
xī là yǔ
  • Greek;Greek language
  1. 公元600年到1200年的希腊语。

    The Greek language from about 600 to 1200 AD.

  2. 她从未下功夫学习掌握希腊语。

    She never managed to master the Greek language .

  3. 我不懂希腊语,于是迪娜主动给我翻译。

    I don 't speak Greek so Dina offered to translate for me .

  4. cancer这个词派生自希腊语中表示螃蟹的karkinos一词

    Cancer is derived from the Greek word for crab , karkinos .

  5. 拉丁语和希腊语将退出学校的课程表。

    Latin and Greek will be squeezed out of school timetables .

  6. 我学会了一丁点希腊语。

    I had acquired a smattering of Greek .

  7. 他只会说希腊语。

    He didn 't speak anything but Greek

  8. 我不得不学习希腊语。

    I had to learn Greek .

  9. 梵语和拉丁语、希腊语、日耳曼和凯尔特语是联系密切的同源语言。

    Sanskrit is related very closely to Latin , Greek , and the Germanic and Celtic languages .

  10. 老师们今天发出警告说,拉丁语、古希腊语和其他古典文学将被挤出学校的课程表。

    Teachers warn today that Latin , Greek and other classics will be squeezed out of school timetables .

  11. 他下决心学好希腊语。

    He was determined to learn Greek well .

  12. 她除了懂些希腊语之外,意大利语也说得很流利。

    Besides knowing some greek , she was fluent in italian .

  13. 直译过来就是:“强风”。有专家表示这个词汇源自于希腊语和阿拉伯语,中文翻译后意思加强了。China中国

    The literal translation is " strong wind . " Experts say the term , typhon from the Greek and Arabic , was strengthened with the Chinese translation .

  14. 来自于“猫”的希腊语说法ailurous。

    This word comes from ailurous , the Greek word for cat .

  15. 这个词的词根是kinein,是希腊语中“移动”的意思。

    The root of this word is kinein , Greek for to move .

  16. 词根kathizein是希腊语,表示“坐下”。

    The Greek kathizein means to sit down .

  17. 词根是希腊语amaxa,指“马车”,意指最早引发这一恐惧症的车辆。

    This word comes from the Greek amaxa , meaning wagon4 – which suggests the vehicle that first inspired this fear .

  18. 这个词的词根是希腊语aikhmē,指古代标志性的物件“矛”或“镖枪”。

    At the root of this word lies an iconic pointed object of the ancient world : the Greek aikhm ē means " spear " or " javelin3 . "

  19. 所谓的铅实际上是石墨,英语的LEAD源自希腊语的写。

    The lead is actually graphite from the Greek word to write .

  20. 他建立了一个城市并命其为Philadelphia,在希腊语中意为兄弟之爱。

    He established a city and named it Philadelphia , which is Greek for brotherly love .

  21. 然而,由于信奉巫术的传统,中国哲学家们“爱智慧”(小编注:“哲学”的英文philosophy源自希腊语,意为“爱智慧”)并不像西方哲学家们那样纯粹的。

    However , because of their unique identity as sorcerers , Chinese philosophers were not merely pursuing knowledge out of a pure " love of wisdom " as did their western counterparts .

  22. 在希腊语里面auto是“自己”、“自我”的意思,这位医生把auto定义为病态的自恋,也就是说病人沉浸在自己的幻想世界中。

    John : Yeah , and so , he derived it from the Greek word autos that meaning is " self " and used it to mean " morbid self-admiration . " John .

  23. 但即便面临各种混乱(chaos,讽刺的是这个词正是源于希腊语)依然存在机遇,华尔街中有人便在动荡中找到了增长的机会。

    Still , out of chaos ironic how that word comes from the Greek comes opportunity , and some people on Wall Street managed to find an upside in all the turmoil .

  24. 要度量非平均的程度,我们考虑电负性的差异,我要用希腊语第22个字母chi来表示电负性。

    And to measure the intensity of unequal sharing , we take the difference in electronegativity , which I am going to use the Greek symbol chi for .

  25. 关于我是否应该修希腊语GCSE课程。

    Whether or not I should do Greek GCSE .

  26. Soma在希腊语中是“肌体”之意,它意为人体的细胞与生殖细胞分离。

    The soma ( the ancient Greek word for body ) is all of a body 's cells apart from the sex cells .

  27. 但是如果按照严格的词源学&希腊语中‘auto’意为“自己”,拉丁语的“mobilis”意为“移动的”,那么骑式双轮车可算是第一辆自动车。

    But under the strictest etymology the Greek auto means " self " and the Latin mobilis means " mobile " the riding car was the first automobile .

  28. 电视这个词来源于希腊语词根(tele:远)和拉丁语词根(vision:景象),可以从字面上理解为来自远处的景象。

    The word television , derived from its Greek ( tele : distant ) and Latin ( visio : sight ) roots , can literally be interpreted as sight from a distance .

  29. 欧元符号是希腊语字母第五字厄普西隆、E和两条平行线的结合,分别象征欧洲文明、欧洲和欧元稳定。

    The glyph is " a combination of the Greek epsilon , as a sign of the weight of European civilization ; an E for Europe ; and the parallel lines crossing through standing for the stability of the euro " .

  30. 在希腊语中,ecclesia原本指什么?,在古希腊语中?

    In Greek , what does the term ecclesia originally refer to in classical Greek ?