daemons were helpful supernatural beings .

  3. 科学也许能够解释某些超自然现象。

    Science may be able to provide some explanations of paranormal phenomena .

  4. 巧合属于超自然现象吗?

    Does coincidence come under the umbrella of the paranormal ?

  5. SundanceChannel的《亡者归来》是一部改编自2004年电影的法国超自然剧集,凭借其引人深思的剧情推进速度和专注于人类关系而非嗜血怪物的主题颠覆了传统僵尸片。

    And Sundance Channel 's ' The Returned , ' a French supernatural drama based on a 2004 film , upended the traditional zombie category with its meditative pacing and focus on human connections over bloodthirsty monsters .

  6. 抱歉,太阳是万物在地球生存必不可少的条件Frosty只是一个冰冻的超自然生命短促之物,戴着偷来的帽子。

    Sheldon : Excuse me , but the sun is essential for all life on Earth . Frosty is merely a bit of frozen supernatural ephemera in a stolen hat .

  7. 该片导演温子仁(JamesWan)说:“我运用了大家熟悉的东西,然后对它做了进一步发挥,接下来超自然力量开始介入,我又开始运用它。”温子仁也是《电锯惊魂》(Saw)系列第一部(2004年)的导演。

    James Wan , the film 's director , who also started the ' Saw ' franchise in 2004 , says : ' I take something familiar , and I take it up a notch , and supernatural forces start to intervene and I play with them . '

  8. 就像之前的Elena一样,Cami是个人类女孩,不知道身边充满了各种超自然生物&但是她对这种力量非常好奇。

    Like Elena before her , Cami is a human , unaware of the supernatural storm brewing around her & but she 's certainly intrigued by the darker side of the French Quarter .

  9. 学者们有时会将这种超自然现象的流行概括为世界的某种“重新魔幻化”——正如德国社会学家马克斯·韦伯(MaxWeber)等众多学者曾经认为的,人们越来越多地意识到当代世界并非没有了魔幻色彩,

    Scholars sometimes talk about this supernaturalization as a kind of " re-enchantment " of the world - as a growing awareness that the modern world is not stripped of the magical , as the German sociologist Max Weber and so many others once thought ,

  10. 但是撰写多本介绍狗狗智商和行为书籍的作者StanleyCoren认为,狗狗感知地震的能力与任何超自然的现象无关,而是与狗狗敏锐的听力有关。

    But Stanley Coren , the author of many books about dog intelligence and behavior , suggests that the explanation for dogs ' ability to sense earthquakes has nothing to do with anything supernatural - and everything to do with dogs ' keen hearing .

  11. 现在该法律承认“魔法”和超自然力量。

    The law now recognises " magic " and supernatural powers .

  12. 他写的科幻小说将现实主义和超自然主义结合在一起。

    He writes fiction that marries up realism and the supernatural .

  13. 这些效果包括两类:类法术和超自然。

    These effects come in two types : spell-like and supernatural .

  14. 尽管他们有很多超自然的力量,但狼人不是不朽的。

    For all their supernatural power , werewolves aren 't immortal .

  15. 据说生活在那里的人们拥有超自然的能力。

    Those who live there are said to have supernatural powers .

  16. 我们所要对付的不是一只超自然的兔子。

    What we are dealing with here is no supernatural rabbit .

  17. 她毕生都在研究此地区的超自然现象

    She spent her life researching paranormal activity in this area .

  18. 宇宙的起源必须无可避免地诉诸超自然。

    The beginning of the universe unavoidably resort to the supernatural .

  19. 你可能还会在认知中产生前卫的超自然的理解。

    You may also bring occult knowledge forward into the light .

  20. 你认为那些伤口有什么超自然的意义吗?

    And did you attach any supernatural significance to these wounds ?

  21. 该书因其描绘的超自然的感官体验而获得赞誉。

    The book is hailed for its sensory , transcending nature .

  22. 先决条件:能以超自然能力使用心灵遥控能力。

    Prerequisite : Ability to use telekinesis as a supernatural ability .

  23. 据传他所具有的神奇的超自然特异功能。

    Fantastic occult powers that he was said to possess .

  24. 印度中期神话与超自然神的崇拜

    Indian Myths of the Middle Stage and the Worship of Supernatural Gods

  25. 各种时髦的超自然信仰的大杂烩(马丁加德纳)

    A smorgasbord of fashionable paranormal beliefs ( Martin Gardner )

  26. 我没有加入超自然朋友网。

    I don 't subscribe to the Psychic Friends network .

  27. 同样,人们还剥去了正义概念超自然的灵光。

    The concept of justice was likewise stripped of its metaphysical attributes .

  28. 神学一旦形成,它反过来就会唤起超自然的感觉。

    Once formulated ; a theology evokes in its turn numinous feelings .

  29. 我个人宁肯不信超自然的事件。

    I would rather not believe in supernatural events personally .

  30. 你怎么看待这些,所谓“超自然”的案件?

    How do you feel about this term " paranormal "?